Yellow Jacket is a soros funded operation. France is not uncucking itself. It's a not a "nationalistic revolution", it's not "justice finally happening! wooo go revolution!"
>MUH SOROS do people still buy this shit? There's no shady global organization, just a lot of retards and marxists ruining the west.
Adam Gonzalez
Sven cucks again
Ayden Allen
op is a big gay
Jason Hughes
This isn't Soros. This is Soros nightmare. This is what losing control look like. This is an anti-EU, anti-globalist, working-man's revolution from grassroots anger.
Lucas Jenkins
Source or kys
Jonathan Bennett
simply no Sven, you couldn't have been more wrong
Dylan Scott
You are truly goys. You think this color revolution is going to be to our benefit? You are being led to slaughter, but go ahead.
>Yellow Jacket is a soros funded operation. France is not uncucking itself. It's a not a "nationalistic revolution", it's not "justice finally happening! wooo go revolution!" >IT'S A SOROS OPERATION, END GOAL IS ROLLING OUT EU ARMY >THEY ARE NOT /OURGUYS/. THIS IS A TRAP
Probably this, nationalists don't go around burning or trashing museums, usually jews do that and will steal all the artwork and antiquities. Problem, reaction, solution = EU Army, you are correct sir and the naysayers are either literally retarded or just your garden variety hasbara shills who are up to their typical tricks.
Friendly reminder this is him shitting up other threads.
Colton Nelson
What purpose, exactly, is going to be served by biding our time and not taking chances? Our demographics are worsening by the day and nobody is coming to the rescue. Why would Soros disrupt the smooth, orderly slow-boil of Europe and its colonies? What do you propose instead?
Eli Flores
>le soros meme
Bentley Hall
Nice citation you got there.
Evan Myers
first of all, sauce second, division tactics and thirdly, swecuck
that is all
Nolan Kelly
Rises of taxes is due to Trump freezing Rothschild's assets so they try to raise funds by taxing french with the man they placed, Macron. So if the devil fight the devil, you know ...
Gabriel Jenkins
The movement is anti-globalist. Anti one world government. That is certainly not pro Soros. The time to act is now. Before the EU army does come to fruition.
Jacob Ward
I doubt it, neoliberals and globalists don't like any populist protests unless they are protesting white people or males. They certainly don't want a protest against higher taxes.
Jason Nelson
Nice concern shill
Liam Phillips
t. sven al-muhammadi
Parker King
soros is a crisis actor
Parker Price
Brayden King
The EU army will have to face the US, UK, Russia, China, the Middle East, and the rest of Asia. Globalist will die.
he won't reply. just look at the exlpanation in his picture. it doesn't explain shit it's just basicaly, Soros organized revolutions before so he must've organised this one because Trump can't talk to Putin in public. Just some bullshit for people who doesn't understand wtf is going on anyway
Jackson Sullivan
Hello Schlomo, does En Marche pay well these days? I heard Rotschilds ate stingy but not to their fellow tribesmen
He slips through one’s fingers like jelly only to coalesce again afterwards. >Gradually, I began to hate them
Liam Wood
Sorry man, Not gonna happen, And starting a thread after somebody posted that truly shows how cucked you are, Being on this website is reassurance enough that everything will be okay in the end, Fuck Macron!
And I will be there with my military grade pistol and mid tier body armor fighting to protect them because at the end of the day the check they write me puts food on the table. People like me exist, get used to it.
Nathaniel Lopez
are u an idiot? this is the climate accord government added tax on fuel.
Yep Jow Forums is being severely shilled. This is classic hegalian dialect by the way.
NWO created Problem -> Reaction (These riots) -> NWO Solution
The outcome will be terrible. Do nobody here remember the Orange Revolution in Ukraine? Ukraine got fucked shortly afterwards. You don't think these orange hat supporters thought they were confronting corruption? They thought it was a peoples movement, and there would finally be justice. How did that go?
All you fools supporting this will see how it was just another chess move by globalists. They profit from causing instability like this. You are being led to slaughter.
Nice job OP, look at all the jews who came out of their holes ITT.
Jose Hall
Now this is a shill operation
Fuck off
Jacob Hill
All the protestors are non-Jewish whites I have not seen even one token nigger!!! Yeah not Soros Also i think they burned down a modern art museum That is weirdly specific and tho not technically anti-Soros it is innately anti-kike
Dominic Watson
No it's not, don't forget Macron is Soros' pet.
Isaiah James
The EU just recently made it illegal to criticise "migration and migrants". This "revolution" will spread, retarded right wingers, left wingers, etc will all think it's a rightous revolution (shit on street will get destroyed, thats your accomplishment) EU will roll down Iron curtain, complete suppression of people, just like good old communist times.
The dumb plebs who partook the orange revolution believed themselves to be rightous, look what happened to Ukraine. You guys are being led to slaughter.
The Tea Party was funded by the Koch brothers. Why is it okay for them to fund political groups? Why don't they have conspiracy theories spun around them?
Robert Howard
Two obvious things: (1) no protest starts out of nowhere and without any organizing body (2) being anti-government doesn't necessarily means being anti-establishment
I believe that theres some in-fighting going on between globalists right now, and this movement is probably just a show of force of one side to the other. We all know how this will end anyway: the government will infiltrate someone to commit an "impious act" of violence and that will be enough to disperse the crowd.
Josiah Robinson
yeah right, climatehoax on the fuel french taxes, just a small percentage goes to the energical transition : the rest is for the debt
Joseph Myers
It smelled forced from the start. Definitely Soros.
I agree 100%, Ukraine orange "revolution" is first thing I thought off when seeing this forced yellow jacket shit in fRANCE;
Lincoln Hughes
Thank you, I was losing hope on Jow Forums. There is nobody in the main thread mentioning soros, or showing skeptisism towards this event. I know Soros is overly mentioned boogy man, but he is an entry pill to staged protests, which leads to uncontrollable riots, then regime change, where puppets of global kikery are installed. And dumb plebs are cheering all they into their own enslavement and slaughter.
This is how they killed Gadaffi, perhaps the jews are brazen enough to "finally" pull a colour revolution, in formerly stable western countries.
Nobody gives a shit about these colour revolutions in middle eastern shithole, or asian countries, those countries have always been unstable. People cared a little bit about eastern european ukraine, but still too eastern to care. But goys, this colour revolution ploy is now hitting WESTERN SHORES. This means our countries have been fractured and destablized enough for them to be brazen enough to pull it of in 1st world major european country. This is serious.
I fully understand peoples anger and resentment, I hate the government to, but I'm telling you that your resentment, hatred etc will all be weaponized to serve the end goal of kikes.
If you are one of the intelligent ones, and not part of the dumb NPC plebs, hold this yellow vest revolution to the highest suspicion.
I've done my duty and warned people, those who atleast wants to consider what I have written, good.
You know how I know this is not backed by Soros? Because our kikelord in chief BHL is opposed to it. Pic related, translation: >No, the manipulation of poverty by nationalists never helped the people. And no the yellow vest is not a grass root movement opposed to the "out of touch Parisian elites". Beware of the Le Pen, Melenchon, Dupont Aignan trap note: Le Pen = nationalist, Mélenchon = commie, Dupont Aignan = nationalist light
You colossal smoothbrain. There is literally no point to a liberal revolution in the already liberal French Republic. You're an obnoxious alarmist is what you are.
There has been 8+ color revolutions. The libyans thought they stood up against corruption and tyranny. The Ukrainans thought they stood up against corruption and establishment.
All those previous protesters before you thought they were right, but they got fooled. Are you really sure this time, it's a real organic movement? Are you really going all in on this movement? Or are you going to be smart, take two steps back, and evaluate the situation more carefully and hold healthy skepticism and suspicion?
I fucking hate you herd animal npc's so much. I used to warn people from getting scammed at early stages, but they never once listened, they even resorted to attack me. In the end, they all lost so much being fooled. The tragedy of always being right, but never have my words considered.
Remember, Soros tried to start colour revolution in America, after Trump won, but America was too stable for it to suceed. I'm sure idiots would call that a "patriotic revolution" with footage of Trump being beheaded or getting iron rod shoved somewhere.
Instability is their bread and butter. Now they have successfully weakened WESTERN 1st world country (!) Europe far enough to dare to pull a color revolution.
THINK you pigfuck, you are being led to slaughter and you celebrate it.
Again, read my comment: BHL was in favor of every colored revolutions and almost every (((US))) intervention.
Noah Phillips
What is there to evaluate you absolute genius? You have Macron doing stupid shit and you have a well-developed civic structure responding with a decentralised grassroots movement. It doesn't get more organic than that. What purpose would a liberal French revolution serve? There's nowhere more liberal to go from here. It makes exactly 0 sense for this to be a liberal revolution. The shit in Ukraine and the Middle East you can see from a mile away. Why? Because they're geopolitical targets of the US. They're also countries with shit-tier civic structures, so the people literally can't afford to revolt without foreign finance. France is a different story. There's neither a reason, nor an aim or the means for a liberal revolution in France right now.
>EU will roll down Iron curtain, complete suppression of people, just like good old communist times. that's why total execution of european politicians should be supported by everyone in the europe they have no right to do any of the shit they are doing censorship forcing migrants rising taxes taking away rights
we are long past the time we should be rioting, european politicians have to lose belief they will stay unpunished forever
Asher Lewis
g20 discussions
Owen Adams
this kike is full of shit. he knows it's not soros-backed but plays stupid anyway because they have pants on fire
Zachary Green
Provide one (1) proof
Nathan Edwards
yes surely they will use an european army to stop protestors. If anything it would be the final redpill. I want them in spain now.
Eli Myers
This. Him and Koch Brother NGOs don't protest anti-Capitalist ideas.
Landon Carter
You have nothing to back that up with except your own thoughts
Tyler Wright
op literally sucks niggerdick when nifggerdick doesn't fuck his wife
Everything they have done has been planned specifically to ignite a rebellion. The governments across Europe could have released the pressure valve numerous times but instead they did things to make the situation worse. They stopped accurate media reports and took over the government to ensure people had no other recourse except to violence. They have been waiting for this
dignity isn't given. It is earned through your own work and the fight against social racketeering. Manu the Macrouille (tl note: crouille is old slang for sandnigger) isn't my president. He's a disdainful pro-EU city-dweller who hates the French working class. Diesel and PMU (horses races and stuff), not bicycle and Quotidien (some faggy parisian TV talk show), OK.
Thomas Williams
>You are being led to slaughter. As opposed to what?
Zachary Wright
Benjamin Price
Angel Wilson
Swedes are genetically predisposed to being natural cucks.
>Many commenters on this matter like to blame Jewish influence for these shifts in social attitudes, and it is true that Ashkenazi Jews commonly hold and have promoted progressive agendas. But what these commenters ignore is this: why do people listen? Or more to the point, why have some people (and peoples) embraced these views and not others? A promoted agenda is only as good as the traction it gains. Clearly, the trend towards universalism has been the purview of Northwestern European societies almost exclusively. If Jewish influence has had any role, it is only in the form of a rush in a much larger prevailing current. >Indeed, Jews are a vanishingly small portion of the population in many of the most progressive countries, such as the Scandinavian ones. Sweden for example is known for being a foremost champion of progressive causes.