Women who are 10/10?

What traits do you think make a woman a 10/10? I don’t know if 10s exist. So how can a woman get close to being a 10?

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Being non-existent

Looks are one of the first things to fade in a woman so don't go for 10/10 in the looks dept. Find a woman who wants to marry you, have kids, and raise the family. She could be a 2/10 (as long as she isn't fat), and she be fine. Remember, marriage is forever and you'll be with this person for the rest of your life.

"Karlie Kloss Reportedly Converted to Judaism Before Getting Engaged to Joshua Kushner"

She would give up ger own religion for her jewish Chad.

Attached: karlie-kloss.jpg (900x767, 131K)

That’s a really sweet comment from pol. You must be a good man.


>thread theme


Just to add, I think a lot of extremely gorgeous women have the “beauty is a burden” syndrome. Imagine having people throwing themselves at you (I guess free shit isn’t bad)

Not politics, faggot,

She does have bad proportions for a 10. It's normie roastie tier. Waifu for me but not a model imo.

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