

Would there be any weight to this?

>Hype up a 1:100 year event
>Refererence back to some fictional “Restricted Release policy of 1919” to give a satirical edge. Maybe tie into WWI
>Make WWI era propaganda posters
>Shill through meme channels and social profiles
>Get a portion of the male population to stop wanking for a year (or as long as possible)
>Create a generation of ascended men
>Eveone agitated and jittery
>Comraderie builds
>Media releases news articles from scholars about the need to ejaculate
>These are ignored
>Porn stocks go down
>Chaos ensues month 3+

The stars are aligning Jow Forums. What now?

Attached: F5419554-5758-464A-9584-2682269F03CD.jpg (941x862, 257K)

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tldr but i no nutted the past 3 days and i feel great

Not that I care about the shit you wrote, but NoNut19 sounds a lot better.

I was already planning to do this-are you me?


Don’t jerk off faggots. Stick your dick in someone if you have to get off. Use that fucking testosterone to combat all that fucking onions you keep shoving into your skinny fat neckbeard mouths.


Really? I can’t say onions?


How fucking nu are you roody poo?

eh ill take a prostate massage

Watch your fucking language. It’s not crescent fresh.