Jews don't control the me-

Jews don't control the me-

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That ought to prove the whole “Jews run the media” idea is a false conspiracy eh

>one guy proves that a tiny ass religious community rules the USA
He violated his contract, he got fired. Simple as that.

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They're going apeshit over one particular phrase: "from the river to the sea". As if this one phrase completely invalidates his entire speech

spotted the kike

Marc Lamont Hill is an American writer and lecturer in communications at Temple University in Philadelphia, and also an analyst with CNN. In a speech last week at a United Nations conference he called for “international action that will give us what justice requires and that is a free Palestine from the river to the sea.”

In a matter of hours, the skies collapsed into well-orchestrated hysteria. Seth Mandel, editor of the Washington Examiner, accused Hill of having called for Jewish genocide; Ben Shapiro, an analyst on Fox News, called it an anti-Semitic speech; Consul Dani Dayan tweeted that Hill’s remarks were like a “swastika painted in red,” the Anti-Defamation League said they were tantamount to calling for Israel to be wiped off the map. The inevitable outcome was not long in coming and CNN fired the rebel analyst on the very same day.

How dare he? What was he thinking? Where did he think he’s living, in a democracy with free speech or a country where dialogue about Israel is under the serious censorship of the Jewish establishment and Israeli propaganda? Hill tried to claim that he’s opposed to racism and anti-Semitism and his remarks were intended to support the establishment of a binational, secular and democratic state. But he didn’t stand a chance.

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In the heavy-handed reality that has seized control over dialogue in the United States, there’s no room for expressions that may offend the Israeli occupation. On a liberal day it’s permissible to say “two states” as long as you do it in a whisper.

What would have happened if Hill had called for the establishment of a Jewish state between the Jordan and the sea? He would have safely continued holding down his job. Rick Santorum, the former senator, said in 2012 that “no Palestinian” lives in the West Bank. Nobody thought of firing him. Even Hill’s critic, Shapiro, has called in the past for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the territories (he backtracked on it a few years later) and nothing happened to him.

You can attack the Palestinians in America uninterrupted, call to expel them and deny their existence. Only don’t dare to touch Israel, the holy of holies, the country that exists above suspicion. And the height of chutzpah? Israel and the Jewish establishment keep on accusing the media, including CNN, of being slanderers of Israel. There’s no worse joke than that. Try to publish a critical article about Israel in a mainstream newspaper in the West – it’s getting more and more difficult, more often than not, impossible. But nothing will satisfy the lion’s hunger: The more he complains, the stronger he gets.

The key word of course is anti-Semitism. A lot has been written about the use Israel and its supporters make of anti-Semitism. And it works wondrously, it’s a magic word that silences people. There has not yet been a single critique of occupation that isn’t tagged as anti-Semitism. Everything is anti-Semitism: Hill is anti-Semitic because he favors a one-state solution, Roger Waters is an anti-Semite because that’s how Gilad Erdan described him at a conference last week about propaganda in Germany, UNRWA is anti-Semitic, and of course, BDS. The whole world is against us.
Marc Lamont Hill speaks at the U.N. on November 28, 2018.Youtube/unwatch

Last week there was a lot of fuss over a world survey of anti-Semitism conducted by CNN. It turns out that the Jews are not as hated as Israel would like: Only 10 percent said they had any negative feelings about them. Nearly four times as many people said they don’t like Muslims. Along with its worrisome aspects, the survey points up more than a few truths you can’t deny. Twenty-eight percent of those questioned said that anti-Semitism in their countries is a result of Israeli policy. A third believe that Israel takes advantage of the Holocaust to advance its positions. One in five thought the Jews have too much influence in the media.

Fire more analysts who dare to criticize Israel or suggest just solutions to the occupation – and more people surveyed will say what everyone knows: The Jews and Israel have an incredible degree of influence in Western media. Now you can call me an anti-Semite, as well.

>supports the losing team
Whatever loser, we catholics like myself standby our international and spiritual allies against the war waged on our civilization by Islam and their apologists like you.

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should've been fired after this desu

he's also getting fired from temple, but they have to figure out how to do it since he has tenure

fuck kikes

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Funny how the second their pet black strays from the narrative, they throw him out like garbage and try to ruin his life. The more you learn about kikes, the more you start to understand why they've been kicked out 109 times....

I'm pretty sure kikes control the US, the Saudis, Turkey, and maybe Qatar.

Think about how stupid you are. MUH KIKES CONTROL EVERYONE. Listen kike. Everyone is going to attack you at the same fucking time. Your golems are unchained


What is with the cuck posture he has here?
He's holding himself like a scared dog with it's tail between his legs just because he's sharing his opinion.
No wonder he thinks blacks can't be racist, he views himself as inherently inferior.

I run american media
Ask me anything

why do jews love faggots?
Is it a side effect of eating foreskins?

How does it feel knowing every time you shut it down the goyim's rage grows louder and louder? Even Jews are speakign out. Your arrogance is your destruction.

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happy Hanukkah!

LOL, do you even know where you are, kike? Your tired ass talmudic word salad has zero power here. The goyim know, and there's nothing you or your handlers can do about it. Kvetch harder.

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Even TYT can not deny the obvious hypocrisy and kikeyness of CNN and the US media.

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So the “antisemites” are right all along?

We dont like them personaly. They are a means to an end. The goal being population growth control


Yet you flood white nations with third world shitskins that breed like rabbits...

We have controled oposition for the "resistance" to blow steam off. These stuges are so natural half you faggots here protect them like zealots
A donkey needs both a stick and a carrot

Yes. Fag propaganda is for whites so they breed less. We want a brown population in white countries. What is so hard to understand here?

Natural reaction to jewry that seeks to enslave goyim. You either resist or you submit.

based and kikepilled

Hello fellow white

>We dont like them personaly
I don't think that's true.
Don't worry, I'll keep your secret. It's not like you get into heaven anyway.

You guys are so afraid you've joined this thread showing israeli flags pretending like you're all powerful. On a fucking anime basketweaving forum. How pathetic.

High verbal IQ in action.

Can I borrow five bucks

it's time to take out the trash, dawg

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What happens when there aren't enough white brainwashed goyim to save (((fellow whites))) from being slaughtered wholesale by billions of shitskins?

If we say all this conspiracy crap is bullshit you say we are hiding the truth
If we play aling and say we do you say we lie and a power fantasy
Make up your mind nazigoy

Maybe you're just guilty and the walls are closing in.

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Four bucks?
I cant believe you asked for three bucks
What the fuck do you need two bucks for?
Fine fine fine here you cant have a dollar
>hands over 25 cents
I will come back tomarow to collect 50 dollars from you.

Did you forget there are ID's on this board, retard?

get into the oven


whoops, wrong poster

Are realy this delusional? The main reason why we even replace you in the first place if because whites are only population that has the two qualities we hate the most in people: freedom loving and individuality
Look at niggers in america. The live being slaves. Only now instead of chains its welfare. Ever seen a nigger sying 9/11 is an inside job.
Tldr stupid people zre easier to control.

>Whatever loser, we catholics
>Hello, my fellow catholics
They are the synagogue of satan, stop defending the christ killers. Their religion is a scourge upon the earth. They must be converted or they will burn forever. THIS IS CATHOLIC DOGMA.

Get into the kfc

Shills called in reinforcements to slide a certain thread off the board, and said reinforcements don’t usually operate here. They tend to stick out. It happens every time someone brings up the existence of the Jewish Mafia, which someone did about ten minutes ago.

Notice all those shiny new threads? Isn’t a coincidence.

White also happen to be the only population that is empathetic, productive, and law abiding. You'll be left with hordes of niggers and spics that wont produce, and will kill you at first opportunity as you'll be outnumbered 10,000 to 1.

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Here’s the thread, btw

Is this how you cope?
They will do whatever we tell them to for a bucket of fried chiken. Muslims are like the most obidiant people on earth. Just the law they follow is called islam and its enforced by stonning and beheading. They do whatever they are toldat thier mosque even bliw themselves up. Guess who pays for the construction of these mosques. Dont worry we planned out this plan for 5000 years. No matter what turn events take we win


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Cope? It's simply an observation. Muzzies hate kikes more than anyone. Your own arrogance will lead to your eventual fall from grace.

>born on third base
>swears he hit a triple
Good luck maintaining the monster your elders raised. Might not be as easy as you think.

> Head of your news division is a Jew
> Call for destruction of Israel
> Jew boss gets pissed off and fires you
Dumb ass nigger

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So sad your kind will never live to see it

the head of every news division is a jew

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Good morning Shlomo

Whithout gibs from whitey, you'd probably be btfo with extreme prejudice.

More brave than you sucker. You wouldn't risk less to voice your truth.

Yep. Funny call out "white" people all day long with no consequence but as soon as you offend the delicate jew..............


I wouldn't say he was "Brave" I would say he was "Uppity". We all know what happens when they get uppity........

Checked and based

One of my new hero's...

To learn who rules over you, just find out who you aren't allowed to criticize.

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As long as he directs his uppityness towards those that deserve it, I'm fine with it. Kikes did run the African slave trade, you know.

Negative. Qatar supports hezbollah, and has been under a blockade by the saudis for over a year because of it.


Did you just assume his gender, parasite?

And for some reason, the masses never think to themselves about how that's a hypocritical double standard.

That's only true when they suck and know they don't deserve their positions, true leaders would laugh things off because the fruit produced by their works would passively counter "bad talk", but those who are undeserving will lash out like a spoiled child who got mint ice cream instead of chocolate.

>Hold my beer

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fucking based

ironically the goyim at fake news outlets are probably more redpilled on kikes than anyone. they have to live it every day.

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You know why that's all bullshit? No mentioning of banks...the jewish bloodline and source of all evil. Israel doesn't mean jack shit to them, it's a convenient business location to conduct abhorrent crimes against the planet under total secrecy, but it's not their home. If Israel goes down tomorrow they'll use it as yet another persecution trophy, but continue to destroy mankind undisturbed. Only the banks can destroy the cabal.

There is a solution, withdraw from the banks until they say that their paper business can't support printing the paper that's being withdrawn, which is bullshit, because the USA owes TRILLIONS to the bank and average joes withdrawing thousands in cash yearly wouldn't cause them to lose the trillions they hold. I mean, one wouldn't lend something they never had in the first place, right?

I do this for 14 years. No credit card. I keep 20k as a security on my account and take out my monthly earnings in cash. They tried all kinds of dirty tricks to put a stop to it, but I always found a way to keep doing it.

You donb't have to get that specific. Even a vague criticism of Israel is enough to get them kvetching enough to fire your ass.

We must throw our support behind this Nog 100%, so the Nogs will begin to realize who their real enemy is, and is not.

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They literally believe they own your labor and money. I have had my fair share of banks trying to keep money they never rightfully earned. Even though everything is fabricated, they desire to keep one in a position of vulnerability by keeping your money in their "banks"

Hmmm, if only nogs knew who ran the slave trade...

heh, so if it goes against jews they even turn on nogs

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decentralized cryptocurrency is a beautiful thing

I've used it. It works, beautifully. It might be the answer.

I like israel lol fuck palastine - I hate Muslims. What the fuck is wrong with u faggots tbqh

Is that a doug demouro meme? How does everything I like end up getting mentioned here? Spooky.

Indeed. I'm certain a few of the brighter, more influential Nogs noticed yesterday that Iron Ann Coulter was one of the few public figures to throw support to this guy Lamont guy, while most of the crooked left was slamming him or hiding under desk.

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Think about how insane this racket is. The initial concept of a bank was to secure the money of the working class. Fast forward and they not only implemented countless schemes to actively steal that money, they also let 3rd parties make a profit of your money, introduced gambling and created debt and fiat currencies. Now to the present and they stole all the physical assets on global scale and want to build an economy on nothing but fiat, where the citizens has no legal access to any kind of physical worth.

No other crime syndicate pulled of a stunt like this on such a large scale, while mankind kept silent. It's infuriating.

Its not Israel per say, its that they wont keep their shylock noses out of our culture, policy, military, and coffers. The subversive nature of these people are what people are reacting to. You think you'll be spared from their vile tactics?

barter, bitcoin, and stop giving them your shekels.

Become usury proof...

bring back buffy slayer, that chick was hot

People are becoming less silent, that much is obvious.

Fuck your Pope. Fuxk your entire Vatican.

Funny, how quickly they cower when their masters take notice. With all of the lefty support for Palestine you'd think more would be speaking out. Ann is fucking based in more ways than one.

>we Catholics like myself

I don't think he's a catholic lol

In doing this you're paving their way to enslave us all. It's a field test for them to see if digital currency can be implemented and manipulated at their will. The very second they introduce their cash-less, digital world currency, all the others will be banned and the trades closed. So make sure that you anticipate this move and constantly cash out physically by any means necessary. Invest in drugs (seeds) if you must. Once their currency is implemented, money will cease to exist. The economy will be an AI based scam, that can be manipulated at convenience. Individuals have now no means to hold wealth...think about what that means for homeless people, for criminals, for the freedom of movement, for imports, for private deals etc.

It's the end for individual freedom.

Isn't the whole point of decentralization to prevent the currency from being exploited and manipulated?

happy Honoku

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