A lost heritage: Nazi pictures reveal full devastation wreaked by allied bombers
>A newly discovered collection of more than 3,000 aerial photographs of Germany before and during the allied bombing campaign of the second world war presents the most comprehensive record yet of how devastating the campaign was on the country's cultural heritage, historians claim.
You're full of shit. WW1 was started by British oligarchs that wanted to curb German competition so they used war as a tool to further Anglo hegemony. WW2 was only a consequence of that and the Brits weren't neutral or defensive in WW2 either.
That's what they get for killing thousands of American civilians before our entry into ww1 and ww2
Dominic Walker
Evan Gonzalez
Should have eradicated the whole city
Nathan Myers
I don't like the history revisionists either but come on kraut, show some more pride.
John Evans
One Döner with alles, ali
Wyatt Thompson
Mit scharf?
lol current Germany is best Germany
Asher Bell
How did you guys become so brainwashed and pozzed in such a short time? Good posts from toothpaste land are about as rare as logic winning over a roastie these days ffs. The shit you lot spew these days just makes me think that the kikes targeted you guys after destroying Sweden.