Would it ever be possible to explain this meme to the person in the picture?

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that's funny

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Their language is so basic it would take years, if ever.

Unironically that tribal has a better life than you and I do, save for some necessities and medical science. Think of all the brainwashing he didn’t go through, how natural his process of becoming an adult was. In some strange way, I’m jelly.

>not seeing through the bullshit since you were a pre-teen
actually sad

Would you like to hear about our Lord and Savior Jesus Chr-sdgusdgsb

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He shits on the ground.

Most of his family likely died due to a recent Tsunami, if not from the direct effects, than the effects on his fisheries. They can't even make fire. This man is possibly, maybe probably, dead.

You’re not wrong. I blame my family for my early years of degeneracy, and only myself when I came to age. Thank God I’ve had the internet, who knows how I would have ended up. Rarely does a bait post make me feel good.

No. And that's a good thing.

Technically yes given many years of teaching him English, but I think his IQ is too low to give a shit and he would just be like "where da wyte wimmen at yo?"

He's possibly, maybe probably, wearing a new North face jacket and a water skin made of human hide after the whole "preach to the heathens" thing that one dipshit did.

>They can't even make fire.
Really? How do we know that if know one's allowed on the island?

>Thank God I’ve had the internet


No. They killed him and left his body on the beach. They never keep most of their gifts. Usually only coconuts. Look them up. North Sentinelese.

Most advance thing they do is make weapons out of scrap metal from shipwrecks.

They have been monitored by the Indian government for ages. We have things like planes helicopters etc. They don't make fire. Don't take my word for it, just look them up.

Heavier than air flight and/or cameras, if I had to wager a gander

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It’s called external influence. Believe it or not, it’s actially a good platform to exchange information. Who would’ve guessed?

Also, nude tribes like this usually have no concept of clothes. There is a similar uncontacted (until recently) tribe that practices cannibalism and thought Western clothes were demon skin.

you couldn't even explain this meme to me, let alone to someone who would lose their shit if they saw a mirror

if we drop nearly indestructible smartphones programmed to cleverly teach the people about the civilizat... wait we tried teaching African niggers about technology and civilization and they are barely grasping the concept let alone adhering to it... No let them be what they are in isolation, we dont need more dindus shitting on everything for gibs.

kek it would take years at best

But making fire on an Island is bad. It could burn every tree there is.

He has the same exact mannerisms as the plate breaking girl. pic related

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>kill a missionary
>become a living meme