Be a California fag

>Be a California fag
>Everyone I live near is overweight or obese
>Thots considered to be at a normal/healthy weight are still chunky
>Only attracted to slim/petite woman
>Said woman are in high demand because of current crisis
Do any other bros feel the same way? I'm not some autistic incel with unreachable standards just an average guy look for an average girl

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*Blocks your fridge*

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wait wasn't it in the news earlier that mexico surpassed us in fatness? they're not even on this list

Solution: ban Netflix and Uber Eats.

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Yea, I think the list in outdated

I don't believe for a second that the UK isn't in the top 10

As an Aussie, it's true. NZ is the fattest fucking place.

I've been in auckland for a month so far and I've never seen so many fucking fat maoris and coconuts in my life

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>the most obese countries
>there's no UK

>When her weight is above 50kg

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Islanders are naturally fat fucks tbqh

Lol Hungary

It’s impossible to find a single woman under 5’10” who weighs under 120.

9/10 20-30 yr old woman weigh at least 135-145

Why are you posting literal fake news? This data has to be from like 10 years ago.

fattest nations are arabs and island niggers

Why aren't we on there ?

ahahahah must be slim pickings for you men. Have fun out there competition must be rough

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No they’re not. They just have awful diets.

where do you live?

>I’ve been in Auckland

There’s your problem

Dat asymmetrical smugness doe.

>no mexico
>no UK
how fucking outdated in this chart lmfao

>I'm not some autistic incel with unreachable standards just an average guy look for an average girl
Now the question is, are you a fat fuck or not? If yes kys

>just an average guy look for an average girl

Doesn't matter if you're a 5/10, women think you're a 2/10, 30/10 on a good day. You're not "average" to them and whenever you date one they're settling, remember that.

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>Solution: ban Netflix and Uber Eats.
then burgers will make them in their bathtub

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Anglos always on top, keep up the good work guys

3/10 rather.

What the hell? Where's the UK?
Our beetus is as strong as anyone elses, damn it!

>all men

women can be obese too shitlord

Coinciding with kike prevalence.

I’m 346lbs down from 363lbs. I’m trying to right the ship but it’s going to take me at least a year to reach my goal weight of 220. I was a viscous alcoholic for 10 years and went down the rabbit hole.

Just imagine using the bath as a slopvat for your nutritional needs.
Fit a pump to the bath to have feeding tubes for each eater.
And have regular deliveries from Amazon to fill up the slop vat.
There'll be so many people breaking the 1,000lb's barrier.

It's a correlation between non-white population and prosperity. In a society where both is high, the obesity rate is high. Niggers get fat when you give them food. Nothing new here.

Just to add, Poortugal is second if you include only women.

Fucking moron who did the infographic - it’s supposed to be the top ten countries with the highest proportion of fat cunts. So every image should be an image of a fat cunt - there’s still something like 180 countries with lower rates of obesity.

Fucking designers are stupid sometimes.

The countries in Europe are not correctly portrayed here. The idea that overweight is fine but obesity is not is a myth. Both are problems.

If anything, I would say severe obesity (BMI of 35+) should be ranked separately from overweight to moderately obese (BMI of 25 and 35), especially as body builders are often technically considered overweight even though they are not from a fat perspective.

But at a BMI of 35, you can safely say someone got a problem.

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How would tWHO have the statistic for Norway? The way their healthcare system is structures means that they do not log that data for obesity, so they literally cannot have the obesity rates for such a country, and I'd wager a lot of others as well they have no means of obtaining accurate data to make such claims for.

I was thinking about this exact statistic. The problem lies that woman value assets in men aside from physical attractiveness which weight is more lenient for men
>social status
>Humor in a unrealistic way of course
and much more. Being a fit man constitutes for far less than the former

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In the absence of actual data you make it up to prove the point you are making.

Yea and bodybuilders make up less than .1% of the population. your statement is irrelevant.

Keep at it, bro. Just run, lift, watch what you eat and find a physical hobby of some sort.

Sheeeit, home made burgers are better than any of that crap they sell at McDonalds.

that picture is fake news
or just... fake.

My point was that a BMI of 26 really is not the same as a BMI of 42. The health risks of a BMI of 26 are just not the same.

To compare different countries / states, you need to look at the groups of people who are in which overweight / obesity bracket.

Also, a real problem indicator is obesity among children. If this skyrockets, then you have a problem as a kid shouldn't be overweight or obese. If it is, there is a very high chance that person will never be normal again.

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The healthcare system of Norway doesn't have maintained records for non-medical issues that are of immediate dangers to health, let alone any records at all of anyone that does not visit the doctor, particularly in their hybrid healthcare system that is partially capitalism-driven and partially socialized. tWHO couldn't either apply for that information to be acquired under the rules they'd be allowed to do so in an EU country, as it's not an EU country.

The requirements for obtaining the data for the claims to be made and have any modicum of truth to them, in such a country would be national news and breach of their privacy laws. Then again tWHO often uses completely made up statistics for health benefits of certain things, and have been on the bandwagon of the sugar-industry bullshit since the 60's. And lets not forget their views on the "high-carb diet".

This is true but the crux of the argument in my post; was insinuating that even being slightly overweight has a moderately negative correlation with physical attractiveness in my eyes and presumably most mens.

That's not how you spell "Hungry"

I see the same thing happening here in my country. Girls that are considered "slim" are still borderline chubby. A lot of girls are also too lazy to do something about it

do you live in some poor inland shithole? because everyone i saw in california on holiday was either thin or a meathead.

I live in the central valley. May be unfair sampling though, as I'm surrounded by spics

>new zealand
how do you get fat by eating fucking sheep?

yeah, that's it. Same here for me. QLD is fat as fuck.

Not accurate. The three highest rates in Europe are Andorra, Turkey, and Malta.

>BMI as stat

Hans,you stupid fuck.

If you go by bmi 175 tall 85 kilo gymrat is obese

islanders like abbos aren't really accustomed to eating like whites, same goes for drinking, i once watched a fairly big but not fat islander get off his tits after 3 schooners.

If you don’t drink the weight will basically fall off of you

Im ded

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Can confirm lived with a coconut, KFC was a food group to him.

Untrue. Only guys and old people are fat in Portugal.

>California fag
>Only attracted to slim/petite woman
guess you're gonna have to get one of them asians

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>>Only attracted to slim/petite woman
>>Said woman are in high demand because of current crisis
This sucks so fucking much. Over half the girls here with decent faces still have larger wastes than me. Ever fuck a moderately flabby chick? I'm not saying fat, just a little flabby like 80% of our girls. Fuck, it's not pretty. I want to die.

australia and new zealand have the most moari and islander people and a taller population, these skew "obesity" statistics based on BMI. the tallness probably applies to norway as well, pretty sure 6'3 is average height there.

It's pretty fucking clear just by looking if someone has 100 lbs of muscle or 100 lbs of fat.

Is BMI a perfect measurement of health? No. But there aren't enough body builders in the world to discredit it the way you do.

Same thoughts user
it also feels like girls who fit the desirable body type date wealthy and successful guys.
I was looking back at photos of my my in the 1970s with her friends and holy fucking shit almost every young girl was slim and natural.
You boomers had it made


7/10 would bang.

Germany is significantly fatter than that. Also skinniest are the Ukrainians now.

Just facefuck though.

How much can be attributed to race?
I would guess that chinks are the slimmest followed by pakis and then whites, then Arabs, niggers and mestizos are the fattest fuckers in that order

i wouldn't say islanders skew the figures too much in aus, i don't think they number more than 200000, they do skew the numbers in nz, off the top of my head they are around 8 or 9% of the population. in aus there are just tons of fats in the cities, most of them aren't burger level but are overweight or borderline obese. i'd imagine it's going down because of all the chinks we're getting.

I told you we were full

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Fast food meals have well over a thousand calories each and they can't cook, thots drive next door instead of walking and consider posting selfies of themselves with 2 pound weights as exercise.

Is it any wonder their average weight is 168 and half of them are fatter than that? Just being a normal weight is top 20%. 80/20 rule.

Sign me tf up.

Top 20% for them maybe, but slim men are not viewed as desirable even if your tall you have to have a decent face.

What about Mexico?

OP image should actually be titled "the 10 most obese RELEVANT countries on earth". What about Samoa and the other pacific islands where practically everyone is obese due to either availability of certain foods or culture promoting obesity?

Or you just have to accept the crazies. I dated an attractive petite girl once, nut she was so nuts I had to bail. I miss fucking her though.
And another thing, I just turned 27 but I still look the same as when I was 21. How many girls can say the same? Maybe one in a thousand. Have fun in college because everything gets worse after.

True, you can see by the fat around her face and that double chin, you just know she's a lardass.

>when moonface crops doublechin

What are most of the woman like in your general age group?

I think you're mistaking not fat for bony and scrawny. Get Jow Forums

This. I'm 27 as well, but holy shit all the girls my age that I've stayed friends with since high school have hit the wall at mach speed.

oh, hello Bruce.

Midwestfag here, same. I don't even mind a few extra pounds but it's grotesque how fat girls here are. And most of the ones that actually look normal already have kids from when they got pumped and dumped by Chad. I stopped looking on dating sites because it was too depressing. Nothing but landwhales, single moms and sheboons.

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I can assure you I dont, I mean chubby with an unreasonably high body fat percentage. Those hamburgers with legs you see arent normal or fit by any standards

I want to find a skinny girl too, OP. And I want to watch her wrestle (and lose to) my thicc GF.

Afterwards we'd kick her the fuck out and fuck each other like animals.

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Seriously considering it. I could live with hapa kids if it meant I didn't have to settle for the Stay Puft marshmallow man or some skank with a gaggle of nigglets to feed.

Who said anything about slim men? Just being not fat puts you in the top 20% of women, as in most of them can't even get the most basic thing right.

Now look at what a top 20% man looks like.

This. I was looking at a photo of my uncle's yacht club back in the 80s and most of the women would be 7/10s today. No fatties, no face piercings, no hair dye, not even a bitchface among them. What a glorious time that must've been.

>no UK
Also, Canada is much fatter than that

out of date, this is from 2014 at least

everyone is rocking 20%+

>tfw workout three times per week
>tfw I could easily kill 80% of people in hand-to-hand combat.

>>I'm not some autistic incel
>>Jow Forums

>weird timeline
I am 40 and fit. Chunky 20 year olds think Im fucking hot compared some of their other options. If I wasnt married and had white kids above replacement...

chub is cute tho
I penis it right into their fatrolls of these arrogant bitches mmm

SHUT IT DOWN, sorry mutts, but brits are not obese as you mutts.

no norfern scum