The most egregious abuses of power to censor conservatives and persecute nationalists seem to be directed by life time bureaucrats in the senior executives of government agencies. The public does not know who these people are and what they are doing.
Why not give them the same visibility we give elected politicians?
Wew lad, I have, but I'm not that interested in gommunism anyway
Bentley Thomas
The founder of the ideology stated that those who don't adapt to the communist system must perish in the revolutionary holocaust. Communism is at it's core a jewish ethnic supremacist ideology.
Ian White
>the revolutionary holocaust lol >Communism is at it's core a jewish ethnic supremacist ideology lol
I'm not surprised to read such dumb shit from a murican
Justin Martin
Because they'd wear it as a badge?
William Rogers
Was Karl Marx not jewish? How about Lenin, Trotsky(Bronstien) and numerous other intellectual and political leaders in various communist movements in history? I know it's probably illegal for you to discuss.