I don't want anything in life. Everything I have in my life is here out of pure coincidence or chance. If I lost anything I had now, I cannot imagine fighting for it, or putting in the effort to regain it. This world has nothing I truly want, only things which I'm willing to settle for and won't turn away if they present themselves, but nothing I want to fight for.
You realize whatever fantasty girl you've made up doesn't exist right? You realize having a girlfriend is a responsibility and a burden — right user?
Brody Miller
But the loneliness. How else would you fight that off if not a gf
Daniel Allen
Loneliness is the result of bad company, not a lack of company. If you get with some girl who you don't really like, you will only be lonelier.
Ian Wright
This is very true.
James James
holy shit I can relate so bad.
Connor Cook
Yeah man, I don't know what to do. I think this post was a cry for help asking how do I suddenly just "want" something, but no. Anything I do or get is out of fear or boredom. My phone was a gift, I don't live alone, the girl I'm with now approached me first, and I only got good grades so as to not fail, not because I wanted to study anything in the future.
Don't know what I'm gonna do desu.
Brody Jones
Meh same here. Just roll with it. And enjoy the stuff that comes around and you happen to like.
Managed to get a gf and soon a BA living like that. Wasted potential but very chill and still fresh in the head and enough endurance.
Dylan Ortiz
Yeah iktf It almost disgusts me how hard people are willing to work to buy a bunch of crap they neither enjoy nor have the time to enjoy if they do enjoy it.
Adam Jones
His point with saying sleep outside is you want nothing because you take what you have for granted. If you actually lost everything, it would be a different story. The lack of shits given for materialistic shit like the latest iphone i can understand, but things like love, family, basic needs like food and shelter. Take those away and you'll feel their absence.
I think its reasonably fair to say that you've never experienced any real signficiant loss and until you do you won't understand.
Nathaniel Cooper
Sounds like you're just a normal everyday person to be honest. Living sucks dude, and there's three ways that people deal with it: extreme politics or medication are the first two. Or just living your fucking life lol.
A lot of people think they are alive to do something great, or to change the world, or to be a part of some great change. You're just living, that's what life is. How many people have lived and died just living their life throughout history? Just accept it, that's it.
Isaac Ortiz
I've felt similarily for maybe a decade. I'm 25 and I've seen what I want to see, done what I want to do, been where I want to be, etc. Nowadays I work, eat, sleep, and sometimes play videogames. Despite only earning a minimum wage I own every console, even VR. I eat whatever I want every day. I live pretty luxuriously without being rich, because I priorirized money right before and don't need to care anymore. I don't feel motivated to lose weight. I don't want another relationship; sex wasn't much better than porn. I don't desire friends or family again. EVERYTHING is "been there done that". What I haven't experienced are all the things I legitimately have no interest in.
Jow Forums probably isn't the best place to ask about overcoming those traits, OP. as you can see, its just going to be a circlejerk about how unfeeling everyone is since most people here never broke from their teenage mentalities.
You will never know and understand the satisfaction of working hard at something and the experience that comes from it. Not talking about working summer jobs to get that car you always wanted. I'm talking about the feeling of going from completely nothing to being fully capable and aware of something based on your will alone. That is what it means to be alive.
Easton Harris
I feel like you're wasting your breath, given the rest of the responses in the thread. 4chans just got too many mentally ill NEETs to appreciate what youre saying.
Brandon Fisher
Womp, oh well
Adam Torres
Sometimes I think this is learned helplessness. If I was to go and sleep outside, I'd only end up starving on the soil from not having a need to get up and regain my life.
Some people have a lower survival instinct than others.
>because I prioritized money right before and don't need to care anymore.
What did you do? It doesn't sound like you were always like this.
>I'm talking about the feeling of going from completely nothing to being fully capable and aware of something based on your will alone.
This isn't something I'm able to feel at the moment because, simply put, I have not had a taste of the good life. I cannot imagine myself wanting things I don't already have now, even if I can assume that once I obtain those things, I /would/ feel good, even better than I do now.
I don't know what fulfillment is. I don't know if this aspect of mine is something I truly hope to change, or if it's just something I feel that I am /supposed/ to change because the society I have been raised in /encourages/ wanting more.
>You don't want to go to college? You don't want to get your Masters? You don't want to be your own boss? You don't want to be rich user? What's wrong with you?
I do not need to fight for my survival. Food is frozen, pre-packed, and readily available within minutes, water is santized and disposable within any nearby public facility, and 21st century medicine has ensured I can comfortably live past the age of 25.
Everything else just feels underwhelming. I daydream of fighting in a war sometimes, just to feel the anxiety in knowing that death is breathing down my neck. Adrenaline is one hell of a thing.