NNN causes prostate cancer

Frequent ejaculation diminishes the chance of prostate cancer


>the far right promotes it

I'm just concered for your health

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Other urls found in this thread:


Exactly (((they))) want us participating in this, obviously damaging, challenge.

Yes, that is why next year, i won't participate in this (((challenge)))

yes, and i also noticed that a lot of shills were peddling this shit, (((they))) also do it, that proves that NNN is fucking degenerate

Now I know who was peddling this shit all along

and (((they))) make it seem like this is what nazis would do, (((they))) make it seem like this is a way of escaping the jewish matrix

honestly anyone who falls for the nutting is degenerate meme is honestly just a nigger in disguise

everyone knows that after nutting your mind is clear and you can see right through the jewish bullshit

Wow somebody made this thread.

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we all know who (((you)))


i just need a qt woman who cares about my prostate health that she takes it upon herself to milk it regularly

Theres a lot of thot-posting going on in Jow Forums today. What are you sliding?

Thats not how a prostate works you tard.

give an actual source and how fucking much it affects it you fucking pornographer kike

nice samefagging the whole thread
we know your tricks you fucking kike

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You realize changing your flag doesnt change your ID right? How much do they pay you to post here? I can do your job better, I guarantee it.

i want to protect cirno


blue balls is basically how a man knows he’s a functioning man. constant and instant gratification weakens a man’s mind and body. there is no rule to not releasing seed to alleviate symptoms, but it could be said it is better to live a day as a lion than a lifetime as a pussy cat.

Rather have cancer of the ass than cancer of the soul.

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same ID. Very poor attempt, Shlomo

how was everyone's post NNN nut?
i thought i broke my dick and entire reproductive system at first
i think i lost all pleasure in nutting
i honestly prefer my NNN mental state desu

Too bad for you since it's destroy dick december

>"european" flag
nice try faggot.

You can milk a prostate you moron.

unencrypting my futa trap femdom porn drive right now senpai
can't fap though
it's The Lord's Day
curse anyone who faps on Sundays

The absolute state of jerk offs.

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Oy vey, watch porn and masturbate often goy! Check this interracial we just made!

Attached: oy vey.png (491x486, 173K)

Always do the opposite of what they say.

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I was going to have a celebration nut, but I dont want to break my streak. I'm on day 36 and I'm struggling by the day. Its litterally torment. Does it ever get better

they're harvesting cum loosh

(((I'm just concered for your health)))

i only did 31 days
just try to ignore it, you will have times where you are incredibly horny too
after a while you should find ways to deal with it in your own way
just dont focus on how bad it is

Almost 30 days in as well, hang in there, the urges should slowly dissipate as you approach the 60-day mark, try to not indulge any thoughts that enter your mind nor click on any pr0n pics you see these faggots post.

>OP created this thread and replied to his own post with a different memeflag under the same ID.
Yet another example of memeflags being a invitation to shill spammers.

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No porn/no fap while having sex with your wife is fucking perfect though. Just as God intended. Thanks for the confirmation OP!

delet this retard

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When you feel like rubbing one out do something else instead, personally I do push-ups when I feel like milking the snake, completely destroys my lust afterwards.

Everything fucking causes cancer. I'll jack off or nut into my wife if I fucking want to. I'm not going to let a bunch of fucking retards online change my life.

Look at this newfag! Look at him and laugh. Thanks to you I’m pushing for Don’t Touch Your Dick Unless You’re Washing It December.

I do this as well, also remind myself to look at pictures like this.

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Are the test cases faggots or straight because I would bet sodomy increases is much more than just fapping.

Samefag responding to himself. Forgot your proxy?

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Just nut on the weekends. How fucking hard is that?

All meme flags...

Hi JIDF and pantifa

masturbate a normal amount, brainlets


Two Israeli meme flags, great

There are positive benefits to no fap if you are:
1. Addicted to Porn
2. Require focus and energy for a major upcoming physical activity (idk about mental because for me, fapping helps clear that mental cloud but it might not for you)
3. Need to accumulate/develop more sperm for larger loads (beneficial if you’re aiming for impregnating or just want bigger loads)

There are also major benefits to fapping/working your penis and prostate. I am pornfree but fap. If I’m going to see my lady friends, then I don’t for a few days. Don’t be jewish. Put all the information on both sides of the argument out there and let the men decide.

Personally I was addicted to porn from 10 years old to 18 years old until I had a life changing moment. I did nofap consistently, failing and succeeding in various amounts until I did it for 6-8 months (forget the exact number). I was no longer addicted to porn and I could look at women and desire their most subtle characteristics. Their hair, arms, movement, eyes, and everything would just turn me on. I started to appreciate the nature of femininity and started to despise masculine women. So many benefits from nofap then the transition to pornfree.

The only type of pornography I’ll consume, on occasion, is nude women in different positions (like /s/). It excites me to the same level as tentacle big titty hentai or rough/rape porn used to. I won’t lie, twice this year, I’ve fell into watching porn with a lady friend of mine. It really fucks my brain, as in I’ll get ROCK hard but I won’t be able to cum while fucking (with a condom)

>pic related
My recent Testosterone test done at my current age of 25. I’m 6’1 at 190lbs. As you can see I have very high TESTOSTERONE. Remember, I fapped my whole life. The stamina and endurance I’ve gained from fapping benefits me so much but the discipline and normalcy I gained from nofap rivaled that. Find what works foryou

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I refuse to believe this thread anything more than high-effort bait.
Nobody could be this stupid.

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>Inb4 one post by this Id
I’ll make it two before I get called a shill

>Being this unfathomably retarded.
Truly the king of meme flags
OP, please don't go. We want to make fun of you.

>This thread is still up
All of you are fucking disabled

Welp I'm continuing no fap meme flaggot. Even science is against you.

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>not milking in current year

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I get nocturnal emissions if I don't fall every week days which is really annoying

Why doesn't the military allow fapping in bootcamp?

Nofap gives you power, that's why they want you to constantly masturbate
"You'll get prostate cancer goyim"

>meme flag
these kikes never stop

I'm a homo and suck dick

How is that low t levels?

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I just told you I can easily stop fapping but I get nocturnal emissions
Your low brain cells are showing

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ITT brainlets who don't know what nocturnal emissions are for

Oy vey, stop exercising your willpower goyim, it's like annudah shoah!

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>removing posts
Sad reacs only

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Fuck off with that cuck shit

But watching porn by hour and more is a different thing than just ejaculate

What the fuck happened to the concept of moderation.

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>had registered on russian nofap site, to quit porn and start to have a gf
>read propagand that non-marriage sex is worser than fap
>got a new complex

she's hot, but is she supercar hot?

isn't nofap a /pol releated theme to discuss?

also yesterday /pol had a good thread about languages, but thread had been deleted


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The main problem of nofap (without gf) is a fact that you're becoming more nervious. Maybe it's not just because of nofap, maybe it depends on type of mentality, but anyway, I had this problem.

But on fap and porn you can be nervious too.

Moderation as in restraint and self-control, Ivan.


You are about sexual self-control?

The main problem that it can be a neurosis too.

I mean, the whole nofap can transform into neurosis. If you are obessed with a "last time", "good date to start", "clean nofap" and etc.

>(((vice))) article
written by kikes, for goyim
FUCK you OP, faggot

Obvious troll.
>i want to believe some one is this retard

The problem with the fap and porn culture is how this keep you from engage in real relationship and deal with reality. It create a surreal goal and desires that will not be met, taking a whole generation in disappointment with reality of the real world. People waste their time contaminating their mind with this imaginary bullshit. That seems to be more damaging them TV and movies ever was to the previous generations...

I am what you might call an incel. At the age of 25 i have been with only 3 girls excluding the countless times i had paid for it. Fapping definitely has been a major factor in my failure to be a strong and attractive male. I have been trying to give up porn for nearly 10 years now but the best i did was a 40 day streak once. It was 3 years ago and it was basically the last time I felt calm, rested, positive and hopeful. I would not say porn is the root cause of my misery but it is definitely a drug - something that briefly alleviates the pain and help you escape the cruel reality. However, it also progressively exacerbates your life situation if you are someone like me. I am inconclusive about exactly how beneficial or harmful just nutting is. But PMO definitely could be super harmful for some guys.

Jesus christ the desperation of masturbation cucks is amazing. They white knight for their hand like no other. Imagine being so defensive of jacking off and not feeling any shame. The pathetic state of men now days.

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But isn't too strong propagand about sexual control destructive too?

By their logic fap isn't ok, pre-marriage sex isn't too, and in the ideal way you have to do it only for making children.

But I'm not sure that it's even possible.

I had nofap several times, but didn't get a gf. Maybe because of being unemployed, don't know.

I mean.. maybe nofap is nessesary thing for 25+ virgins to get a gf.. maybe.. but it may be not enought too.

Registered on a no fap site? You have nigger issues my frien

> One shekel has been deposited to your account

>trusting anything from vice

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This is now a nyancosplay thread

>Maybe because of being unemployed, don't know.

I meant not social status, I meant that I don't communicate with girls as often as it was in uni.

The problem isn't masturbation. It has been done for millenia, our species had plenty of time to adapt to it. Readily available porn in the likes of candy shop is a very recent phenomena, that has been shown by recent studies to have actual negative impacts on us. And no, I'm not trying to convince the obvious shill, but enlightening others reading this shitty thread.

>implying you can't get frequent ejaculation without masturbating, with a little something called girlfriend

Since when are Jews concerned about my health? Since I stopped fapping? Maybe it's a sign I should make every month of the year a nofap month.

Nofap can be a reason of being nervious. It's my real experience. I had several, the best were about ~3 months.

>the far right

Only the Jew controlled right, such as the Richaim Spencers etc.

Controlling male masturbation was always a Jewish thing. It's the reason why Americans have their penises mutilated at birth against their will.

But I had it without sex or gf. Maybe with gf it would be positive. Gf is a motivation.

Why is posting threads with OP images like this even allowed

who cares what vice says


you should get a chastity cage for your cock since your such a fucking moron you cant see the similarities behind this fag shit

>hrr drr my body is telling me something maybe I should do the opposite
You should deprive yourself of oxygen also you faggot

That womans jaw looks like some sort of disease or genetic condition. Would not have children with.