Migrationspakt Zustimmer Namen

Sie haben die namentliche Abstimmung zum Migrationspakt von der Bundestagsseite genommen


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Attached: World-Cup-Hot-German-Girl-3.jpg (465x640, 52K)

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English fucker. We didn't bomb you to hell and back for nothing you know.

Look at your country mate. Was it worth it?

I'd fuck
Speak english and post pussy

Yeah. Lulz are always worth it.


Fuck off kraut you would have broken your peace offer just like the soviet non agression pact
There wasnt a good fucking side in ww2 except the east euros who got trampled because of your autism

kek based

Surmise my surprise when kraut is satan
Und eistenshtuffel einenwassenfaffel motherfucker

You have to be a mental retard or ignorant of history to believe any european won WW2 or WW1.
It were JEWISH WARS and America was nothing but a proxy for Jews.
The american people didn't want to fight in europe, it was just Jews that lobbied Roosevelt.

The anglos were also influenced by jewish propaganda and also feared our increasing strength.

Read my post you illiterate retard
No good sides in ww2


Du bist offensichtlich geistig zu behindert die Bundestagsseite zu bedienen. Bitte verlasse das Internet.

Unden sheisen fiki fiki undersensteinsenberg waffen ausreshenseswasser
English motherfucker
Speak the language of your conquerers

LOL okay ich bin retarded
aber was ist das bitte für eine Untermenschen UI

OP is too retarded to use our parliament's website


LOL you probably vote AfD, incompetent and retarded as you are

>Er kann nicht versteht Deutsch
>die Flagge

>Globaler Pakt für Migration

>Antrag der Fraktion der AfD: Aufforderung zur Abgabe einer Protokollerklärung zur völkerrechtlichen beziehungsweise rechtlichen Unverbindlichkeit des „Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration“ für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland durch die deutsche Bundesregierung bei der Unterzeichnung des Paktes im Dezember in Marrakesch - Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland als „permanent objector“


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Jeder hat mal einen Boomer Tech Moment.
Der Fakt das du wie ein Hund englisch schreibst, weil dich Amerikaner dazu auffordern lässt viel mehr auf dich schließen.
-> Du bist ein rückgratloser Cuck

Swecuck ooga booga rape bbc allahu akhbar

Geht das Gewinde aus, Mutt. Raus!

lol watten Spast

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fuck yourself you shitskin
if you dont understand german leave these thread

Undun einsheshtien fiki fiki
Fiki fiki?
Fiki fiki?

Hast du eine Lizenz zur Ansicht, Nigel?

Fuck these fags

Ich muss schon sagen ,dei Website vom Bundestag ist ziemlich cool gemacht

Behold, the murican in his natural habitat letting loose

gott strafe germany

Fiki fiki?

*eine Armlänge

>t. der amerikanisch Affe

actually the 56%er shaving of the hair of a blonde aryan and gluing it onto himself comes to mind

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Was ist das? Sprechen Sie wie einen Menschen

Amd then sitting in a tree screeching: "fiki fiki!"

My German is not that good, yet, but I assume you are looking for a screenshot with a list of names of who voted for the suicide pact in the Bundestag?

The irony in typing that out in G*rman.

>the suicide pact
lol and here I was thinking "at least the Swede's not retarded" and then you go "fiki fiki" in a different dialect

and what are you some kind of leftist, shitskin or fence sitter

Just not retarded and able to understand the paper lol unlike the neonazi scum

I interpret that as being correct. You can't seriously think that is good for Germany

>You can't seriously think that is good for Germany
What exactly lol

>neonazi scum
you know i lived in a nice white part of germany in the 90ties next to a old gothic cathedral
now its a suburb full of turks and noone speaks germans there

i have 2 years of german elementary school and i talk better german then any shitskin i talked to when i went there ever since
people live there for ~20-30 years or are 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation and still they try to recreated the 3rd world from which they came

>you know i
I don't care

you care enough to be here and pretend to know better

No, I don't care about you.

you should be more subtle when you resort to nihilism to avoid looking like a brainlet

I see you're still thinking we're having a conversation or something. Probably shouldn't have left the schooling system after those two years.

you people cant help yourself

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I find it fucking hilarious how you probably consider yourself belonging to the neonazi ethnicity fantasies here, while in reality you're considered by them to be some filthy brown Muslim Balkan

why do you care brah
did the smuggie hit hard and true

>why do you care brah
That's the thing, I fucking don't lol

See and lol

fiki fiki?

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Wieso beschwerst du dich darüber, dass er Englisch spricht, obwohl du immer noch englische Wörter benutzt, während du "Deutsch" schreibst?

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>oogling the Krombacher

i would if i was displaced im my own country
especially if powerful countries usually set the precedent for others to follow

The suicide pact

rare flag checked

"Fotzenknecht" hat nicht diesen Klang.

brb got to get some veggies for lunch

That fraulein is perfect

Look at yours, kraut.


all nations have been defiled

>rare flag
fuck off Leaf, go and pay 50cad for a fucking steak

alkalisch und rottablettiert
true honourary german

>That fraulein is perfect

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>muh newfag
suck a dick little somalinigger

2 million in a year lmao kys

At least I can find steak, kraut. All you can get is kebobs.

Indeed, yank. Makes me proud of german heritage. Now if only modern Germany wasn't shit.

Das Fühl wenn ich das letzte Mal eine Warnung bekommen habe weil ich im Deutschfaden Deutsch gesprochen habe und mich ein Untermensch gemeldet hat.

ohhh a fucking burger is insulting me.
Go get some double cheese burger while Jamal fucks your wife you worthless cuck.

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>saves cuck fantasy stats because in germany it isn't just a fantasy, it's reality
LOL merkel zogged the fuck outta you krautniggers

How does it feel that the jew stole your foreskin?

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Yeah, a fucking leaf. A fucking leaf who elected a substitute drama teacher can well and truly laugh at you.

That's how absolutely pathetic you are. The leaf can laugh, and you know, deep down, that you deserve it.

Enjoy your kebabs and islam, kraut. That's all you have in your future.

>saving more graphs just in case you want to bring up dicks
it doesn't btw, i'm still intact queer
>inb4 you ask to see my dick like the huge faggot you are

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Come back when you seen North Korea, Lesotho or Greenland

>The suicide pact

I seriously need a leaf folder.
We are still the only nation that stood up against the Jewish nonsense. What has Canada done besides giving terrorists millions of tax money because justins feelings or legalizing BJs from dogs?
I was not deflecting since you didn't bring up an argument which I could have argued against

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>Von Basis zu Akku
Ich habe gelacht, Mitbürger

There should be something about this on /lippe/

>We are still the only nation that stood up against the Jewish nonsense.
Yeah, and look at you now. Bending over and sacrificing your country, your women, to fucking savages. Imagine in 10 years, Kraut, when there's several islamic parties in power. When "German" means islam. That's where you're headed.

Canada is run by fucking morons for a fact, but fuck, I'd take that spineless cuck Trudeau over your momma Merkle.

ayee lemme fiki fiki deine mutter

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>has entire folders dedicated for when he can't handle banter with other nations
holy shit

i've already been here longer than you sven, but feel free to show me your NK screencap because i wanna see what they said

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>Imagine in 10 years, Kraut, when there's several islamic parties in power

Uh you'll have to talk to her about that, not me lol

>a kraut lacking foresight
Imagine my shock.

Finding doesn't help if you can't afford it Leaf. Since you're a Chink I guess you could eat your dog, or do you need it for sexual services?

gib insta, for scientific purposes

I imagine you have no idea what you're talking about

In meinem Land haben wir Verräter in der Regierung. Unsere Politiker werden das Dokument wahrscheinlich unterschreiben.

>implying I don't live in rural eastern BC
Though you aren't wrong. Fucking pakis are buying out all the local businesses, the rot is spreading.

Still, damn if we ain't better off than Germany. At least we got guns.

The fact that a country that thought it was a good idea to let millions of niggers and arabs in doesn't understand the concept of consequences doesn't surprise me.

>mutilation induced trauma, the post
You'll never get your dick back Tyrone

>holy shit
So you are telling me you don't have a poo in the loo folder and a brit folder?
Are you a lazy faggot?

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Es gibt Leute hier, die kein deutsch sprechen


You dumb pieces of shit.
Sitting there, sucking mutilated Jew cock the whole day, thinking that we Germans could change anything on our own situation with electing someone else than Merkel.
YOU made the Jews big, YOU let them take over the world, YOU Five-Eyes shitfaces with your big mouths and tiny brains.
Germany is fully under control of the kabal, whoever we elect.
And that is because of YOU.
So stfu and die, scum.


here retard

Wenn Sie nicht in Europa leben, dann ist die deutsche Sprache nicht so nützlich.

Aber englisch ist nur einfacher deutsch fur dummen Negger

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wahnsinnige Nummern der Wahrheit

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