White working class rise up

>white working class rise up
>reddit: "WAAAAAAAAAAAH not enuf womanz n POC!!!!!"

Attached: plebbitorcringe3.png (907x228, 29K)

The only women i saw there were flashing the thongs.

These people are so obsessed with their token minorities that it's becoming slightly disturbing.
Blacks make 13% of the US population, gays are less than 1% and yet there has to be at least one black character and one gay character in every TV show/movie because "racism" or "homophobia". And realism can go to hell.

nice, that's the end goal. we should get better at doing the very opposite of what they want

>random post with no upboats

There actually are quite a few women. Was watching protest coverage last night with my gf, and nearly half of the yellow jackets they interviewed were white french women

They're not obessed with token minorities they are obessed with destroying their political rivals. Whites are the last hurdle to be destroyed before the implementation of their neocommunist dystopia.

>fuck the police
>police help they have tiki torches

Doesn't matter if there were women or not, this idiot would still call it a white nationalist movement
