Aus/pol/ - Crumple-cock edition

Creepy ayy lmao cunts

Encryption bill could cuck businesses somehow

Australian whistleblowers turn to us authorities to report misconduct

The Australian crumple-cock taking on Victoria's Secret

Australia must be more self-reliant

Australia's economy is likely to have slowed, the question is by how much?

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First for fuck the ALP

Fuck every fucking party mate. They're all a bunch of useless self serving fuckwits.

Such is life when you offer a huge pension to all elected politicians

Fuck yeah got cunt in me tag CUNTS!

>Creepy ayy lmao cunts
I saw a UFO myself in the mid 90's danced all over the sky for maybe 20 minutes then fucked off.. pretty cray.

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Been seeing fuck loads of them where I am over the past 2 years, recorded a few with shit quality. Too afraid to tell anyone though in case I make myself look like a crazy cunt.

My aunt and uncle swear on their life that they saw a UFO in the 90's in NQ

>The fuck is the cause for your pathological hatred and jealousy for aussie farmers
Dealing with you cunt's bullshit then coming to /pol and seeing another one of you cunts advertising one of the shittiest jobs deals I've ever seen like you're saviors of the white race. Exploiting and jewing over your fellow Australians, then calling me a kike for calling you out on it. Selling your land to the Chinese when you decide to retire. You mention you were a cattle farmer, I bet you're selling to Halal butchers (only Muslim butchers) or you're shipping to Arab Emirates. I also bet you put your hand out for gibs despite knowing a draught was incoming and doing nothing to prepare for it. Either way you're a hypocritical piece of shit. if any other business did the shit you cunts did it would be a national disgrace, but you make our food so you get away with it. You bring in slave chinks that put needles in our food as revenge for your kikery then wonder why I'm not going to get on my knees to suck your cock. You farmers are the biggest pieces of shit in this country.

ok so how to we bring about the Antipodean Empire boys?

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>go to work christmas party

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>tfw ip range has been banned due to abuse
Have they really not caught that cunt from moe yet?
ugh when is south gippsland going to use different towers?
He is obviously still in the valley if he is using moe/morwell/warragul towers....

Bro I saw one about 10yrs ago. Was about 5 of us having a few drinks out the back of my mate's place and this ball of light flew up over the stack of the sugar mill then over the house completely silently about 2 seconds after it went over there was a gust of wind that followed it. Was fucking spooky as fuck.

The real question is why the fuck would we want most of that territory?
>like a quarter of a billion Muslim gooks to worry about

$50 says Tully/Innisfail area.

But every cunt bitches about how Canberra and state parliaments are completely fucked.
>cunts still vote one cunt party over other cunt party

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This is easy. Carpet bomb java and settle all the eurofags fleeing from Eurabia.

You just won $50 mate

You cunts are fucked if this happens again

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Well this was in the outskirts of Sydney at the time, around where they wanna build the new airport. Maybe an experimental craft i didn't see no ayys but its 20 odd years later and i'm yet to see anything move like it did. It just darted from one spot to another and hovered completely still couldnt see much more of it than it looked round and grey/silverish not saucer shaped but it was a fair distance away.

I have an actual piece of the Moon, pretty cool, I want to get a piece of Mars and Mercury too

Central Australia is more than 2 billion years old, west is almost 4 billion. Not like these meteorites come around all that often.

Answer me or ill fuck your livestock

>ill fuck your livestock

Please remove your proxy, you're clearly a kiwi

You cunts live on mars lol just go to the center of the prison colo......i mean continent and pick up a rock

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There's something the go around there ay. My mum tells me stories about being a teenager in the 70's and going up to a lookout every weekend to watch them with her friends. My experience happened there and the story that inspired the crop circle fakers came from there as well.

Nah he raises beef im pretty sure

I know it is hard but you need to accept that all of the madcunts were sent to Australia then Jews pretending to be pommies wiped out two entire generations of them out of Jealousy of their Bruceness.

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The only way to fix Australia is pure isolationism, we must stop the politicians trying to turn this country into an international cash cow and turn all our attention inward. We must become entirely self sufficient and focus all abilities on quality of life within this country. We need a population cap of 50 million, and to create an underground capitol in the center of the country where we can terraform an oasis city in the middle of the desert.

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It must fucking sting to be a pom, they literally exported an entire nation of athletes to Australia, just look at the medal tally lol

My aunt and uncle are about as far from superstitious as you can possibly be, since they both claim to have seen a UFO in NQ I'm inclined to believe it's true

Literally half the reason why Aussies are rarely less than a 6/10 and have straight teeth.

Even all the fancy cunts were like "England is shit let us go to the fancy new colony with the exotic zoo" so they even lost all of the proper white people then went full incest on their little island.

If it's any consolation Australia, America and France are apparently basically the only countries on earth that wouldn't rapidly starve to death without imported food

Taking the STAT tomorrow

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Straight teeth are more the result of diet than genetics tho according to my dentist/orthodontist buddies

A 3-year federal ALP government will start in 5 months, we will have at least one million rapefugees intake a year plus another one million permanent immigrants.

I got a 99th percentile without even trying, you'll be fine mate

then we're on the right path, now we just need to create our own more than sustainable industry and stop importing food

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>cap of 50 million
Too high
>terraform an oasis city in the middle of the desert
I agree with this. There's a lot of proposals for how to do it, but the science isn't 100% fleshed out. It is doable though, and within a lifetime.

Also like that bloke mnetion in the other thread, if farmers changed their practices just a little bit they could improve the land.

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No shit sherlock.
How is this for an answer...?
The Australian Bruces own 3.5 million guns,
City people don't own a gun..
The cops have 65k guns...
The military has 250k guns...
That is 3.2 million more guns in the hands of fairdinkum true blue Aussie bruces that could retake this country.

All that is needed is a fairdinkum reason to motivate Bruce.
And when the muslims start a fire that makes black saturday look like childs play, that will happen.

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Based and redpilled?

Mate I used to think my mum was a bit batty telling me her and her friends used to watch lights fly over/around the Tully area until I had one fly right over the top of the house I was at one night. Was fucking surreal seeing a ball of light come over the top of the stacks of the sugar mill then right over the house followed by a gust of wind. There were 6 of us there and all saw the same thing, I don't know what the fuck it was but it wasn't anything that could be easily explained.

Considering that would make farmland vastly more valuable in QLD most farmers would be happy to change, it's mostly the greenies that have been responsible for that scheme never occurring, greeenies unironically hate the environment

Cheers I heard mostly immigrants take it.

I think everyone knows by now that the easiest way to get a huntsman spider to stop coming in your house is to flip it over and suck its dick.
Hear me out.
Carry a spatula around and when you see one, flip it onto its back. They're surprisingly docile once they're in that position. Then, all you need to do is gently press on its abdomen to retract its penis. It will be small; approximately the size of a thin pencil eraser. Use the tip of your tongue to manipulate it to full erection, then suck with your lips until it ejaculates; usually 30-45 minutes later. If you don't feel the rush of semen, you will know by its legs scratching playfully at your face when it gets oversensitive afterwards.
The main trick is not to swallow the spider semen. Trust me, I know it will be tempting. But no, pick up the spider and let him outside, then drool its ejaculate material near the entrances to your house. Spiders are highly promiscuous, and its semen mixed with your saliva will signal him to move on to another house. Spiders do NOT like to get their dick sucked by the same person twice.

Late night edition I guess. What is it that drives you guys? Is it your goals and ambition or something more intrinsic? Are you happy and what makes you happy?

I woke up an hour ago. Was meant to take my lithium but I don't want to. It's just a never ending cycle of lithium in the morning and xanax at night. I'm really not sure about anything anymore. I was thinking about my childhood cat and how we had him put down because he got so old. I want to be euthanized too. Next year I'm 26 and I graduate with a degree which I don't even enjoy. I'm so unappreciative of the things and opportunities I have, but I have lived no other life so I can't compare my life to another. I have no real friends and now I'm too old to make new ones. Haven't spoken to either of my sisters in 4 years.

I end up just sitting on Jow Forums and chatting between study and stuff. People are so hostile every post just ends in some stupid argument that I can't be bothered participating in, Jow Forums not so much. Even on Youtube every post is just an argument. I decided to make a Reddit account a couple weeks back and I was surprised to learn it's actually worse on Reddit. People just openly flame each other there. I thought it was meant to be a friendly hugbox site.

Sigh. I guess I'll take my stupid fucking medication.

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IIRC it was like 99% white when I took it in Brissie

Oh noice yeah I'm in brissie too.

She looks 14 but give her a few years and that is wife material.
This new generation is unironically based and redpilled because they have been fucked over most.

Maybe a tad under 50 million, but around that number is good, with all the coast that can be populated and a single central mega city we could have a comfortable mix of urban and rural living with still a vast majority of untouched nature, which I think is a priority.

Thick, arched eyebrows are a proven red-flag for narcissism, just saiyan

Welcome to reality. Keep trying to make things better and if it doesn't work, change your situation until it does, otherwise you'll have wasted away like most other people on this board (and what I did for the last three years).

If we de-urbanised we could easily fit 50 mil in Australia, just like how Cali and Arizona manage to support millions of people in the fucking desert using good irrigation

Also she has dem sanpaku crazy eyes


Poofter detected.

I would've said living in front of a phone camera is a red-flag for narcissism, but sure.

You have been handed everything your entire life and now you are being medicated by Jewish doctors while you live on the system instead of actually solving your problems which is getting a job, earning a living, finding a misses and starting a family that gives you a reason to live and come home at the end of the day.

Stop letting the system play you and try playing the system for once.

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(Saw this awhile back)


It was the JEWS who implemented the Race Discrimination Act of 1975 by means of subterfuge

It was the JEWS who lobbied the government to implement 18C and it was the JEWS who prevented it's repeal

It's the JEWS lobbying for an increased refugee intake and ultimately responsible for the Sudanese crime wave

It's the JEWS who are pushing a big Australia and even more unassimilable refugees

It's the JEWS making a bunch of money off property development while the pushing mass immigration to drive it

It's the JEWS pushing left wing ideas in influential left wing periodicals

It was the JEWS who represented Eddie Mabo and gave away 10% of Australia to the Abos

It's the JEWS running the anti-white ABC

Malcolm Fraser exposing Jewish power in Australia and saying they deliberately bombed the USS Liberty
If you're an Australian Jow Forumsack, reading this is mandatory if you want to have any idea what's going on at all

anybody else gonna move out of aus in a few years? For me the country is stagnating hard. We had a fucking rich jew as PM. just fucking shoot me. Gov does nothing about infrastructure (3 ties more immigrants but put nothing infrastructure). Costs of living not addressed. Future prospects look grim all round.

I'm probs gonna go somewhere in europe or singapore or maybe japan. They at least seem to be mving forward

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I just envision a country where all energy and resources is put towards a goal of providing as much free time to every individual as possible at no expense to the landscape or others, because that's where the real innovation comes from.

I've been on shitloads of lithium and anti-depressants since my wife and I broke up a couple of years ago, I wouldn't say I'm happy tbqh, my life consists of
>wake up
>take some drugs
>taking lots more drugs
>having a wank
>taking more drugs
>passing out
>repeating the same process the next day

Probably not going to change much until I die

>I just envision a country where all energy and resources is put towards a goal of providing as much free time to every individual as possible
You literally just described how Marx thought up communism lmao

Yeah right?
No jobs for the lower or middle class and welfare for everyone provided by the rich?
Your ideal state is a fucking joke and you cunts need to be put on trial for treason.

Mate the change is cattle grazing patterns, basically if you move your cattle around more they spread their shit more evenly and they don't compact the top soil as much. It's all about mimicking herd migration that you see in the wild. It hasn't got anything to do with green groups. Farmers don't want to do it because they always stick to what they know and change as fast a glacier.

Been thinking of moving out to an area out in rural top end, not going to piss off out of the country entirely though.

>heh you support a conservative party? don't you know ALL parties are bad

Look up the "Walt Disney Wagon Wheel City Design" and I think that would be great for us. Sydney is fucking retarded with its design, Melbourne is cucked and all the other cities are shit.

We need a new one.

I'm aware of holistic grazing, a lot more people are trying it but it's kinda difficult to implement on a 100k+ acre property

>top end
I hope you like weed and hunting, there's not much else up there mate

Walt Disney was actually a genius at town planning, solely self taught in his twilight-years

I didn't say eliminating jobs or capitalism you fucks just eliminating unnecessary things, automation is coming, and we are all going to need to turn our thoughts to God and our neighbors if we are going to survive what's coming. The society we live in right now takes our attention away from God, and we need to return to Eden or we will destroy ourselves.

Or do you think everything is fine the way it is right now?

Either that or somewhere in WA, just better people with my experience around those areas. Less soft cock pooftahs.

IMO most of auspol would be a lot happier if they move to QLD, NT or WA so they could be in a far more conservative culture where they'd fit in better IRL

No you literally want a communist australia and you are a traitor to the men who built this country and died fighting for its flag.

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>I didn't say eliminating jobs or capitalism you fucks just eliminating unnecessary things, automation is coming
This is LITERALLY what marx wrote about is Das Capital

The only difference here is your obession with god. Marx just said read, family, paint, community, overall do things that make you happy. your own god if you will. God wont save us, we will save us.

No one thinks everything is fine. but what your describing is the start of a communist society. Which should be the goal of every country really.

How do we fix Australian women?

They fought fascists more than commies yet here you are.

If you think our soldiers fought for Australia you have no right to call yourself such a thing, they may have fought thinking it was for their country, but they were as brainwashed as you.

I'm not talking about God in the Abrahamic sense, I'm talking about God in the universal sense.

t. a Jimmy that was not taught Australian History
Try reading a bit about it now that you have finished your indoctrination that forgets to teach it now.
Even wikipiedia knows more than you and that is sad.

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>heh you like soldiers, didn't you know they're all puppets like you?!

Soldiers fought to be cannon fodder for Jewish masters and it shaped a nation.
If you don't know this you are indoctrinated well.

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Yes, go on

black pill

Maybe, but 100k isn't as big as most people think. 100k acres, as a square. is about 20km by 20km. If you live in the centre, 10k to the outer edges at a minimum, about 14 to the corners. Half of sydney would kill to be that close to work. Setting up hollistic grazing on a 100k property is something easily doable in parts, designate one herd as hollistic at a time and develop the whole farms over a period of years. That allows the farmer to revert if it isn't working without too much of a downturn. Cattle farmers don't really have an excuse imo.

Who here owns a land cruiser, or a Nissan patrol?

So the blokes who stopped the Japanese advance towards Australia in PNG weren't fighting to save this country? Yeah nah get fucked you poof cunt.

btw trying to tell these dumb fucks otherwise is pointless pic related....

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I do, TB48

>they fought for a flag

Makes me happier that they died in jewish wars tee bee aich

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Yes, because the nation we have today is exactly what we want, no need for improvement.
some does not mean for all, and the issue of soldiers isn't even what we're arguing about

>Setting up hollistic grazing on a 100k property is something easily doable in parts,

Trust me mate, you are really REALLY underestimating how much hard work holistic farming takes, I know from personal experience that even setting up holistic farming on a 1k acre farm takes a huge amount of hard work

Used to own a Cruiser but traded the cunt in for a RAM.

Fascists were the biggest enemy overall. WW2 far eclipses everything on that list.

>I am a unique and individual person just like everyone else

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Such a cool car wish we could get them here

Would you recommend Old Man Emu suspension for my 80 series?