Kuffars i.e. infidels cannot visit 'Abraj Kudai' which is set to be the world's largest hotel with 10,000 rooms. Since it is located in Mecca only, the Faithful (Momineen), that is Muslims can visit it.
It will be a Five star deluxe luxury hotel with dozens of top end restaurants, Islamic spas, swimming pools, gyms and many other luxurious amenities.
Regret not being a Muslim Jow Forums. Accept Islam to visit the hotel.
Most Indians are hindus so not allowed in Mecca. We use muslim Pakistanis and Bangladeshi as the workforce in Mecca.
Kayden Murphy
And nobody gives a shit. Paid with oil money because none of that could be designed, or built by any in that backwards country. Look at the surroundings, desert, death, emptyness, have fun looking at bare landscapes with nothing other than fanatics walking around. Shit, i'd pay not to be in that shitty hotel if I ever had to visit the region for w/e reason.
High quality white marble. It gets cold in winter though.
Kayden Morgan
Can I call room service to get a comfort goat? Asking for a friend
Jonathan Hall
Nobody wants to go to a Muslim country.
Isaiah Cruz
Couldn't I just say I'm Muslim? It's not hard. Jews do this all the time.
Carson Wright
why would anyone want to go to a hotel where the people have to be covered in draperies?
Elijah Davis
This Mecca is literally where Islam inc. milks the idiot faithful, it's like Disneyland for grownups who still believe in fairytales
Isaiah Bailey
Allah (swt) is the One God of whole Humanity. All who follow the true religion must go to Mecca atleast once in their lifetime.
Elijah Wilson
This is what not being cucked looks like
Connor Gomez
If you get caught you might be executed.
Cameron Hernandez
I like how you low iq sand niggers ruined the only thing of value (ancient mecca) and built some cheesy as fuck hotels that will just be ruins in 20 years
Aaron Bennett
who the fuck wants to "visit" saudi arabia? the only reason westerners tolerate your camel fucking shit heap is because of the money. no ones lining up to spend recreational time around a bunch of closeted faggot open goat fuckers
Ryder Richardson
We value only one thing and that is the Kaaba and words of our Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW
William Cox
>my faith demands that I journey to Mecca innit Do you execute people for following your religion? Oh wait. You muzzies do that all the time.
Carson Moore
Why do camel jockeys have no taste in anything. No making something coated with goat or all marble buildings doesn't make it classy achmed. But as some others stated, being so close to all those muzzies would be torture, no luxury could correct for the smell, sounds and mental scarring that such a concentration of vermin would produce.
Robert Gutierrez
I get to be a non muslim, which is pretty cool desu.
They're all cucked by a low IQ warlord and his fantasies.
Asher Gray
> 10,000 rooms > implying Muslims can afford this what a waste of all of that oil wealth lmao
Jace Price
it looks like a dusty brown shithole. Very big though. Land is quite cheap out there in the desert
Brayden Mitchell
good job ruining your holiest city with european made and designed buildings
Jack Gray
Gold*, but yes I bet it would also have a petting zoo with lots and lots of goats
Easton Phillips
>gaudy monstrosity >built in a barren hellscape
Yep, totally jealous.
Connor Watson
>I get to be a non muslim, which is pretty cool desu.
It won't be fun in hell after you die.
Jayden Stewart
> the one god how come Allah didn't know that Christians don't worship Mary as of the trinity's aspect? Why did Allah lie to Muslims about Christians' relationship to Mary?
Henry Harris
Why would I want to stay in a hotel and be surrounded by walking ball sweats and rancid body odors? And not be able to eat baby back ribs and drink beer? Fuck that shit.
Robert Sanchez
> implying Muslim don't go to hell lmao
Jason James
Will muslim women ne allow to use bikinis in the pools
Isaiah Harris
Most Muslims don't. But all infidels do.
Christian Sanchez
Separate pools for men and women.
Wyatt Thomas
We will eventually bomb the fuck out of you with nuclear weapons.
I was told Muslim hell isn't forever. t. Knew a Muslim.
Nathaniel Miller
That place will make a great target to aim a nuke at.
Gabriel Parker
your "all knowing god" claimed in Koran that Christians worship Mary as a God when not a single Christian sect does this lmao. Why did your god lie to you?
John King
When your oil runs out you will have accomplished nothing but create some expensive ruins.
With all that money you could have terra-formed all that desert and made a sustainable state but you Arabs are fools for prestige and temperament.
Henry Parker
Coward, do you fear the hell? Momad was just blabbering out whatever bs his mind could come up with. Chillex my dude.
That building is hideous and no one with an 80+ IQ would want to go to some desert shithole. How much of ancient mecca and the heritage of you Muslims have the Saudis ruined developing that place into the monstrosity it is?
Josiah Fisher
What’s so beautiful about it? It literally looks like the last shit I took.
Noah Bell
Looks like discount Las Vegas.
Juan Rodriguez
>10000 rooms >no bars Pretty serious design flaw if you ask me.
Landon Bennett
OH knowes! Where will i fuck my sheep?
Austin Murphy
> shows one district > beautiful city you Muslims are horrible liers lmao
Justin Garcia
looks good dude, way better than america by far overrun by niggers and all
I would have accepted Islam if they kept the beautiful and historic monuments. Unfortunately Islam died a long time ago. Now it's just a bunch of guys manipulated by wahhabi medias, who do their five prayers a day like robots, and who go to their imam to know whether or not peeing in the direction of Mecca is Halal or not. Fuck the Saudis for killing a great religion.