>Less than 1% of world is Jewish >Managed to survive various Empires (Babylon, Roman, Arab) >Managed to get their own ethnostate, which has better living conditions than 100% of their neighbors >All of their neighborw hate them yet are unable to destroy them >Were able to subvert some of the most powerful nations in the world through powerful political positions >Won like 70% of Nobel Prizes >Have the ability to portray themselves as a helpless and weak minority >Excellent military, and an even more excellent secret service that will fuck you up and no one will say a word about it
How will whites be able to do it? I mean the Jews made their diety the official religion of the West (with a few modifications of course). Jews have been able to do more than any white group.
Jace Collins
Ok, so there's a Jewish problem. How were they able to get into that position? Cause they're smart. Smarter on average than whites.
Matthew Howard
Serbs also survided all of those empires, croats, Romans aren't extinct, etc...
Why is JIDF shilling so hard these past few days? Has there been yet another hasidic organ trafficking ring uncovered?
Camden Ortiz
They aren't smart, just evil. When Hitler banned jews frpm academics, finance and politics, Germany became the most advanced country in the world in just 5 years. What does it say about jews ? They slow down progress and the economy because they give strategic positions to other jews regardless of talent and competence. That's why the whole world is a mess and there are economic crisis everywhere, the jews control every fucking western nation.
Yesterday was shabbat day, they're catching up sundays
Samuel Wilson
>Germans aren't the master race >Jews are the master race >Jews are German Oopsie
Adrian Smith
they didn't do shit without deceiving White Nations into their bidding by selling them lies, and they continue to manipulate whites to this day, almost every major event of the 20th century was orchestrated by jews to the detriment of whites. and this trend continues into the 21st century. they built their little empire on lies and deceit, and only now with the internet are people able to piece it all together
Connor Moore
Oy vey, the goyim know! If whites were so smart they would've known they were being decieved
Jacob Morgan
they were too busy inventing technology, discovering chemistry and physics while the kikes played financial games and backed wars to gain Palestine. Oh yeah and Einstein stole his work from white scientists
Leo Jackson
Well the Kikes were thinking in the long term, survival of the people who adapt the best to the environment. After they get rid of whitea and every other grouo they can do whatever they please, including science. They have the highest average IQ after all
Adrian Carter
>When Hitler banned jews frpm academics, finance and politics, Germany became the most advanced country in the world in just 5 years Absolutely not true, Germany started to lag considerably when it came to academia, especially "Jewish Physics" which today we know as quantum mechanics, and Germany's financial position was absolutely beyond unsustainable in the long run.
There are two competing effects when you allow Jews to run academia and finance. First, they really are smarter than the average white person which is good, second they stifle competition from gentiles artificially which is bad.
This is ignoring of course their grasp on the media, which is their true danger.
Oh... and he names the Jew And LOTS MORE, here is a small window into a world you might not know..
Julian Long
>be Finn >0.07% of world is Finn >survive two European empires at their height of power (Sweden and Russia) >be so based that Russia eventually gave in and let us have our independence >defend against the might of the Soviets in WW2 and retain our independence >in 100 years go from an insignificant farming society into top of the first world
Guys I'm playing devil's advocate here, even if they used dirty tricks, they still got out on top. Why are they considered subhuman if whites weren't smart enough to counter them? Difference is Finns don't control the world and don't have any influence on foreign countries.
Gavin Smith
They're not smarter than whites. They're simply pure evil and thus willing to use all means available to them. Whites don't innately want to take from others to lift themselves up which is why they are so bad at identifying the games the jews are playing.
Because we're content on being by ourselves. There's no need to control over others when you know you're superior either way.
Nathaniel Thompson
>Whites don't innately want to take from others to lift themselves up which is why they are so bad at identifying the games the jews are playing. Unless you count the Brit...oh wait, that's jew hq
Samuel Evans
As I said, survival of the fittest. Whites have too much empathy for other races. Jews have none. Jews will be able to survive, whites will not, so in the end they will be superior. And I'm pretty sure Finland won't be able to take over the world at this moment.
Henry Mitchell
>ethnostate 100+IQ non-criminal non-inbred non-haredim non-pedo ashkenazis are like 5% max.
Isaac Martin
>inventing technology, edison was a crypto kike (jewed the populace into accepting inferior DC tech) >discovering chemistry doctors were overwhelmingly jewish >physics einstien is a kike, newton is a heretic (crypto kike) >white people >idiots who use fucking retarded round shields and swinging their axes like a nigger and manually row their fucking retarded thin boats with stupid heads on them while meds were marching all over the place with wall shields in a disciplined, impenetrable turtle formation and everyone else uses sails like a normal person >somehow invented stuff I think not. Galileo was a crypto kike (heretic)
Bentley Rogers
Because Aryans do not infiltrate host countries pretending to be members of it's society in order to subvert it. Look at the Old and New Testament stories of the Bible and as yourself this, why do SO many Hebrew stories take place in other lands? Do you really think they were ever "enslaved" in Egypt or were they taking over Egypt?
Aaron Thompson
>Because we're content on being by ourselves. There's no need to control over others when you know you're superior either way. Then why are there whites in USA? Why are the amerimutt colonies a thing?
Easton Peterson
nvm, realized that amerimutt was created via. the sugar jew and the const. republic jew
Evan Campbell
Germans banned Jews from everything, their economy was in ruins, so as a last desperate chimp out they got aggressive and launched a world war they couldn't win. After getting their asses handed to them, they turned into a dyke ruled, communist, cucked shithole that opened their borders to the Muzzies, and now the only fertility they have to speak of comes from Muzzie rape babies.
Lincoln Peterson
>All of their neighborw hate them yet are unable to destroy them you w0t m8 ? literally only syria and lebanon . syria because it's so assblasted due to losing a war that they refused to do postwar negotiations for golan and lebanon because they're full of analravaged palestinians that the jordanians kicked their way.
of course they're unable to destroy israel had military superiority by a very wide margin in all it's wars (not that we didnt manage to fuck things up from time to time)
>Won like 70% of Nobel Prizes only 22.5 which is very low , not even a majority, we can and should do better .
>Have the ability to portray themselves as a helpless and weak minority we've never done so , first of all we're the majority , second we've always portrayed ourselves as strong to discourage enemy attack .
That's 'cause these guys manipulate, steal, devise up plans to make it seem like they're good.
Daniel Sanders
>Assassins, thieves, liars and swindlers are superior
Austin Collins
Only 22.5 % with 1/10 of 1% of the world population. And it is much higher if you look at the science prizes, and medicine in particular. This seems to be math you don't understand, which is typical of goyim, and why you can't do science.
Jayden Phillips
newton and galileo were not jewish dont be silly also they're the two people most responsible for modern science .
David Cook
>They're not smarter than whites. They're simply pure evil and thus willing to use all means available to them. listen you dumbfuck, stop answering like a 5 years old and at least be honest. we are mangage to get to those places because we have way higher verbal Iq on average than whites.
Also, we are only 0.25% and we are 47% world chess champions because of....nepotism right?
so what ? nobel prize is a fucking meme senpai it has no weight since the moment they added non scientific subjects . also im not a fucking goy
Kevin Campbell
Honestly only the world chess champions is an objective meaningful stat. Why would anyone care about Hollywood and Hollywood awards?
Christopher Bailey
im just saying it's not impressive we're a minority of people and take the minority of prizes . it would only be impressive if we got the majority .
Ryan Cruz
Honestly, this topic has been beaten to death here. The IQ gulf between Jews and whites is the same as the IQ gulf between whites and blacks. It's that simple and everyone knows it. Jews also value family, and their kids grow up in stable homes that value education. The leftism of American Jews is an embarrassment however. Thankfully Israel and the orthodox are all hard right.
Grayson Peterson
Half of that shit relates to retarded entertainment or swindling.
John Jenkins
I doubt you are a Jew. No Jews are this stupid and this bad at math.
daily remainder that the IDF is not a super army, it's just that arabs are retarded - anyone can beat them.
Asher Lee
Are you fucking stupid?
Mason Gray
fake jew kike amalekites are not known for truth telling. they also are said to control governments, do you really think they're going to tell their true census numbers when it'll ruin their gravy train? come on.
>Germany started to lag considerably when it came to academia, especially "Jewish Physics" which today we know as quantum mechanics Yikes In the past 70 years there hasn't been a single advancement in quantum physics. It's such a meme field it might as well not exist. It's such a meme field that the top experts in the field openly state that they have no clue what they are doing. Meanwhile Nazi Germany's scientists went from nothing to sending both Americans and Soviets into space.
Caleb Cruz
You claimed that 0.0015% of the world population producing 22+% of nobel prizes is to be expected. "we're a minority that takes a minority of prizes."
To put it in another perspective, Jews win 100 times more nobel prizes per capita than the rest of the world. If you dont understand that your claim was mathematically retarded, then I can't help you.
Isaac Gray
>anyone can beat them with billions of other peoples money
Charles Bailey
jews are not german.
Oliver Stewart
i just said it wasnt impressive and it's not considering what our competition is .
Matthew Diaz
you don't even need the billions.
Cooper Sanders
>i just said it wasnt impressive and it's not considering what our competition is . my man.
i mean claiming that the fact that we get more nobels then goyim is impressive is like claiming that a martial artist can beat up 20 6 yearolds is impressive
also happy hannuka to all my israeli אחים and even salty goyim .
>In the past 70 years there hasn't been a single advancement in quantum physics. you clearly know nothing about QM my senpai , there's been major advancements in QM constantly .
the jewish physics meme only exists because of assblasted kraut physicists that got angry at their jewish peers due to feelings of inadequacy . IIRC the guy who invented that was especially assblasted because einstein used his work to get his photoelectric nobel prize that basically invented QM . also 'jewish physics' includes QM , relativity and modern thermodynamics (as in statistical mechanics) the very computer you're using right now or the screen you're viewing this on would not work without the knowledge gained from 'jewish physics'
Jack Hill
>Managed to survive various Empires (Babylon, Roman, Arab) You're describing Palestinians here Moshe. Jews are foreign imposters to the land and not even a real race. >Managed to get their own ethnostate, which has better living conditions than 100% of their neighbors Jews are not a real ethnicity and kikes destroyed the entire Middle East to weaken it for their own interests. -Propping up saudi/wahhabis for over 2 centuries -Ben Gurion's periphery strategy -Oded Yinon plan >Won like 70% of Nobel Prizes Jews give themselves prizes that they don't deserve. >Excellent military, and an even more excellent secret service that will fuck you up and no one will say a word about it You will get assraped by Iran soon like never before.
How did they survive the arab empire when we weren't against them? We let them back to the holy land and we had great relations in the medieval era. Also no regime in the middle east is against israel except Iran and Syria. In fact Israel has more allies in the middle east than it has enemies. Do you even know what you're talking about?
There are tons of recreational chess players who play at your local park that could destroy these Jewish "chess champions". The problem is that since they are goyim they don't get holocaust reparations and have to actually work real jobs for a living.
>The proportion of Jewish laureates more than doubled (2.3-fold increase) after the Second World War owing to the explosion of Prizes shared between Jews and Gentiles (8.8-fold increase). Higher IQs and preferential choice of science as a profession among Jews do not fully explain this J-bias. It is more likely that extensive and well-organized personal networking of a marketing type among Jewish scientists, together with the egalitarian-liberal, nonchalant attitude of the Swedish representatives of the Donor, are responsible for this unfortunate phenomenon. It is suggested that the World's scientific community persuade the Nobel Foundation to follow the rules of Nobel's Will in accordance with Swedish Law.
>claims to be a genious >doesn't know the difference betwen than and then you must be one of the middle eastern mud jews
Sebastian Thompson
then what the fuck is this shit youtube.com/watch?v=zvNwIcRe600 why cant i legally get a visa in most arab states ? why are israeli champions denied their nation's anthem and flag ? we dont have and never will have any allies in the middle east
also literally the official army of the arab league attacked us ,and literally the entire arab legue to this day is commited to not having peace with , not negotiation and not recognizing israel . if im wrong please link me the resolution where they reversed their position on that .
Hunter Morris
>Muh nobel prizes Most of those nobel prize winners are Askhkenazi (German) Jews. The Jewishness has been bred out of them. In 3000 years of Jewish history there have been literally ZERO academics, scientists, engineers, philsophers who have contributed ANYTHING to humanity. Look it up, how can a "chosen" people be this devoid of producing anything of value for thousands of years? The only time Jews started coming into academia was after the 19th century in Europe when Jews had accumulated enough European genes, even then they come on the world stage with people like Marx and Freud promoting ideologies like communism and feminism. The ONLY thing the Jew has been known for throughout history is his propensity to subvert, to swindle, to be a fraud and engage in immoral practises.
TLDR: KYS kike
Ayden Collins
This, Israel is full of Mizrahi and Sephardic subhumans
If Jews can make their own ethnostates in the Middle East, then whites can also have their ethnostates in America, Australia, etc, free of non-whites and non-white immigrants.
It has to be a "you get yours, I get mine" type of situation. If everybody has an ethnostate, then how can you be denied.
Samuel Mitchell
'whites' are not a nationality , jews,anglos,romanains are nationalities .
Liam Myers
jews are a religion, ashkenazi jews have more in common with europeans than with middle eastern jews
Lincoln Perez
jews are a nationality , their ethnic homeland is judea
They're typical middle eastern minorities then. Maronites, Armenians, Assyrians, and Druze have all survived 2,000 years of persecution and oppression, yet they don't try to fuck everyone else over. Maronites rule brazil and parts of west africa, and armenians are very well-integrated as well. The only difference is that while the lebanese and other groups stayed in their homelands while simultaneously being diaspora businessmen, the jews completely left, then returned 2000 years later with a vengeance. also maronites and others focus on business and success, jews focus on politics too much. > t leb
Henry Myers
I have a laundry list of issues with your country, Amos, but one thing I won't do is deny that jews are a nationality. I'm lebanese, and if I had a dollar for every time someone in the West assumed I was jewish based on my looks, I would be a millionaire. When I was a kid a group of orthodox jewish kids started hanging out with me for half a day until they realized I wasn't actually jewish. they were decent kids though, kept in contact with one of them. Anyway, if I had to choose one ethnicity in the world that looked, dressed, and acted the most similarly to Lebanese, it would be israeli jews. We have more in common with you than with palestinians and syrians. if you shape up in your foreign policy I wouldn't hate israel as much, but you guys have done enough to lebanon. Rumor has it though that Samir Geagea was in contact with israel not long ago.
Not true at all. Most ashkenazis cluster between greeks and levantines, which can be said for plenty of palestinian and lebanese too. most DNA tests show that jews from iraq and jews from poland are more similar to one another than to their host countries of iraq and poland. The only way an Iraqi and a Pole can so similar is if they have a shared ethnicity, which they do.
Ryan Nelson
Goys were created to serve the jews...
Jose Perez
I want to be a Jew's boy slave. They are the master race.
Isaiah Jackson
We should serve the Jew so we get on the winning side. Yiddish masters are better than Muslims.
Daniel Evans
i had lebs in my highschool , they looked nothing like jews . also >your foreign policy did you forget about attacking us in 1948,1968,1969,1970,1972,1974,1975,1978,1979,1980,1981,1993,1996,2000,2006,2007,2009,2010,2011,2013,2014,2015 ?and that's just off the top of my head , there's probably attacks in the years i didnt list as well if not for leb aggression against uswe would have literally 0 instances of hostility with you
Christopher Anderson
>jews are a nationality >if I had to choose one ethnicity in the world that looked, dressed, and acted the most similarly to Lebanese, it would be israeli jews. We have more in common with you than with palestinians and syrians. Holy fuck I hate lebfags. Traitor lebs get the rope before kikes.
>most DNA tests show that jews from iraq and jews from poland are more similar to one another than to their host countries of iraq and poland. The only way an Iraqi and a Pole can so similar is if they have a shared ethnicity, which they do. False and false. Stupid lebcucks.
"Aryans" were never master race as they'd be nothing without Semites. Even their LARPers live in a continent named after a Semitic woman.
That's not to say they are overrated, but at the same time, they're not ubermensch.
Jayden Cooper
>There are tons of recreational chess players who play at your local park that could destroy these Jewish "chess champions". Sounds like what leftists say about migrants to justify immigration: "There's so many doctors and engineers in those boats crossing the sea!"
Austin Diaz
Except what I said had nothing to do with immigration, quite the opposite. I was talking about goyim chess players. Saying that Jewish chess players are superior sounds like what leftists would say to justify Jewish existence among us.