Where did it all go wrong???

Where did it all go wrong???

Attached: american political discourse facebook.jpg (419x960, 67K)

kys Jow Forumstard

americans have the worst(WORST) national political discourse i've seen of any country ever. everything is about getting dopamine hits. FUCK.




You aren't a "protector of the civilization" .
You are just an incel Searching for meaning in his miserable life

Have to agree.

>you don't want immigrants in your country?!?!?!
>Let me project my insecurities unto you

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Go back to pol you sub-human leafnigger

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>you haven't been to Jow Forums in years but have political opinions that disagree with mine

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>muh """""moderate""""" radical centrists

Attached: moderate websites.jpg (1440x1372, 169K)

God forbid anyone searches for meaning. Just enjoy hedonism!

Canadian right wingers are even more retarded than brazilian right wingers, fucking ridiculous

They got educated by Americans. I always cringe when I see no. Americans using their retarded definitions of left, right and liberalism. The use of "Cultural Marxism" is probably the easiest way to spot a retard.

>Someone spent their time making this picture

Political autism is a time intensive process, senpai.

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can't be worse than ours

Search for meaning is ok ,stupid faggot.
But not spread your bullshit and fantasies an now kys

what the fuck is this thread

I saw that van outside a Walmart is South Georgia. They have to be absolutely pants on head insane.

The point is if you're talking about politics it should go on Jow Forums and not any other board. Also if you repeat the same moronic talking points as everyone on Jow Forums why wouldn't someone think you're from Jow Forums?