My fiancee unironically left me for a nigger

My fiancee unironically left me for a nigger.
>Inb4. Cuck
It's her fault she's a cheating whore.not mine. Jow Forums was right. White women are shit

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Were there any red flags?

It's your fault for not domesticating her.

She's gonna get beaten~

Find yourself another white girl and stop being a cuck.

>/b/ filled with cuck shit
>go to Jow Forums just to get away from it
>cuck shit at the top

Some strange shills on today. Some sickos trying to demoralise anons and blackpill them on women.

this shitty copypasta again

She was too far gone
I did everything I could.there were red flags from the beginning I was just lost all reasoning because of my penis and didn't stop to think what kind of person she was

Check out Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi if you're not a larp, it speaks of this hind brain overruling the rational mind thereby putting us in shitty situations with shitty women.

Hind brain - sounds legit and not at all made up by an agenda pushing retard. Thanks user

Damn I'll check it out
I fucking wish I was larping.
I feel so humiliated so if you think this book will be a helpful read I'll se

Come to Thailand, user, they're waiting for you.

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Ignore this shit. Realise you just got caught in a shitty situation. Next time make sure you set standards about what is acceptable and what is not at the beginning of the relationship. Going down the herp derp red pill route is for fuckwits who can't maintain normal relationships. Be better than them.

Virgins only dude. Do not marry women who have ruined their biological pair bonding capabilities.

That will never be a problem with my fiancee. She isn't allowed to leave the basement without me accompanying her, or our groundskeeper Jamal.

T. Juden

>dates a literal whore because muh dick
>thinks hes better than a nigger

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Every white woman I've spoken to is a pathological nigger lover. Two of them have made big black dick jokes to me completely out of the blue.

I broke it off with one when she tagged me in a Facebook post of two gay nigger men kissing talking about the AIDS epidemic. The fuck? Who does that.

>inb4 cuck posting
literally go fuck yourself, Jow Forums is the only place I can talk about this shit

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ha - softcock got BTFO and cannot recover so he dusts off the old "you're a jew" trick. Nice work Elliott

>there were red flags from the beginning I was just lost all reasoning because of my penis and didn't stop to think what kind of person she was
next time do better.

Why do you care if they were niggers? Women are hypergamous by nature. Just means your weak beta genes weren’t worth passing along

t.trent tradcon

lazy, made up cuck shit.

Stop spreading your sick fetish you faggot.

Cuck. The redpill and similar should be prereq for posting on Jow Forums.

Also check out:
Chateau Heartiste
Jim's Blog

Prereq for training men to be weak. How about you fuck off with the bullshit and teach men to be strong? Wouldn't that be better?

>tfw my gf of 2 years made a cotton picking nigger joke on our first date
>tfw she actively avoids blacks and makes me go get stuff in the store if there's black people by it

Things are going to be alright.

So it's indeed your fault. Don't blame "white women" because you get with a bad crowd.



post her contact info to prove you are not another jewish shill

go troll her by calling her a racist and see how she reacts

You're full of shit/or a pathetic fag who's fantasising about being in that situation. Prove me wrong.

Weak how? Being a beta is weak.

Having women obey you is strong.

You were with me last night when she got all her teeth kicked in by a man fitting your description bro.

Impossible, women are incapable of cheating. You are to blame for not being able to satisfy her.

She left you with a nigger, then come back with a nigglet.

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>being a strong men is contingent on a women

Larping bit too hard there m8?

I only am interested in asians, poojeetas, and middle eastern women. My past white ex girlfriends left me with a lot of bad memories. Nonwhite women are nicer and more flirty in general in comparison.