>chimp outs are ok when white people do it
Chimp outs are ok when white people do it
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Niggers chimp out because they're niggers for literally no reason whatsoever. Whites or as I like to call them in France, French people are rioting because they want change in the government and this is the best way to force it
Kill yourself with your bait thread memeflag
>>chimp outs are ok when white people do it
Ha. Feels good man.
At least white people (men who aren't cucks) do it with good reason.
This. NPC's showing themselves again. Unable to distinguish the outlying factors, looking only at the outcome not the cause.
>implying chimp outs can happen to white people
because they are not chimp outs silly niggers thoughts are limited to whiskey pussy and cheetos
There were Arabs looting yesterday. "real" yellow jackets were too busy destroying riot barriers and throwing shit at cops. Considering they started gassing peaceful protesters, I really couldn't care less if they charged against riot police.
>what is "the 4th (fourth) reich"