If you make any kind of income on the internet trading or marketing or whatever, there is no reason not to live in Dubai

If you make any kind of income on the internet trading or marketing or whatever, there is no reason not to live in Dubai

>Safe af, no breakins on apartments, criminals don't exist, also Sharia Law and arm cutting
>0% tax on everything, you can carry millions in cash and the authorities won't care
>Sunny, beach, hot weather year-round
>The best infrastructure in the world
>Tight borders, not every retard can walk in
>Rich Emirate and rich Western population

Why would anyone not live in Dubai in [current year]? It's a capitalist paradise, and more than that. The most perfect place on Earth

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Too many Pajeets Joos and Sand nigs

>Safe af
unless you do ANYTHING the religious nut cases in charge dont like
Then 10 years in JAIL.
Like kissing in public

>Can't hold back from kissing in private

Shows you have no restraint and should be treated like an animal. That's your major point?


>too many sand nigs
>united ARAB emirates

fuck sandniggerland

hope Iran nukes you

No alcohol


Can I move there and be one of these prostitutes who gets 10k per crazy wild desert party? Looks nicer than anywhere in burgerstan.
Since I burn too easily in the sun I'd probably wear a burka just out of practicality anyway so wtf do I care...

>Be me
>Invent new device
>Get accused of witchcraft and sorcery because the shitskins don't understand the new tech
>Get beheaded in the street for sorcery.

I'd feel safer in Gary Indiana than anywhere in the middle east

It might the city with the most alcohol
94% of Dubai are foreigners and everybody drinks

How is the sewage removal?

Male prostitute?
I don’t think you’d last there bro. You’d make good money under the table (semites are all closet homos) but shit would hit the fan once one of your johns gets all guilty and then reports you to the police


As the area produces very little in regards to commodities locally, everything is expensive. Pound for pound I would prefer living in Southern California. But I will say the fresh squeezed orange juice in Dubai is to die for. And yes it is a trade zone so there is alcohol. You just need to watch it as drunk in public is severely punished.

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If I wanted to be surrounded by brown people, I’d move to Detroit.
>implying sand nig doesn’t mean arab

shows i like freedom cuck

So there isn’t an agricultural industry? Whelp, I can’t move there.

>Tight borders, not every retard can walk in

They how would Jow Forums get in?

imagine being a chink with no restraint to eating dog and cat

>I like to pay 20$ for a glas of coke or a cup of coffee
> I love to pay 10k a month for my apartment in a nearly empty building in the middle of a ghost town
>Getting 5 years of jail time for not greeting some random bastard sheik son on the street.

Nah, fuck off.

Not all of Jow Forums are uneducated incels. Some of us have graduate educations.

Dubai is one of the most high tech cities in the world dude, this comment is cringeworthy at best

150iq posts

Lived there for five years. Hated it.