Any chance we could start seeing riots erupt all over Europe throughout winter after the yellow vests protests started...

Any chance we could start seeing riots erupt all over Europe throughout winter after the yellow vests protests started spreading and get a European winter similiar to the arab spring? I've been waiting for an actual happening for too fucking long it's about time people start waking up, we're one fuck up away from an all out civil war in France

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Other urls found in this thread:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1068538231963222016&ref_url=

Do you want to know how I got this scar ?

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Probably but they need to move past "muh petrol" to the real issue of third world populations because most nations don't have the specific tax issue.

Wtf, those niggers destroyed a statue ?

it's not about fuel prices anymore, it's about urbans technocrats against rural workers

Shut down of gas stations and refineries this week^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1068538231963222016&ref_url=

Come back to me when it's about native populations against muslims and jews.

As long as the governments of Europe keep pushing shit policies and only doubling down when they know those policies are unpopular this kind of shit will only increase.

Damn. Looks like he took a rubber bullet through the face? He's going to be eating through a straw for a while.

You don't really get this, do you ?
What if I told you the rural british come to London to protest against welfare for londoners while they don't get a penny ?

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They did, its even on the fucking wikipedia page that they're protesting agaisnt globalism. They were chanting for Macron to resign

France frogs, listen up! If you want to exploit this and want to really help your country, do one simple thing.
Make a banner of - Frexit - with hashtag (because it will attract NPC journos) and go to the next protest. More of you do this will give it more platform in media and it will actually happen.
Don't underestimate what you can do. I have a hunch that you can pull this off if you try.

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Collapse the EU

Knowing the majority of people I'd imagine they'd be fobbed off if the based conservatives told them the tax rate was necessary to keep our muslims content and welcome.

This. If france leaves the EU the project is 100% dead.

It's rioting season in Paris, muh fight the system, revolution and shit. May they all die in pain.

make it happen frogs
get your yellow vest and head towards the cameras with your sign

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Is your country going to have a civil war or is this just some shit that will go away by next month?

now that's rare
and thanks to you both for support. I hope they will make it.

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It would be the perfect time. The migrants will be staying close to their new homes, perfect time for good people to burn these places, and knife any trash they see outside.

>or is this just some shit that will go away by next month?

Probably but it's always good to see young white males being angry. If it's not for now it's still soon.