What Is “Adrenochrome”? Meet the Biochemical that Elite Zionists are Using to Get High
>This constant need for living subjects, to harvest the chemical out of their adrenal glands, is why Zionists do not want peace in Israel. The status quo of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has made Palestinians into de facto and de jure second class citizens, who can be legally harvested at any time by any Israeli citizen for organs, tissue, and precious adrenochrome.
the Deep State is more than just Jewish people man you need to get over it. There's a HUGE difference between Israeli Jews and American Jews. this site's antisemitism IS NOT HELPING THE MOVEMENT YOU STUPID FUCKING FAGGOT. IT'S BAD OPTICS
Brayden Barnes
kike faggot we have faggot mafia jews in america and israel they'll both get the rope
Josiah Murphy
No one will "get the rope", you're just a NEET faggot who lives in his mother's basement. You probably wouldn't even openly discuss jews in public because you fear us so much. Weakling. Your race will be bred out and here you are whining on like a pussy.
Aaron Adams
True and the deep state is actually a soul being protected by certain ones, apparently.
Isaiah Rivera
Get out newfag, only thing “we” all agree on here is being anti-jew first. Anything else comes second.
Dominic Stewart
What about monatomic gold?
Cooper Roberts
>muh daily crusader
Are you the fucking owner or something for that shit wanna be shill paper constantly posting the dumbest most bullshit stories that can be debunked in a second fuck off
Hudson Peterson
lmao true colors, the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
Enlighten me, what movement are you even talking about? The movement IS to get rid of the jewish elite's hegemony. You are fantasizing out of a desire to save your own skin, skin which even God doesn't believe is worth saving