So whats going on in France?
>media paints the “uprising” as having no clear direction or ethos
So wtf is going on?
France what now?
it's antifa
middle class white frenchies raging for the sake of it really
Basically ring wing paramilitaries hijacked a peaceful protest about gas taxes and shit is currently hitting the fan
Globalists and their bootlickers get the rope.
Middle class is sick and tired to pay for everyone.
This started due to gaz price increase (that will greatly impact rural workers), but it goes beyond that now.
Note that minorites that are supposed to be poor are not even in the street and don't give a fuck at all, because they get all the state welfare.
Now there is a riot planned every saturday and Macron don't know what to do.
How come the french always lead by example in these situations?
mass arrests beginning on monday afternoon, macron already signed the order to send the army to take the pressure from the police
It's not, there was a few last saturday but really a small minority. There was also a few far right guys but nothing big.
>French truckers have been protesting for month over the increase in fuel prices
>Macron basically tried the cake instead of bread routine
>Truckers keep protesting
>Casseurs (similar to AntiFa) start torching property as soon as weekend arives
>(((media))) starts shilling
>See! These truckers need to be stopped!
Ok let's recap :
- In the begining an anti-tax protest
-Turns out millions of people take their yellow vest (the media said less but a police union said 1 million)
- The biggest riot since 50 years happened last saturday
- The first time since 1934 than Far-left (communists and antifa) AND far-right (Nationalists, Royalists, identitarians) mixed up in one massive protests.
- Everyone want Macron to resign and is mostly anti-globalism, anti-elite.
- It's too soon to see what will happen next
- the Riot police almost ran out of ammo yesterday, they're thinking about bringing the army next week
- Three machine guns were stolen by protesters
- Snipers were put on the roof aiming at the Arc the triomphe
The gas tax isn't just about raising revenue to fund green energy, it's an intentional effort to make life impossible for the rural poor so as to force them into miserable urban ghettos, making room for the to elite flee the cities for the countryside.
This Saturday, leftists were a lot more numerous though. I was at both demonstration and people who were there yesterday waved a lot more anarchist or antifa flags, this is also why there was a lot more of violence.
That's why i plan to go next week so that antifa won't take our riot !
you're just being jealous because the frogs prove to love liberty more than you (a me either) once again.
you don't have to be, mate, you are comparing with the top of the league in the field of liberty-loving.
>Three machine guns were stolen by protesters
haha let me know when they figure out what they're actually rioting over buddy
everyone knows liberty is only at the heart of the anglosphere nations
I only heard about one, but apparently in was in police vehicule, weapon was a G36.
>french riot police
thats how
French riot police is actually one of the best in the world.
Their government increased the tax on gasoline. The media doesn't want to admit that Macron's government could do any wrong so they're pretending that have no clue why everyone's so mad.
If the riot police were good then there wouldnt be riots, dipshit
actually... it is anarchists and anti globalists and anti EU types, many of them communist.
it isn't just right wingers. The neo nazis are in there, but it is basically an excuse for Rentamob to have fun
Meh, the country as a whole probably had it coming. Those in power are most to blame. Even in Rome did the slaves rise up against their masters, for some reason people don't see it like it is now because the chains are in the mind.
>Macron don't know what to do.
next saturday 60,000 police in Paris. Anyone in yellow jacket is herded by three personal police. anyone steps out of line, arrested.
anyone lights a match or picks up a stone, shot dead on the spot.
reminded. good movie tho
>So wtf is going on?
People want less taxes and more public services
I will not stop posting this pic
Case and point to my post above.
Americans really don't now what they talk about when it comes to riot.
The things is :
- A demonstration happens and is a legal right
- From the demonstration comes the riot, un less you ban the demonstration you can't prevent the riot.
- Provided you live in the US where the most violent you can get is wearing MAGA hats in front of leftists.
France has the opportunity to kill its government and resettle on something better. If they do so Im more willing to arm the right wing faction that emerges from the chaos.
You're the only dipshit here
America was sissified over the last few decades.
>- Provided you live in the US where the most violent you can get is wearing MAGA hats in front of leftists.
What are the LA riots.
I recommend having a IQ greater than 80 before posting.
how will that work?
How can you have more service if you dont pay for it?
I do not understand.
You redirect the money, stop giving it to niggers or the shitload of useless association/governmental agencies
Oh dear Deutschcuck,
When your public servants are essentially the elites with 3000EUR monthly pensions, no incentives to improve service, and everyone working in the private sector has to turn in 55 percent of the money they make to keep the shitshow running, you would be demanding representation for your taxes too.
The public sector in Germany is much better, but krauts are beyond cucked when it comes to sucking their governments dick and paying for the privilege.
Public services have 4 times the administrative and management personnel than their private counterparts and are basically a non-funtional moneyhole.
>green energy
It’s gibs for refugees.
In America, counting all the different taxes I have to pay making less than 33k a year in a state without a state tax, I lose damn near 35% of my pay to taxes already. Split between the feds stealing it before it ever hits my bank, sales tax, property tax, and misc things the government forces people to pay for.
Once the people actually don't return home after a night of violence is the day I jump in and help, otherwise, they're simply doing the same thing as before but making their already poisonous environment more poisonous by essentially giving their problems more time to retaliate in harsher ways. Never mind the fact you need a certification to basically take a shit now while different ABC agencies funded by the government watch to make sure you wipe your ass, fucking criminal.
Media, politicians and bankers will get the guillotine
Check 'em
this is the french mainstream media talking point. stop parroting the msm. the reality is that these are average working class french who are fed up with a system that props up the elites in paris and globalized cities at the average rural worker's expense. it's essentially occupy france
Based France, finally people are standing up against all those fucking immigrants ruining it for everyone
>what now?
We just want one thing. Macron has to step down. We need new elections.