Daily reminder that, given the opportunity, the left will kill you for your beliefs. Anyone who preaches anti-violence in this day and age is either entirely ignorant of the current political climate or a shill.
Daily reminder that, given the opportunity, the left will kill you for your beliefs...
And anyone trying to instigate violence on a Malaysian erotic shadow puppet theatre forum is a glownigger.
So will the right.
When will you niggers learn about the middle path.
grow up
>Daily reminder that, given the opportunity, the left will kill you for your beliefs. Anyone who preaches anti-violence in this day and age is either entirely ignorant of the current political climate or a shill.
ALL liberals must die before one of them shoots up your school.
Le brown NPCs
It's sad because, given the right circumstances like a state of war, they would trick you into believing that we need to set aside our differences and unite. Not bad, right? Well, it is because immediately after the hostilities have ceased or the emergency situation gone, they'll stab you right in the back, call you a fascist, start dehumanizing you with their lies (don't believe me, huh? Post-WWII Poland, see how the commies treated the members of Armia Krajowa or how in Yugoslavia Tito belittled a WWI veteran!)
This is why I hate the idea of a compromise. This is why you can't have principles, this is why you can't be virtuous, they'll use you against yourself.
Same thing with the entire concept of a liberal democracy! Freedom of thought and speech, freedom of assembly, democratic decision-making ("the democratic process legitimizes everything", they say, "so stop whining except when it's us that lose, then we'll chimp out!"), rule of law...; they will use these things against us!
And finally, their hypocrisy! Think about Chile: the arrogant attitudes the socialists had before the '73 coup. And then, when El Tata did what he thought was necessary, condemnation after condemnation, world leaders, like Palme (funny, I used to admire him), sobbing for the deceased and imprisoned agitators who were arming themselves with Soviet weaponry just a brief moment ago. Oh, and how one-sided the West is on this...
the race war is coming
>the race war is coming
Sorry dude, mine's purely ideological
This is one of those things everybody living outside of london needs to see
what an absolute shithole that place has become.