Listen you white suburban retard frogs...

listen you white suburban retard frogs. why don't you just give up your house and car and move to the city like a progressive and modern global citizen?

if you use public transport or a ride sharing app you won't have to worry about the fuel taxes being used to fight climate change

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but then who will grow your vegan food?

Because I gave all my money to beggers and feel bad when I turn down the guy actually trying to sell me his wares or drugs.

get fucked cunt

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migrants on state allocated farms once the white are moved into monthly rented urban facilities

And live where? Afford to survive... how? Only 3rd world brownies and varglets get state gibs.

Those are callled kolhozs/solhozs

Suburbs means something else
The people there are non parisian/rural french

I understand that it's unfortunate that your parents moved somewhere where you'd be a minority for opportunity but do you really think it's a good idea to let the shit keep rolling? Is there really nothing that could assuage your hate?

I would move to Paris if I could.
It's not that I hate rural areas. I love them. I think as humans we were meant to live with greenery and open spaces around us, not concrete hells.
But the matter of the fact is, employment is only found in large cities, and of all the large cities, Paris is the one with the most employment opportunities.
And well, I don't really want to spend four hours (at the very least) everyday commuting to and fro.
But the thing is, Paris is basically impossible to live in, to the point where I am shocked that 17 million people live there.
I remember looking up apartments in Paris and I swear there was a fucking broom closet going for $300 a month. That's it; no running water, I think electricity, but definitely no amenities, nothing. If you want to go to the bathroom, use a public restroom.
The absolute STATE of this fucking country. I'd rather die than live that way.
Imagine packing yourself onto public transport every morning, and when you get home at the end of the day, you come home to your shitty broom closet with barely enough room for more than a tiny desk and a bed. And then being thankful for it.
They called it a "servant's chamber". Jesus fucking christ.

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