Is Christmas under attack again this year? LMAO

Is Christmas under attack again this year? LMAO

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Only in the kike-infested Americas.
Merry Christmas user.
christmas used to be about giving gifts the person needs.
watch this video it's an early gift

Happy Holidays racists!

Only in the Jewnited States of Israel

Its ok to be christian

>le kike on the stick man bday celebration

In the US, Germany, and Israel

makes me so mad that people say happy holidays and not merry Christmas anymore

pic is nyc skyline during Christmas in 1956

Attached: New-York-City-skyscrapers-lit-with-crosses-for-Easter-March-29-1956.jpg (2315x1713, 1.6M)

Technically it’s Saturnalia to celebrate winter solstice.

Fuck kikemas and whatever gay semetic holidays you nigger worship

Merry Yuletide!

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Wasn't there a truck of peace attack Germany a few years ago?

Yeah, don't know why people don't understand that.
I'm sure most don't even know Jesus' birthday

we won't know until a van comes crashing through a market and runs over a bunch of people.

Attached: jhgfj.jpg (702x1249, 225K)

Merry Yuletide

how clever, lie to us that dec 25th is the
birthday of Zeus then attack that day so
we defend it and we're just defending
satan whom was nimrod at the time.

Attached: nimrod-and-santa-trees-nimrod-deified-ancient-nineveh-artifact-erry-29534154.png (500x772, 183K)

>Is Christmas under attack again this year
The world says no, but fox news says yes.

>have attacks every year 2014-2016
>Trump, Putin and Assad kill ISIS to shit first 4 months of presidency
>media totally ignores the fact they lost 95% of territory within that small amount of time
>AFTER being alive and financed by the western globalists, oil sandniggers and kikes for years

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and the chinese, chink cocksuckers.

Attached: 1530371251442.png (716x714, 874K)

I've seen this exact line parroted a lot lately. Some kind of faggot mating call?

That picture, is it from the Americana in Glendale?

Again? Is it Muslims or jews this time? Get the bolards of peace out again it's just a normal part of Christmas decorating now.