I agree with you, but my problem is these things happen organically and don't have to be forced.
They are forcing it, tantamount to force feeding a newborn a steak.
Justin Perry
Leaf you're gonna get curb stomped the moment it falls kys
Logan Gonzalez
yeah but why did you put lil faggots pic in here
Jacob Murphy
Tribalism is the future, globalism is propped up by corporations.
Grayson Nelson
thats natural. this push and pull is what evolution is made of. the left goes too far, the right pushes back. the right gets the power and goes to far, the left pushes back
we keep see sawing all the way to nirvana. which is union. complete, unconditional union
Josiah King
the only ones going to get curb stomped are the ones doing the stomping
Jose Price
thats me
Jacob Foster
Why do you even care? You won't even meet or influence most tribes, families and villages on earth. They won't even look your opinions up. There's no point to this discussion at all.
do they not have the internet in your state yet? imagine being this unaware of global trends
Carter Allen
evolution is literally fragmentation, conflict, hunting niches
Henry Gomez
I prefer the city-state approach, countries are too fucking big.
Benjamin Myers
no, thats textbook degeneration/disintegration
Wyatt Ortiz
>individuals to families to tribes to villages to towns to cities to provinces to states to countries >to super states to one world government The former happens within the confines of a single ethnic group. Globalizing and global mixing are forced upon peoples from the higher ups. Its a societal change that requires the help of media, print, television, internet and education to get itself off the foot. It's unnatural manipulation and that's why it will fail.
nope that is historically untrue. modern countries today especially the most POWERFUL all have multiple ethnic groups living in them in cohesion
Connor Mitchell
this is stone cold, undeniable logic
this is the way humanity evolves
Nathan Jenkins
Dylan Watson
>Create a mutt race >within time everyone is so inbred there is no new healthy pool to drawn dna from >mutts go extinct like wild animals proven time and time again in the animal kingdom, espacially with species that are moved elsewhere, first they mix, then they become the same, then they go the way of the dodo.
Yes secretly centralize all power and wealth for a few oligarchs that own and control everything, what could possibly go wrong?
Fuck off and neck yourself.
David Walker
prove it. what you posted is literal nonsense
Sebastian Brown
Nah you're wrong. If some population fragments from another, a potential new niche is discovered. By shifting dependency on a new niche we get diversity. This makes the ecosystem more "robust" in the sense that living organism as a total have a higher chance of survival. That is evolution.
Asher Edwards
nigger its already centralized to the point where large countries exploit every other country via law of the jungle
through unity comes peace. through peace comes prosperity
think of all the countless trillions spent over the years on national defence. all of that could be used to literally uplift humanity to new heights
stop being such a pussy, pussies dont make it cause nature HATES pussies
Blake James
>oh look, brown people just started materializing in our country out of nowhere with citizenship, welfare and state pensions around the turn of the century. Crazy how nature do dat
Also >multiple ethnic groups living in them in cohesion Give it a rest, Shlomo.
David Evans
Also the reason globalists do not see the danger of this is because their brains have been hijacked by positive electrons released in their brains whenever they think of racemixing, it gets them off to want to create a better world, like being on gods mission it generates certain effects in the brain the same as you are in love or high.
Basically you NWO shills are high on your own message and you lack any capability to be skeptical about your beliefs, like a religious fanatic you just spew out your doctrine which has been forced into your skull over the past decades
I have a suggestion to reach this unity: Multiculturalism.
But there is one problem, in the current form it is not working. What we need is to shift the flow; white people immigrate and spread into other countries as opposed to today. Racemixing is necessary to achieve total unity. In the end everyone is white.
Gabriel Moore
great. none of that negates my original post which is undeniable logic
Ayden Mitchell
show me one ethnically homogenous nation that even comes close to comparing to multi ethnic nations like America
Lucas Martinez
Burgers can be annoying and antagonistic, but leafs are such smug delusional idiots. It's easy to laud the benefits of globalism when your economy subsists off oil and being America's hat and your immigrants are all rich chinese and pajeet doctors. The US should send the Hispanics up north like the Mexicans do and maybe some of the African refugee ships can change course from Italy up to post-ignorance sci-fi utopia Canada for once so you can put your beliefs to the test. Toronto will then have even more diverse food to choose from.
Nathan Richardson
globalism is the biggest was the biggest meme ever. Everyone thought decades ago it would be some psuedo intellectual shit becoming real. What it was is goldberg and pong cucking your pay check by combining forces.
Jose Davis
white is a good mix. you can mix the color white with any other color and you usually get a great new color
and race mixing is obviously the future. genetic diversity is obviously positive, any biologist worth his salt would agree
Elijah Clark
>fragmentation is disintegration You are playing sloppy semantic games. You have not studied evolution, because a necessary condition is that a population fragments in order for evolution to occur. You make it sound like fragmentation of populations are the same as fragmentations of physical objects; clearly the semantics are not the same.
Gabriel Hall
It's good that we agree. We could in the end (maybe in 500 years) achieve a world population that is 99.99999% like the European genetic cluster through racemixing.
Camden Butler
timing is everything. you in particular are witnessing the birthing pains of a new world.
is it rough now? yes. will it get better? of course. will the country be better off for it if the integration comes along in a TIMELY manner? yes
Joseph Diaz
fragmentation of a population is the first step to a civil war
tell me in which universe is a civil war a good thing
Zachary Hill
It was the first step for evolution to occur. It's a necessary condition.
Nathan White
>show me one barbarian nation that even comes close to comparing to civilized nations like Rome t. Julius Leafius in 350 AD.
The US is a third world country ruled by oligarchy. Your whole country looks like shit compared to even the most measly village in Scandinavia. They have two things going for them; lots of people and strong military, and both are going down the drain as we speak.
Parker Jenkins
I bet you're yet another liberalcollege educated Marxist. well here's a redpill for you, Marx was a Rothschild funded psyop to peddle Comunism shit to brainlets colectivist fucks like you, who bought it and ate it up like retards.
You'll get your one world gov future faggot, but don't expect to be part of it they're going for a 95% population reduction too, one of the few thigs they're aiming for that I actually agree with, but you have no idea what's really going on, dupe.
it will not be European. pure European genetics are quite stagnant and ugly. you can see this in many European faces
a mixture of diverse genetics completes the European genetic profile making a hybrid race of higher human
Kevin Long
Also, it is not necessary that civil war occurs, if they find seperate spaces and can live independently, which is a possibility.
Gavin Rodriguez
tell that to the syrians
tell that to the English empire who used divide and conquer tactics to subjugate half the world
division causes weakness
Thomas Fisher
lol third world country, America is by far the greatest country thats ever existed in human history
they could subjugate your people in 20 minutes flat
Isaac Turner
nice strawman retard
Jeremiah Robinson
National Socialism is the future, Global Capitalism will fall. Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, Latin America for Latinos, Europe for Europeans, and North America for Yanks. 1488!
Matthew Taylor
show me in human history where that has been successfully implemented and achieved
if you can't, its obviously not feasible
Jonathan Johnson
United States of Earth
Kayden Hall
Show me any white country with a population of 300 million and it will just be as great. Russia had 100 million and they also became almost unstoppable. Globalism had nothing to do with it.
Camden Green
>a mixture of diverse genetics completes the European genetic profile making a hybrid race of higher human This is what we are trying to do right now. It doesn't work and the system is collapsing. To save our dream of multiculturalism and world unity, we need to try something new. The basics are essentially right; we need to mix populations by immigration. But it's like trying to build a house, it's impractical to build it upside down. Again, the suggestion to reverse the direction seem quite intuitive. I honestly can't see what you're not getting.
Austin Reyes
>power is the only worthwhile metric Did you not understand the Rome analogy, retard?
Kevin Johnson
>we need to give the global power structure to a few unelected bankers, its the future! Yeah no
Jeremiah Martin
No, I don't want to destroy the cultures of others. I do not want my country to be the driving force of globalization because globalization will fail and we will be blamed for it, even though we all know (((who))) really started globalization.
Cooper Roberts
Not a strawman, you want it, you'll get it, and say hello to Marx for me from hell when the time comes.
russia is multi ethnic as they come. their strength comes in their incredible size spanning and unifying many different people, religions and races
Justin Bennett
Globalism, much like capitalism, is a made up enemy to control the gullible masses.
Brayden Reyes
first of all, lets not get dramatic. its nowhere near collapsing
those migrants you are taking in are propping up your economy as we speak. weak birthrates are poison to a modern socialist society
Jacob Russell
1. Whenever a population settled on land through exploration and not conquest. 2. Whenever populations stopped communicating and interacting with others.
John Reed
did you honestly compare America to a third world country?
and im the retard? lol
Nathaniel Johnson
like it isn't already?
bankers thrive off separation and disunity
David Price
>those migrants you are taking in are propping up your economy as we speak. weak birthrates are poison to a modern socialist society while I admire your optimism, it's not the case
Josiah Gomez
no one said anything about America controlling anybody
im talking about using Americas method of unifying its states to unify the entire world
Nolan Myers
Evolution has no teleology. History is not linear. There are no straight lines in nature unless man makes them. There is no "wrong" side of history. Only losers and winners. A one world government is possible, but you fail to give any reasons why it is inevitable or even desirable Government is established by violence and threat of force and great violence and threat of force is required to keep the peace. I don't see how a one world government will magically unify the world brining peace and prosperity for all. It's a utopian delusion.
Adrian Nguyen
so you can't. thanks for playing sven
Evan Torres
it absolutely is
contrary to popular belief, most politicians dont give the slightest fuck about the welfare of brown people. they care about propping up their economies so they can keep their jobs
Joshua Murphy
Well I just did. Are you sure you aren't suffering cognitive dissonance.
Isaac Lee
read my post again except very slowly
then reconsider your claims of how I failed to give any reasons why one world government is inevitable and desirable
Luke Stewart
what country. give me an example. a specific country. just one
You think you gave a reason - but your premise that that history moves in a straight line is obviously false. Therefore globalism is not inevitable
Julian Price
what ethnic minority did they disintegrate from their population and where did that ethnic minority resettle in Iceland?
Nathaniel Russell
hur dur im gonna ignore your overwhelming historical logic and shove my head in the sand so there!
Caleb Wright
You gave no reason for desirability either. Maybe you think you did by chanting muh Unity. Globalism does not equal unity. You are wrong Idiot.
Connor Ramirez
A subset of scandinavians fragmented from the scandinavians, found new land in Iceland, and settled there. This is trivial stuff.
John Mitchell
Globalism kills culture, diversity (not the US kind) and free thought. Quite similar to spoopy NWO
Carson Morris
Only religious zealots believe in history moves in a straight line towards the kingdom of god, heaven, utopia, etc. What religion are you?
Parker Williams
alright here's just a few of the many benefits
you would save trillions a year on defense costs that would go to uplifting the entirety of humanity
you would also close tax loopholes so people couldn't hide trillions of dollars in offshore bank accounts
you would also end labor exploitation, so that workers wouldn't get subverted by mega corps hiring third worlders for pennies
Jonathan Barnes
Anyway, it feels like we found a good compromise. We CAN have world unity after all.
Noah Nguyen
Right and wrong. I believe globalism will be an eventuality. It’s most certainly not going to be any time soon, or nearly as gay as today’s globalist movement. It’s just not time, trying to force it is counter productive.
Jace Hughes
Guys,the leaf is on drugs,just let him be,sage and ignore.
Jordan Richardson
that isn't what was said. you said a fragmentation of the population that would move to the confines of the country they were a part of
what you proposed, Iceland, was a migration. that isn't an example of positive fragmentation. thats just migration
Tyler Rogers
yeah American culture is so dead right now
Angel Perez
It is fragmentation.
William Ward
The difference is that globalism is an end game with no opposition apart from the people inside it. We've seen what countries and superstates do to their dissenters. It's always stopped by outside influence or the number of dissenters reaching 0.
On top of that, most people don't care what happens in their own country, do you really think they'll riot in London and Paris if one of the world police kills an unarmed Chilean?
The only way globalism would work is if we get mind computer interfaces and the internet becomes how we interact. Like minded people from every country would meet and join together(not physically) and the human race would slowly homogenise out their differences. And I mean slowly. It's a process thats already started, but it will take centuries.
William Turner
no, its migration
if they segregated themselves in Sweden you would have a point. but they obviously didn't, they just moved to an entire new land
that is not an example of fragmentation being conducive to social evolution
Thomas Cook
white globalism was the plan ,now its gonna be brown turd globalism
Robert Gutierrez
>"social evolution" >not just "evolution" moving goalposts, eh?
Wyatt Bell
unless we kill all jews and white race traitors
Samuel Edwards
Is that thing a Jew?
Ryder Morgan
its all evolution
speaking of moving goalposts, you gonna give an example yet or did you just give up?
Connor Bailey
I would accept a United States of Earth but I will not accept a culturally bankrupt slave caste ruled over by the pure blooded jewish elite
>you would save trillions a year on defense costs No you wouldnt save anything because you're still spending it suppressing the populace, policing insurrection >muh tax loopholes You really think a one world government will solve the problem of tax loopholes? You are naive leaf. >labor exploitation Again, you fail to explain how a one world government will magically make this problem disappear. I see no more reason to believe labor exploitation will go away than to believe it will worsen severely in a the kind of one world government command economy you dream about
Cameron Lee
you won't so why even larp like thats a possibility
Jaxon Young
How are they propping up the economy? Most of them are jobless NEET who turn to crime the moment we give them some breathing space. They are a drain on our welfare and a strain on an already strained infrastructure. The more of these unwashed masses we take in the more we drive the wages down and unemployement goes up to the skies. The standards in the school drop to horrible levels and life in the cities becomes a shitshow. How is this desirable? Do you want black dick so badly? Go to africa fag.
Austin Thomas
low iq alert
Eli White
they form a tax base for the future so when youre old and broken someone can afford to keep your ass alive
Jordan Anderson
that's only with small populations. There are 7 billion of us and even with complete race mixing, the chance of anything resembling inbreeding happening is tiny. Lrn2biology. The rate of natural mutation means that 1 in 50000 people have a genetic anomaly that can be inherited anyway.
Zachary Diaz
Why are you all replying to this very obvious troll?
Chase Campbell
Ah But how do they form a tax base without jobs? We hand our jobs to them? We manufacture new jobs out of shite? What's the plan you big brained guy?
Caleb Collins
>its all evolution memetics as you speak of works under the constraints of genetic evolution.
>speaking of moving goalposts, you gonna give an example yet or did you just give up? I gave you an example of population fragmentation that did not cause any conflict, which was your "thesis". Be a big man and admit you were wrong. A pitfall of mankind is that your ego don't permit you to admit you are wrong. Let's be rational here.