Brit/pol/ Paranoid Malnourished Canadian Edition

>I would like to wish Jewish people in Britain and across the world a very happy #Hanukkah.

>The Government’s Brexit Deal is the only deal that delivers on the referendum result by taking back control of our money, borders and laws, while protecting jobs, security and the integrity of the UK.

>Our Confidence and Supply Agreement is delivering for everyone

>Russia is not the aggressor in the Black Sea. It is pushing back against aggression. How many know that the US Navy is now building a new base there, at Ochakov, near Odessa? What would Trump do if the Russian Navy opened a base on Mexico's Gulf Coast?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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recycle flag was purely for triggering purposes

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Ive done a number on you

I want him to post here

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The winner takes it all
The loser's standing small
Beside the victory
That's her destiny


Just put Cumin in my white pasta sauce, think Enoch was right about those Indian fellas

I hunger for cocks that don't intimidate me

i sincerely hope none of you lads fall for the go to canada meme

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These conspiratards are fucking stupid, insufferable faggots.

You jizzed in your pasta Sauce? True abba fan...

Put mace or nutmeg in.

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The fuck? Post cock pic.

I love those threads :)

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Didnt we genocide some blokes for nutmeg?

I think that was the Dutch.

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No way... 1 hours wages in Canada.

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Drink two small glasses a day of 1/4 teaspoon of ginger powder and 1/4 teaspoon of Amla powder (can be found in your local paki supermarket) with 1/2 teaspoon of honet or agave syrup, hot water at about 70 degrees

Home made crystals?

No, it's very good for you

I don’t have a local pakki supermarket. I left the shitties.

I'm the guy from Michigan who posts store pics.

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Yeah just looked it up. But fuck me we did a lot of massacres. Was reading about one up in nepal or somewhere that was basically just cos the lads got bored.

here's what ramen sells for in their version of a spar.

a gallon of milk in canada costs what a barrel of canadian oil sells for. they are in total collapse mode.

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>is the norf waking up?

Probably, saw many norferns on twatter complaining that grooming gang victims and english kids who are victims of bullying don't get 130k £ because they are white.

Why doesn't brit/pol/ support norf fc?

Based mutt.

No one here gives a fuck about Canadian food prices
Fuck off

the canadians are sending people to Jow Forums to scare leafs out of taking food pics and posting them

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Good , you a poof or summink?

Start buying guns.

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Alri Liam

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Would you titfuck her lads?

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How do they not starve!

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>You might laugh at the French, call them things like frogs or surrendermonkies but at least they care enough about their country and livelihoods to stand up to their government.

The yellow meme movement only has a couple nats. Even the tommeh in London marches had more nationalists. Like Joe Owens says marching does not change anything when you don't have a cause.

Jelleh belleh bastid.

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8 bucks for milk if you only knew how bad things really are

It's been a lot of fun.
I didn't either until I heard a few of them wondering how they going to make ends meet. It's pitiful.
That last post was me.

illness gets them first. canada's standard of care is just catching up the the 1960s nhs.

They have gone full Venezuela but the social justice version.

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Meme flag faggotry, Britpol is fuckied, it's been subverted by among others the 77th Bat, we all know it, so this OP is just proving the so called paranoid canadian right.

fook me! Pot nodle at my local is free when you buy a dumle pie chip

Can't get my head around what compels people to do this
It's one thing to larp as a woman on your own, but to parade around in public all proud of it, it's a bit weird
Is it narcissism?

Why would the British intelligence care what 22 posters in a dump of tripfags and anime memes thinks?

It’s 40 years of intensive propaganda and mass mind control coming to fruition

Don’t be silly. It’s one polish guy in those threads with a vpn samefagging.

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Could hear my neighbour having a poo this morning lads, couldt hear his farts resonating in the bowl

the canada project is a countersubversion/remoralization one. they are already subverted. and i'm OP of this thread now

Did you call the police?

I assure you that I'm very real.

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Did you shout ‘get in there my son!’ When you heard a plop?

They don't, they simply want to keep it broken and pointless and maintain it in its current state of patheticness lest it become a hub of serious and potentially effective online activism, which pretty much proves my point.

you should clap

Kek. Lads on tour.

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Or play the Thunderbirds March really loud

i can only imagine that the leaf in the OP image is using this thread to fuel his raging paranoia. one probably already capped my posts

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imagine meeting your future wife in the comments of a nonce hunter video

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If it actually is a her, then yes.

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Total war is a modernist ideology developed in the 1800s. Systemic warfare, between systems instead of armies, inevitably leads to the absurdity of Americans chomping at the bit to bomb countries for being mean to homosexuals.

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does this mean you are high-test or low-test?

I just want to be rich lads.

Had my window open last night listening to the rain as I was going asleep and woke up to the sound of my neighbour having a poo, sometimes he makes grunting/sighing noises, it has happened before

it sounded a bit loose because it wasn't standard plops it was more like pth pth pth

He is definitely going insane. Top bantz.

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brit/pol/ bugs me
should be /britpol/
everything in these threads bug me

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Fine tune there lad.

Jim Davidson once commented on the size of my ex’s tits


>Americans chomping at the bit to bomb countries for being mean to homosexuals
When has this happened?

Sounds like a beer poop.

Pubes can make your rich

High test

Are you the Brit that's always in those threads reaming them a new ass? You're alright!

It doesn't make you happy, I'm not rich but I have good savings I can use without worry and I barely buy anything

could be, was sunday morning after all

lads i need a vpn for reasons
are there any that are free and not a scam? if i have to pay what should i get
cheers x

what does that make corbyn? does his body exist primarily to carry around his testosterone molecules? have you seen abbot?


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Nice! I love seeing you there. You run circles around them!

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All of America's modern wars have been to expand their cultural and economic hegemon of "freedom" which presupposes individual liberation.

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Gay CP no doubt

Nah because she doesn't have mega tits and no allure to her


It’s a fun hobby xD
OP is the real legend though. Top lad!

He is, no doubt! That guy is the king of the autists.


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More BBC lies?