no video in a week. is he out protesting with the yellow vests? is he finally out of his blackpill phase?
Where has varg been?
summoning the ice gods in his winter temple beneath paris
Varg is an atheist just like all pagans. Paganism is a religion for people who don’t want to do anything, believe in anything, or be obliged to do anything other than finger their buttholes
Paganism was a legit religion. Neopaganism is confused whites larping in search of meaning
Paganism is how Evropa will be reclaimed. Varg is leading the charge as we speak. Heill Óðinn Heill Varg!
Hes not leading anything, he lives in the middle of a forest leeching off his autist wife and the French taxpayers
If only you polskis knew that your Roman-Catholicism is just Jewed Paganism.
Varg is in the US, He is actually Brad Parscale.
Unfortunately for you we dont ask 56% amerimutt zogbots for opinions about our 1000 y.o culture Go back to work Pedro, that Israel military support package won't pay itself
I miss Varg. It's gonna be tough when he quits YouTube or dies
>1000 yo culture
>literally we wuz byzantines
christian, slavic, can't even beat turkish roaches... just the worst of all possible worlds.
Sounds pretty good. We should all try to do that.
>using the word "Evropa" unironically
But they literally can and have beaten Turkish roaches
Is that Tiwar as a baby or one of the others? I lose track of his kids sometimes
Is he being suppressed until the agents of the Ruling Class can think up some stupid strategy to subvert the unrest.
The media blackout shows they are wrong-footed and confused.
They have already lost the narrative and they are searching through their files.
This shit is basically the same New Age "you are your own god" bullshit.
Literally who gives a fuck, let's hope he stays gone
>Varg is an atheist just like all pagans
Ugh, shut up
It's true, Aristotle defeated Paganism long ago already because if there can be multiple Gods, then they are imperfect and therefore cannot be God. It had to take the monotheistic wave of Christianity and Islam to destroy Paganism forever.
Hopefully laughing at the UK getting HALAL'd
yeah, after 300 years and when the ottoman empire was about to collapse while being supported by imperialists. good job.
All that shows is that the individual gods are distinct from Logos. It hardly diminishes their power, it merely gives a name and identity to the elusive force that they themselves are accountable to.
Alright can one of you larpers tell me about any contribution or even one small win that pagans have done in the past 1000 years? Neopagan new age shit that some guy came up with recently doesn't count.
He's a total faggot. The absolute definition of a bluepilled goy who thinks he's a redpilled nationalist.