I'm suicidally depressed but I can't go to my friends or a professional because it's caused by non-PC views. How else can I get help?
I'm suicidally depressed but I can't go to my friends or a professional because it's caused by non-PC views...
Call a local anonymous hotline?
They would laugh at me and say my fears are irrational
I really doubt that. At worst, they'll be useless, and try to get you to go physically see somebody. It's anonymous though, so you can just hang up whenever.
Let me tell you, friend. That's always my biggest fear when trying to talk to someone when I'm depressed, but a professional is more focused on getting to the root of your problems than what your beliefs are.
I'm bipolar and I know a lot of the things I get frustrated or upset over just don't make sense, but when I'm depressed they feel like they do -- and telling other people about them is just embarrassing. But one can only let their embarrassment keep them from doing something for so long. I always end up cracking.
Your first step to getting better is seeking help. If I can do it, you can too.
Are you scared the white people are coming?
No psychiatrist is going to accept that I want to kill myself because the Jews are turning me gay and my race is dying out
If you pay them they will listen.
Nah m8 you're turning yourself gay. Don't try to shift the blame on others. Just accept you like to suck dick. Men have been sucking the dicks of others since Ancient History. Yeah, they may have been killed over it, but it's 2018. Only third worlders kill each other over being gay these days.
I didn't used to have any gay thoughts. It started when I moved to a city and drinking water from the tap. I use a filter but I think the chemicals bypass it or they're in the air.
If the chemicals are turning you gay, why isn't every single person in your city gay?
Everybody drinks the same water and breathes the same air.
I don't know. I may be targeted for posting on Jow Forums.
How are they targeting you with public water and fucking air?
If I knew I could fix it and I wouldn't be depressed. Baka.
do you think it's possible you aren't being targeted by Jews who want to turn you gay?
Of course it's possible, but I'm 99% sure
What if you took a break from Jow Forums?
Do you have hobbies other than shitposting?
What makes you so certain?
Have you performed any tests?
They want to destroy white men who oppose their agenda. I've been very vocal online about right activism so I'm a target. The city I moved to is a fag city so They are definitely a force here.
And even if they're not targeting me specifically they're definitely putting shit in the water. Just look at all the fags, trannies, nu-males, and masculines women we have running around.
That sounds like a whole lot of confirmation bias.
Have you even explored any other explanation for why you are having gay thoughts? other than them being forcibly planted in your mind by Jews?
OP you definitely need therapy if you believe all the bullshit you're posting. Or maybe just grow up and stop blaming whatever boogeyman you blame. You're not the center of the world and nobody's trying to get you you deluded narcissist.
I don't think it's caused by your political views.
I see depression as sort of an amorphous cloud that looks for something to latch onto. It's not your politics, your religion, or even your circumstances; it's the chemistry of your brain.
Don't be afraid to seek help. They won't judge you.
Go see a professional.The possible benefits far outweigh the possible risks.
I'm gonna assume you're not trolling here. You have the symptoms of a disorder called Targeted Individuals. They think they're being targeted and systematically destroyed for no reason. It's irrational, and if you knew more about the world then you would realize that. Of course, instead, you think you understand, don't you? It makes sense, believing that the water is capable of targeting you for your political views and turning you gay. Anyway, when someone has delusions, arguing with them is not the way to go. Delusions are related to nearly all mental health issues. The truth is: they are brought on by intense isolation and anxiety. Get help, hun. t. I'm a psychiatric NP
>It started when I moved to a city and drinking water from the tap. I use a filter but I think the chemicals bypass it or they're in the air.
Have you noticed any gay frogs buttfucking each other in your area? Just saying. You could take a picture of them with your phone and take it to the shrink to prove you're not crazy.
Literally fucking lold
You might be right. Move out of the city and see how that makes you feel.
I don't think you're depressed because you're turning gay or whatever, I think you lack purpose in life and therefore cling unto a movement that literally does nothing but talk about how shitty life is while doing nothing to fix it.
The meaning of life is to love user, focus on that, it's literally why we're here, God gave energy to the universe and created infinity, energy is literally the essence of God, it's unable to be created or destroyed, is everywhere and in everymatter, the invisible force that guides everything. God gave us life through love, the meaning of life is to love. Focus on love user and find balance on the cord we dwell on called hope. God bless you user, love God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbour as yourself, that's how you change the world.