Why does India think it's a super power when it can't even sort out basic, modern sanitation? What other nation shits in public as much as Poos do? The entire nation is the color of poo. The people are colored like poo, the flag looks like some bad poo after eating curry. Even their satellites are named "SCAT". Why can't they get their shit together?
Super Pooper 2020
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>get their shit together
Like this amerimutt ?
Fuck india and fuck those smelly shit stain sub humans
Amerimutts on Jow Forums
While you guys are embracing your inceldom on Jow Forums pajeet and nigger gonna fuck your women.
>incel pajeet threatens to cuck you wat do
lol, you can't even fuck your OWN women haha:
Got two white women that imma dump cum in.
Get cukt