
So you thought we're already done with this general?

Questions ITT:
i) Why did the SBI fail?
ii) Why is there no "right-wing" youth culture against the SJWs like in America?
iii) How do we un-cuck the SVP?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Does anyone know anyone from the Vorstand of "Operation Libero"?

Attached: Operation Libero.jpg (805x938, 72K)

Fucking hell

Attached: Operation Libero Burka.jpg (796x884, 163K)

>muh ethnic food

Attached: Operation Libero Aussenstelle Bern.jpg (762x386, 66K)


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last bump

I) cucks
II) Slowly growing
III ) Can't

>Slowly growing
haven't seen any sign of this. where did you?

I'll bump this. I don't really have anything to add.

Question though, how does your direct democracy actually work? Can anyone propose anything or are there controls that make that impossible.

blödi fotz

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you just have to collect enough signatures and there will be a vote on it


if you want to rage hard, just read the profiles of all these leftist faggots in Operation Libero
God fucking dammit - makes my blood boil

In the ideas. Few of the young people are really cucks. Most are proud of their country. They start to slowly realise the stupidity of the far-left. Thing is, it's hard to realise that young swiss are based when everywhere in the streets you see frenchcucks or other human wastes

not too many more years and the SVP-Boomers will die out.

I wonder what would happen if there was a true swiss/pol/

this IS swiss/pol/ now
we just need to make these threads regularly/daily
kraut/pol/ does a great job at this and are quite advanced when it comes to meme-warfare. they said: you just need a few dedicated posters and you're good to go


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Swiss people are boring

noone cares, histrionic bitch

Then let's do it.
We're gonna need some swiss anime girl

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I'm 1/8th Swiss, can I come back home? I'm half English, a sprinkle of Luxembourgish, and the rest is German-American.

That is a mutt.

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Hell yeah
"Unsre Welt sind die Beeeerge"

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>Die Amerikanische Grausamkeit

kekd and checkd

on tuesday there is an "Operation Libero Stammtisch" in Zürich (pic related)
should we attend said Stammtisch?

Attached: Operation Libero Stammtisch.jpg (796x346, 51K)

I) huge amount of faggots, massive shilling and not even 50 % voter turnout
II) no idea
III) replace blocher with someone young

>replace blocher with someone young
imagine if that someone was an user bred in the hells of /chääspol/

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Aber nur zum infiltriere. Ton oder video ufnäh, es paar schnaps zahle, und hetze.
Konfrontation bringt nüüt. Denn publiziere sie de stammtisch eifach nümme.

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Who else is a based /jugo/ up in this biatch? I know yall niggaz in here.

>Aber nur zum infiltriere
obviously just for the lulz.

Is there even a thing to infiltrate ?
Two weeks ago I went out to see the" women's right march" there was less than 40 people and it was full of old ladies.

Another day, a biologist friend of mine went to a vegan conference and here again it was quite laughable.

I don't really know the situation in Zurich though.

Redface squarehead shiptar ?

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>I don't really know the situation in Zurich though.
yeah you're probably right. (although they have already 65 people thar are signed up for this event)
we should focus on other things:
- setting up a youth counter-culture to SJWs
- heating up the meme warfare

I'm sure as hell not volunteering, would drop my spaghetti for sure

well, then you can be our Himmler or Hess (masters of weaponized autism)

We should
-make the swiss thread more frequent
-make a list of useful links to put in the OP
-Make edits and infographics (need more anime girl)
-Find a way to uncuck the youth

There must be a swiss thread before each votations

we should make the threads continously. (as soon as the thread goes down, we create a new one, always citing the previous thread as well)

do you have any important links?
I'll start with creating a infograph about swiss crime-statistics

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I think we should brigade places like swiss reddit sub or SRG forums. Concentrated up / downvotes, upload memes and comments, right shift overton window, destroy lefties.
For this we need a private user messaging list. Any ideas?

What does Gachwelti mean?
Are there any good Swiss-German dictionaries by the way? I speak Hochdeutsch.

"Gschwellti" is a traditional swiss dish - basically just cooked potatoes
I don't know - maybe another user might be able to help

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>swiss reddit sub or SRG forums
good idea. just post links whenever you need someone to do something.
>private user messaging list
no, let's just stick with /chääspol/ as a means to inform everyone on anything

Important links should be the sort of thing that a lost swiss citizen would want to find :
>How to acquire firearms
>How to be prepared for the military service and some links for more informations
>The lyrics for the anthem (Seriously nobody knows it where I'm from)
>How to travel, what kind of things to visit perhaps ?

some translated schweizerdeutsch maybe ?

Grazi, user.
Bonus question: what would you say is Switzerland's most popular dish?

G'schwelti = steamed potatoes, goes well with molten cheese.
"schwel-" = swell/swollen, because potatoes get a bit bigger when steamed.

Why did the SBi fail?

>Because of assholes like him.

>We have too many secondos (Tschinggen, Schwoben) who always will vote against the interest of the country.

>The SVP is the party with most secondos. Tuena, Adrian Carlos huehue Spahr.

>Any more questions?

Attached: topelement.jpg (640x427, 19K)

great, thanks, already made two of them:

>How to buy firearms:

>Swiss national anthem:

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Oh god, I just saw the nigger in the video I posted.
let's better post this one:

1. because it was "too extreme" for the typical swissfag
2. there is. many young people my age (22) voted for the sbi. many young swiss shifted to the right in the last years.
3. throw out the old, elitarian fuckers and vote in some new, young politicians who do their job for the people.
pic for all you schwiizers: remember our glorious forefathers.

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ah, and i find it nice to have a swiss thread here. we should take resistance to a national level to organise ourselves.

How can I get a swiss company to hire me and my wife swissanons? We're conservative and have highly sought-after skills. Every job we interview for goes to some EU nigger. Even recruiters keep telling us the Europoors all want to move to your country for those sweet francs. You should give good burgers a chance. Certainly a conservative American is closer to you culturally than some poor shitskin rapefugee.

well, i'd rather take you over all these balkan niggers and shitskins that live here.

The state of Switzerland:

>Huehuehue Adrian Spahr, Junge SVP

How to fix our country?

Attached: download (1).jpg (225x225, 8K)

>>How to buy firearms:

Complicated. I would show:
picture - how to get it - what will it cost
pic norinco coachgun - link to admin.ch for strafregisterauszug - cost 20 for paper 400 for gun 100 for ammo (00 or slugs)

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fucking hell, anons need to take over the SVP pretty soon

how do we put this in the "Präambel" of every /chääspol/-thread? I don't get it

The huehues voted in Bolsonaro which right of SVP, promising helicopter rides and stuff.

It's like there's nowhere for whites to go anymore. Liberals destroyed our homes and let shitskins do whatever they want and go wherever they want. They make it impossible for productive whites to move while subsidizing leeches to move in and receive seemingly unlimited gibs. It's so frustrating.

Sticky so far:

>How to buy firearms:

>Swiss national anthem:

Swiss History:

Feel free to add, Eidgenanons

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maybe we should establish a new party: The NVP, Die Neue Volkspartei. We will take away votes from the SVP and the FDP and make politics for the SWISS people. Maybe we even could get some votes from butthurt leftists who do not stand behind the SP anymore.

you're right.

and from the Green Parties too
we need to preserve our nature - the true "Wahrzeichen der Schweiz"

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maybe add this: admin.ch/gov/de/start/dokumentation/abstimmungen.html

Sticky so far 2.0:

>How to buy firearms:

>Swiss national anthem:

>Swiss History:

>Wie/Wann abstimmen:

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Sounds tasty

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Does anyone know anything about PNOS?


Glad you guys are working on this, keep it up anons.
My great grandfather was Swiss German, so is my surname. Cheers.

>how do we put this in the "Präambel"
You dont. You make a website and link it.

I also propose to spread youtube from ganser and mausfeld. Ganser (a leftist) destroys the narrative about 9/11. Once the NPC programming of a guy is broken the soul is ours, he will find us.

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checked and cheers to you, Blutsbruder

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alright, do it, user.


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Switzerland became a two party system long time ago. There is only SVP vs Not SVP.

You can't uncuck it. The people will destroy our country

How about this:

>Learn more about our Kantone

Ui, wie lange läuft dieser General schon?
Meint ihr, es wäre sinnvol einfach einen einzigen general für alle dt.-sprachigen Länder in Mitteleuropa zu machen?
Würde man es dann /Deutsch/ oder Deutsch/pol/ nennen - oder wäre es eine Kakophonie weil CHAD sich dann doch nicht so einig ist?

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>Ui, wie lange läuft dieser General schon?
officially since today
no, germany already has its kraut/pol/. they face different problems than we do. so please stick with those guys. they're a well established general with many dedicated namefags

sounds good.
maybe we should start a list with (((politicians))) and (((globalists))) in switzerland so that we have the faces of the fuckers who betray our people and our country. the list should be based on facts so that we can counter any arguments from leftists.
we could start with "ceddi wermuth", funiciello and molina. i hate these 3 fucks

>tfw genevois
Kill me already

so the sticky so far is:

>How to buy firearms:

>Swiss national anthem:

>Swiss History:

>Wie/Wann abstimmen:

>Learn more about our Kantone:

>Swiss traitors:
XXXXX (we shold make a pastebin or something similar. anyone got an idea?)

Somehow my ID changed because I had to reset my WiFi

how about the Wikipedia-link for:
>How the swiss political system works:


Good idea

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Swiss/pol/ forms
>Kommt schin brudis, heim ins Reich.

Some things never change

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we're too different from deutschland and österreich, politically and culturally
it's time for chääs/pol/

(fucking hitler trips checked btw)
what is lacking in the sticky?

Great idea! I'm on board.

Checked, just call us if /ptg/, brit/pol/ or the frogs start bullying you,

here's to a great frenship, kraut

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Youre welcome Bergjuden, see you around :D

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What would the positions be? Anything that's right of the SVP (ethnonationalist) get branded as Nazi and sheeple will be afraid to join or candidate (see PNOS)
You do

I fucking wish

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Holy shit i tried this once too but nobody cared, lets do this Eidgenossen


>How to buy firearms:

>Swiss national anthem:

>Swiss History:

>Wie/Wann abstimmen:

>Learn more about our Kantone:

>How the swiss political system works:

>Swiss traitors:
XXXXX (we shold make a pastebin or something similar. anyone got an idea?)

Attached: 324635234.jpg (800x533, 75K)

the trick is to just continuosly post the general and contribute.
always use the sticky in the OP and refer to the previous thread via:

I know they are, that's why I don't like them that much.
The worst part is Tay, the avatarfag, annoying and parasitic.
So you think the rift would be too great in terms of Jow Forumsitics discussed - I understand that.
Wir können uns ja immer mal wieder besuchen, einfach mal rüber und hallo sagen - es geht mir schlicht darum, dass wir trotz der Unterschiede eine Art "Versicherung" aufbauen können. Wenn zum beispiel gerade eine wichtige Sache in der Schweiz läuft ware es schön, wenn man sich so weit kennt, dass du im Kraut/pol/ cross-linkst und wir dann ein wenig helfen (und umgekehrt wenn es was bringt, ihr habe ja weniger Anons hier als wir).

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Ayo where dem swisswomen at

The two presidents are literally women?