just fucking end it all
Other urls found in this thread:
I’ve done a number on myself
>Gonna freeze myself till Brexit is done
>Still no deal
riot on 8th december bring a phone
says who?
the islamist buckle up sweetie
>yellow vests
>colour+name of top
really makes me think
good post
Goebbels was right about everything wasn’t he?
My family persist in watching “I’m a Celebrity...” and I decided to watch a bit of it with them. What a load of fucking trash and the average Joe laps it up.
'ere ya luv, leh me spaff on yer jubblies
>no Roman law
Best post in this thread.
Anyone plan on doing anything for this?
Look at these two utter fucking cunts.
wasn't the point of my post, i only used that pic because it said "blackshirts"
what's your favorite smell lads?
Yeah yeah, fuck off Patrick O’Bonaparte
I might not be a brit, but at least I'm neither a namefag nor a memeflag.
That’s definitely a memeflag
The only time the British public get off their arses is when the footies on down the pub or they have to go march against dem bloodeh fatcher toreh nazi krauts
How long do you lads reckon it'll be until we have riots again here? Last big ones were the 2011 riots, seems so long ago now...
shut up loser
Danish bacon is no meme.
>everything i don't like is fascism
>gets BTFO
>has a meltdown
I’ll fucking feed you your own teeth you soft cunt
what the fuck
This fella is desperate to be thought of as a hero of the people. So much so he betrays his own people. Sad.
>you now remember when 2015 was the current year
I like to put vinegar in a tea cup and then cum on the it several times and mix it up good and then let it sit for a week or so under my bed.
It smells really strong
Remember 2016?
What a fucking year.
what a disgusting shitskin, worse than a nigger
The sun is setting.
If Felix wins we get the Raj back
>mfw we're almost in the current year+4
remember 2000-2009?
man. those were the days.
all i remember is bright sun and greenery
now world seems so bleak and routine.
Sign and share this.
Don't let the cunts get away with burying this in the Brexit vote
BRITAIN IS DOOMED. Only 16% of brits think immigration is an issue hahahahah in america it's over 50%. Gen z in Britain are cucks and bluepilled as fuck, unlike here in America
>monkey-looking poojeeta and AIDS-infested bumming victim
Windrush set the debate on immigration back another decade.
Stop doing this.
Up the Arsenal
Good album
Girl sweat desu
>Making this post again
You did this the other day, faggot.
Worst smell is under-toenail smell. Prove me wrong.
Günther... get the flammenwerfer
Flowery perfume/shampoo on a pretty grill
Walking past Subway
freshly made porridge or bread.
>Windrush set the debate on immigration back another decade.
HAHAHAHAHHAHA that is what happens when you let in illegal carribbeans
Did I bully your bf or something?
Dynasties is one bbc one.
Is pirate radio still a thing in other cities?
There's few of them garage stations left in londistan
Alright you black-pilled pussyboys were gonna do a brit/pol/ IRL meetup for Christmas. A comfy pub with good transport connections, most likely in Londonstan.
> Watching the electronic Jew
Need multiple feeds, please.
Whoever the fuck is on Sealand should start one
Is that so it's easier for you lazy Guardian cunts to film it for your hitpiece?
if you think so... end your self
this life is amazing and the world you live on has never been better.
if you are this emotionally fucked up you are not of any value, seek help or go away.
I’m an alcoholic
get edgy with me bois
britain is more prosperous than ever
What, in Chester?
3 HOUR DOCUMENTARY PROOF that NUKES are a JEW zionist hoax:
no it's an old anti-air gun platform that someone took and turned into a micronation unironically
The frogs are getting a bit lairy lads. Unfortunately it's the left wing, but it's a start. It's almost like they were told by the right that voting for Macron was not in their interests, now they're reaping the rewards.
How do we push these lefties over the edge towards national socialism instead of just plan faggot socialism?
If you're actually gonna act like this and be a cuck to the JewSA, a bunch of retards who have their heads shoved so far up their asses who forget about 56% and where the whole state is basicallythe biggest cooperate boot licker in the world. You deserve nothing.
Stop fucking complaining and do something about it.
Only 16% of brits see immigration as an issue, why aren't all of you based brits moving to america?
Shut up
I actually thought you meant the one in Denmark
>moving to america
Is this a joke?
Get fucked.
Shut up and thank me for my service you scrawny cunt
At this stage im outright supporting T series. I fucking hate "career youtubers" I just hope this starts to kill the dream people have of "becoming a youtuber" and restores the website into little more than an video uploading/sharing website rather than a "community".
Why have you got a memeflag now?
I'm on that discord you linked but I'm still a bit suspicious desu,
Once the niggers get wind of what's going on, they'll want some looting gibs and will use this as an excuse to riot. Just as Kahn has sold those fucking water cannon. And we have no SPG anymore. Or normal police for that matter.
Thank you for your service.
He didn't start it as a career, pretty sure he wanted to be a graphic designer/artist or something
I believe so, but he represents youtube being seen as a legitimate job, for him to fall will symbolically mark the beginning of the end of this nonsense.
It was started by rural boomers, part of its strength is it's broad support, in Paris there was this protester with that storefront Celtic cross flag
Wasn't it bojo at the end of his term who sold the water cannon?
Are you retarded? His channel isn’t going to implode you stupid cunt
The Brexit vote. My tarot card reader said that this Christmas would be turbulent for all, would be a pinhole vision of the apocalypse of the West and that God and Jesus would not be present on Christmas day.
>rural boomers in france
Varg's been hard at work
m8 you've got to be paranoid, why are you so scared of meeting IRL?
I only mentioned London because of transport connections I'm open to suggestions.
Oxford, Cambridge all good suggestions
> less than 50% white population soon
> gay frog chemicals
suspicious of what? Why are you so scared of meeting IRL?
The discord was made mainly so we could organize and get to know each other before the meet.
You could easily spot a guardian reporter by the way they spoke. In anycase it's just a friendly meet with the lads for a few drinks. Nothing super series.
They literally ONLY need a good speaker to guide them. That's it. Just somebody to channel their energy and anger.
Farage wasn't that person. They need somebody normal, somebody working class done good. Somebody who understands the issues and talks openly and frankly about them, with violence as the answer.
>How long do you lads reckon it'll be until we have riots again here? Last big ones were the 2011 riots, seems so long ago now...
DON'T YOU BRITS GET IT. There won't be any riots or anything it's too late for Britain. Only 16% of your population are concerned about immigration. Your country will rejoin the EU again and immigration will increase to 1 million a year. Gen z will be finally generation of white brits and they are all cucked.
Wrong. It was started by lefties. There may have been some 'rural boomers' (take those shit memes away from here) involved in the early protests but the actual protests are almost entirely leftist
1776 and black gunpowder.
Did I bum or mum or something?