Now that makes complete sense
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xtians love kikes and capitalism? that's well-known
Fascism outside of Germany was very Catholic. Communism was full-on atheistic. Paganism was only really popular in the SS, most Germans were either Lutherans or Catholic
Take the orthodox pill
fuck memeflags
fuck divide and conquer posting
fuck shills
End of Memeflag bait-thread
I know more don't tread on me types that are athiest than not IRL Midwest US. Anecdotal but something
The difference is that all totalitarian governments didn't submit themselves towards God or the Church Authority, but used as a tool to achieve their totalitarian goals. Also atheism is just meme. Marx himself had some profound beliefs in Paganism
Also using the current population as a justification for a non-democracy government is stupid as fuck
they're united by a love of kikes, not necessarily xtianity - but that does help
>what is clerical fascism
That is because, like most people, they don't know what they are actually defending
What are you even trying to say? Your points aren't very clear.
inexistent, you can't be a clerical, therefore submitted to god's will, and at the same time shill for a materialistic authority
>didn't submit themselves towards God or the Church Authority
>didn't submit themselves towards Yahweh or the pedophile authority
Gee I wonder why?
Totalitarian Governments are TOTAL, therefore they want total control over the physical and material world, therefore how can they submit themselves to a transcendental, non-physical, authority like God? They can't, hence why Paganism is much more suitable to authoritarian governments, and it honestly was to the Nazis. To the point that Hitler himself wanted to subvert the church to pass on and submit to their material endgoal which is racial supremacy. And since they wanted to have a full on control over the population, it didn't matter what were their beliefs as the party would eventually have control over them too
Then you are just proving that my image is right
Now that makes complete sense
>Then you are just proving that my image is right
The only thing you prove is your desperation to submit white people to a foreign desert Jew god or a shadowy group of elitist pedos who give two shits about anyone.
Enjoy being cattle to the party comrade
Enjoy living life on behalf of a literal Jewish demon god.
That Jewish God made the west what it is today my friend. Paganism/Totalitarianism literally ended in nothing but failure
>before the elections
christian as fuck amirite
>That Jewish God made the west what it is today my friend. Paganism/Totalitarianism literally ended in nothing but failure
lmao the ultimate logical conclusion of your religion is no borders, no races, no differences, in the eyes of your Jewish demon god, at the end of your religion is the death of our race.
>lmao the ultimate logical conclusion of your religion is no borders, no races, no differences, in the eyes of your Jewish demon god, at the end of your religion is the death of our race.
Only if you are retarded that believes the MSM and commie propaganda
You should watch the eternal jew propaganda film made by goebbels.
The nazis understood that the Jews weren't the true inhabitants of Israel
Nazis put on their racial supremacy concepts above everything, including Christianity. Read about your own ideology m8
>Only if you are retarded that believes the MSM and commie propaganda
More like looking around at the state of my country. Go to any church in and part of the world and ask them what god says about race-mixing. Every single one of them will cuck, just like you apparently. Enjoy living is Brazil, but hey at least you all believe in a desert Jew god?
Even more no.
But it doesn't make sense. Libertarian thought contradicts scripture which tends toward authoritarianism
What do you mean? The philosophy of these people specifically can be boiled down to stay away from my guns, stay off my property, fuck taxes & fuck the feds. Again, anecdotal. IME it's the confederate flag people who rep Christianity above all else, with a helping of pro gun attitude.
>More like looking around at the state of my country. Go to any church in and part of the world and ask them what god says about race-mixing. Every single one of them will cuck, just like you apparently
Not caring about race =/= Caring about race to the point of destroying racial concepts
>Enjoy living is Brazil, but hey at least you all believe in a desert Jew god?
I will my friend, I will. You must be pretty upset with Trump in power right? I mean he is shilling for Israel and shit right?
>I will my friend, I will. You must be pretty upset with Trump in power right? I mean he is shilling for Israel and shit right?
Enjoy you monkey kids I guess, no arguing with the delusional. Not really I've always known we are out of political solutions, Trump is a lame duck, he acts no different than Jeb did during the campaign.
Libertarian ideology mostly relates to a state where morality is so introjected into the individual that there is no need for a State. Hence why most libertarians follow Christian morality, it also gives a moral background for the NAP
Is that a bad thing in your opinion?
Or that more of a matter of fact statement?
Not at all, it's excellent. But, I honestly think that libertarianism should be the end goal of political systems and not really the means to achieve it. Minarchism and progressivism towards it, is much more efficient. Thus, a minarchist monarchy is probably much more efficient in a time without complete social cohesion like libertarians
*without complete social cohesion like nowadays
Hitler chose Christianity because he didn't have time for a pagan revival.
>you can give a kid up for adoption but the second money exchanges hands it magically becomes a horrible abomination
altruist retardation at its finest
Christianity will never be European. Christianity is a gentile control method for gentile slaves.
Christian Socialism master race reporting in.
>what is clerical fascism
christianity and fascism was adopted on national level, you ancap larp wasnt.
clerical fascism is an oxymoron, you can't respect God and at the same time an authoritarian government which seeks ultimate control over the physical world m8, which it is what fascism preaches
No. Hammer and Sickle belongs on righy.
>the fucking BR doesn't know how Latin America got pozzed by Catholics and the CIA
>the fucking leftist canadian
also catholicism here almost reached a point of total communist subversion
>wants the monarchy back
Jesus Christ Pierre what are you doing
>the BR doesn't know what Liberation theology is
user is right &
OP is a faggot.
Communists arnet pagan, unless you consider atheism a religion. AnCaps also tend to be atheists because the idea of being subservient to a high power and having objective morals is repulsive to them. How else can they justify selling children for cocaine?
and last but not least
That is exactly what I am talking about you retard
>he thinks clerical fascism respects God or the power of the church
You might as well say Mussolini was the best thing that happened to Catholicism right? haha
I see, thanks for your answer. I like the base Christian values but as far as the organizational part I think its flawed in that like any other power structure, it always ends up being converged into promoting bad shit & is often used to justify some sort of police state. But that's an inevitability of any organization to be fair.
I thought they had objective morals though? Objective in relation to society not by divinity? I thought that was the entire point of the NAP.
hes saying hes gay i think
he unironically was
NatSocs and Fascists aren't pagan. They're Christian at the root because they have a strong regard for rule of law in the context of the nation.
This one's more accurate, but I don't know what the blue and gold flags mean. Also, Christianity has been judeaized for many centuries, but it is still anti-jewish and European at it's core, which is why jews still want it gone.
Where does this guy fit in your dichotomy
Too much influence from greco-roman and even germanic paganism. This shittery in the Church is heresy. Renounce all pagan practices or be consumed.
>inb4 muh national idnentity
Same goes for roman catholicism. Not much difference really.
>legal herion and child prostitues
>Oh look, another memeflag D&C thread
OP can eat a bag of dicks like the cum guzzling faggot he is
Evola's take on fascism was very paganistic though.
...and fuck niggers
??? The Bible specifically commands that we submit ourselves to authority, that nations and borders are created by God and that kings have divine authority over man. Do you even read?
It wasn't you fucktard, only a retarded without any Christian knowledge would say that. Mussolini literally forced the church to be their poster boys, while destroying their tradition and subsequently trying to undermine their force. The same with the Italian Monarchy. That pretty much sums up fascism relation with Tradition and the church
Wrong as fuck
to submit yourself to Authority doesn't mean to submit yourself first to authority then later to God. That is what fascists did m8
Their view of the NAP is from a practical stand standpoint not a principled one (please note I'm not an AnCap I'm a fascist so if there is an AnCap here please try and explain how you justify your morality or lack there of) AnCap see the imposition of rules and regulations on society as 'objectively' wrong (but I have no idea how they justify it without a state or God to say its wrong) and that state control of an individual is akin to slavery. So everything should be allowed, because "MUH free market" will solve everything. The only rule that isn't objectively a violation of their freedom is the NAP because its needed for practical reasons otherwise everyone would just kill each other. For example in a fascist society under the objective morality of God (or that state) it is wrong to let your fellow citizens die if you could otherwise save them. So if you saw a man starving on the street it would be objectively wrong not to help him. Under a AnCap society it would be perfectly moral to not help him because he failed in the free market and watching him starve is not a violation of the NAP.
> For example in a fascist society under the objective morality of God (or that state) it is wrong to let your fellow citizens die if you could otherwise save them.
LMAO, you don't even know what you are talking about you fucktard. God has no place in a fascist society, everything is about material authority, God is only used, just like the rest, as a tool to achieve temporal control and that is a polar opposite compared to Christianity
Pagan, as he puts his hatred above morality
> God has no place in a fascist society, everything is about material authority
That feel when some faggot who has not clue the fuck hes talking about thinks hes hot shit.
I figured even HUEmonkeys would have some rudimentary education but clearly not. How about I help you. the Legion of the Archangel Michael (Romanian Ironguard), leader was Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. user posted him earlier Good source on how your a fucking idiot and should kill yourself include 'For My Legionaries'.
The 1st/Original Spanish Falange. Leader José Antonio Primo de Rivera,
The Brazilian Integralist movement, leader Plínio Salgado. I'm sure a HUEmonkey like you can find something in one of your libraries (providing your village has one)
& the Mexican National Synarchist Union. Leader José Antonio Urquiza, while after his death it really moved away from a lot of its original ideals my point still stands.
TLDR kill yourself
See I'm perfectly okay with letting someone die in the right context, if it's a nigger for example. But as for everyone killing each other.... That already happens with niggers regardless of the state & in situations where its full anarchy due to a state of emergency whites tend to not do that. It seems more about who's in your society than the society's design itself that matters more.
>he puts his hatred above morality
not letting atheist and jew fags ruin your church and nation is not pagan or hateful
Oh I forgot to say, the objective morality of God doesn't seem so objective when there's different denominations of the religion & they kill each other over it. How is it objective when thats the case? It always seems to be relative & to trace back to genetics to some degree or another.
Integralism is basically its own thing you fucktard, to the point they wanted an "organic catholic kingdom" where everybody strove to reach direct contact with God. Nowadays most Integralists are unironically Monarchists kek, Fascism as defined by Mussolini is a complete opposition to Integralism.
He unironically believed that violence was a step needed to achieve the second coming of Christ, that is directly against the Church doctrine. He had a really different interpretation of Church's dogmas, specially as he deemed himself as a savior sent by Angel Michael. Also, at least the Catholic church, has always dealt with cultural crisis and cultural war through peace, Church doctrine about violence was always to respond at the same gravity you are being dealt with.
>He unironically believed that violence was a step needed to achieve the second coming of Christ
>has always dealt with cultural crisis and cultural war through peace,
you mean by losing and letting fags and all kinds of degenerates defile the church its teachings brain was kids and spit in the face of Christ
news flash buddy catholic fags have been losing the war on all fronts
to add to this the muslims got this right and is a reason why their religion is growing
they say fuck you and your liberal faggotry
you better respect our god
>I'm perfectly okay with letting someone die in the right context
Well in that case I guess you just don't see nogs as people / don't consider nogs as worthy of having the same set of rights & duties applied to them, rather than you lacking an objective set of values.
>state of emergency whites tend to not do that.
I would say that's has large part (but not 100%) to do with European upbringing and our (diminishing) societal value system. If you leave a very young white kid in the woods he will turn savage.
>I forgot to say, the objective morality of God doesn't seem so objective when there's different denominations of the religion
>How is it objective when thats the case?
Well obviously each church believes its correct and they disagree with each other, but point of organized religion is that humans are fickle and prone to letting emotion cloud their view of right and wrong. The structure of a church is to provide an objective and unbending view of what is moral. So whether or not the church is actually correct on the question of God, the organized religion has a set of values that is encoded in its doctrine that are (at least perceived to be) the word of God or a holy text that represents the will of God. This provided (or is at least supposed to) provided a source of fixed, objective morals. The only problem we have now is the Catholic church has become cucked and it saying shit that goes clearly against the bible.
>the objective morality of God doesn't seem so objective when there's different denominations of the religion & they kill each other over it.
That is not the objective morality of God, its the subjective morality of humans who do not follow the teachings of God.
A Catholic is supposed to lead by Christian example, only when attacked should Christians fight, and fight hard then.
I went to my first modern rite mass in many years last weekend, it was so cucked out it wasn't funny. As a Catholic, I believe that we should fight for the traditional mass to be sung again everywhere and to get the church back on track.
Nice dodge there. Didn't even admit that you were fucking wrong about God & objective morality in fascism.
Being in regions with many catholics =/= being catholic
based and wizardpilled
>imagine being this brain dead and uneducated about the history of the Italian republic and the catholic church
Based and redpilled Romanian? I though you all died out and your nation was cucked. This makes me happy. Are there many of you left? and I Hope you can fix the failures of your elites & that all Romanian communards get the rope.
>I though you all died out and your nation was cucked
oh hardly nationalism did not die in Romania in fact the commies promoted
people like Marshall Antonescu sadly the Legion and Codreanu are unkown since he died prior to our entry in to the war
people that miss communism just miss the decisive action taken things got done when supreme leader wanted it done and people like this
there are a lot of us left
hell a refugee center was shut down with the threat of violence and so was the mosque paid by turkey actions like these dont get the press
>Nice dodge there. Didn't even admit that you were fucking wrong about God & objective morality in fascism.
What dodge? You didn't say anything about objective morality in your post. Also God is by definition objective, while fascism isn't, as it needs to adapt itself to reach total control, therefore scrapping the need for an objective truth