>get boyfriend
>says he doesn't think he wants kids or marriage
>ask why
>says he's only ever see 1 healthy marriage
>claims he can't see himself with someone for the rest of his life since people grow apart and change
>get a bit upset considering this isn't how i view my relationships
what do i do about this? also whats the point of even getting into a relationship if you don't see it lasting for a lifetime?
The fuck
youre probably not hot enough lol
This sounds like a 15 year old during his nihilism period.
Ditch the boy, OP. You're worth more than that.
You already know you should dump him and find someone with same values as you, he won't change.
He basically told you he will dump you at some point so don't waste your time.
these 100%. if his values are that far off from your own, it's not gonna work.
As have the user above me said, find someone who has the same values as you. It's OK to not share interests in hobbies as long as you share beliefs on marriage, education, etc. (everything about relationships). Even if you enjoyed doing the same things, if you don't value the same beliefs, relationship will fall apart eventually. It was like this with my "first love". He was a fun guy to be around with. We meshed, intellectually, but when it came to things that truly mattered we disagreed. It didn't work.
I've never had a nihilism period when I was 15 what the fuck are you talking about, I don't even any normal 15 yo kid has a fucking nihilism period maybe you are just fucked up
Also OP you better specify age maybe you are indeed some youngfags talking about bullshit that will never some to you since you for sure won't last 10 years until you can have fucking babies. But yeah your bf is right and atleast he is sincere or maybe he is an asshole I dont fucking know him imo realtionships are a waste of time and serve no purpose besides making more humans and having company I guess and fullfinling the biological need to have offspring and shit but there is already too much people in this planet so idk why would you do that anyways its up to you i dont know the fucking dude so its your choice it could be that he was being sincere to you it could be a way of telling you that he is not that interested i dont fucking know
He's 25. I'm 23
You need to listen.
I view relationships EXACTLY the way your boyfriend does. And my ex-gf felt very strongly about getting married and having kids.
She was great to me, and I liked being with her. I had hoped that at some point she would let those things go just to be with me, and she of course had hoped I would marry her.
We were together 5 years, and the only thing that came of it was I feel like shit for wasting her time.
He will not change. Let me say it again because it's important. He is not going to change.
If you want those things, you need to leave the relationship and leave it now. Believe, both of you staying in this will just make things worse.
At your age you're going to know what you might want to do with your life in terms of kids and marriage. Since he's pretty vocal about it, I'm pretty sure he won't change his mind.
Hannah A. get off Jow Forums
At your age, if you know what you want from like you need to pursue avenues that will allow for it.
If he changes his mind in 15 years when he's bitter and alone, that's on him; Don't waste your time hoping that he'll change his mind and everything will work out the way that you want it to.
Find someone who wants the same things that you do before it's too late. You're gonna die eventually.
Weeeell... If someone said that to me ( assuming you're giving all the details) yeah I'd dump them pronto. They view the relationship as temporary and want out.
I've lived through this before, him dumping you is en route.
I'm a bit surprised. It's been reported that by consensus this is an increasingly popular view, but most people here seem to be having directly negative reactions to the concept of abstaining from marriage in a relationship.
I can't say I'm particularly fond of the concept. Then again, the modern dating scene seems rather absurd to me. Sex withing a week of knowing one another, and engagement within a year.
Don't know why it's so hard for people to just be together and be happy.
Completely agree with user. Wrong guy for you OP
>>get a bit upset considering this isn't how i view my relationships
Wait, you've had several relationships and you want to get married? Lmao.
holy shit this
but it's probably because the board is inundated with poor NEET hamplanets who desperately need a light at the end of the tunnel; a nice beta provider to subsidize them and their offspring
you go in with the home you are wrong and it will last. friendships aren't forever either, grow the fuck up
*hope not home
He'd be making a mistake by marrying a frogposter anyway, so it's all good.
Not everyone who doesnt want marriage wants an easy way out, some of us have seen a lot of shitty marriages and seen how much damage they can do to people.
some also aknowledge that people really do change and grow differently over time
The vast majority of people on Jow Forums are either still in university, unemployed or working shitty, low paid jobs. I cannot see why any woman, regardless of how fat and ugly she was, would settle for some beta from Jow Forums.
For the first time in a very long stretch of history, people are forming relationships of their own volition on the pretence of feelings rather than business transactions. Somehow this quickly went from lovey-dovey to just fucking like animals in the streets. Meeting someone within your social caste, forming a bit of a crush and getting married within a week in 1885 makes more sense to me than Tinder does, personally.
I went from friends to fuckbuddies to a relationship, and while I don't care about marriage at all (As you said: Why can't we just be together and be happy?) I do know that I want to have children and a family at some point, and I don't see any reason to entertain a relationship unless I believe it will lead to those things, otherwise it's a waste of time.
This is possibly a purely female perspective, what with the whole 'biological clock' thing. I know that I don't want to have children until I hit 30, but that gives me a pretty small window.
Like I'm 24, too. I want to make sure that I start a family with the right person, and that involves a lot of time spent getting to know that person. If you're 18, you don't have that sort of worry.
Don't do this. You don't want the same things out of the relationship and holding out in the hope he might change his mind is unfair to both of you.
You're at an age now where you need to date carefully, knowing what you want and not settle just so you're not alone. If something isn't working out and you've tried to fix it, move on. You're an adult and you should know what you want out of a relationship by now. You and this person clearly aren't compatible so don't waste any more time.
Do 25 year old men normally want to settle down?
Nope. That's why you get a bunch of 25-year-old women with 30-35-year-old men.
They enter their thirties and then fucking panic.
It's not panic, it's because within their age range they have become the sought-after ones and are able to choose who they want to have with greater prejudice. It's the women in their 30's who begin to panic.
no because men don't get anything in return for their sacrifice.men no longer have authority over the family or women. also men can get the milk for free.