There is no real way to defend this. Even if you are a Trump fanboy...

There is no real way to defend this. Even if you are a Trump fanboy, the way they are protecting this murdered is a fucking joke.

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The only good journalist is a dead one. Fuck off kike

seriously it would be more ballsy to just admit that you know MBS had that guy whacked and that you just dont give a fuck cos we do worse all the time.

>the way they are protecting this murdered

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And another mutt bows to the Saudis.

MAGA indeed.

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Saudis bow to Bogdanoff

Why should I care about a foreign journo killed on foreign soil? Most of them are complicit in murder anyway

There is no CIA report. Only the Washington post saying according to sources there is a CIA report

>Actual head of CIA: We don't have direct evidence
>Media: N-nuh-uh!

Journalists get murdered all the time. Fuck off already with this irrelevant bullshit and kys

>we need to trust the deep state!

Jow Forums truly is the nigger of Jow Forums.

>looks like someone got divided, bro

Listen, we've stuck by then as we helped them kill hundreds of thousands in Yemen. Why would we walk away after they kill a half retarded one of their own?

Nobody cares.
Saudis kill one of their who has ties to terrorism.
There's nothing to defend.
Nobody cares.

>they are protecting this murdered is a fucking joke
Hey look, an Iranian/Chinese shill who can't English
Kashwoogie was a Iranian asset and funded by terrorists. No one cares
MBS was right to kill that pussy

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What are you talking about, Klaus? I'm trusting the guy who is in a position to know over a journalist typing the phrase "according to sources" in their writings.

And Saudi Arabia is a global sponsor of terrorism alongside their Israeli buddies

can i get a link to a kashoggi article?

This entire Kashoggi thing is horseshit. Foreign citizen killed by a foreign government for geopolitical reasons. Zero US interest in it. Why has this been spun into a mainstream news story in the US? Why should the US give a fuck about a shitty left wing journo with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood?

Meh. The only people who care are the ones with an agenda against trump. If Hillary was in office this wouldn't even make the news cycle.

The CIA said Khassogi was killed, the Saudis said he was killed in a scuffle after previously saying he wasn’t. You’re far better off going with this memenigger angle here

This is all a stunt to raise oil prices. Dozens of reporters get killed in the middle east every year.

You will care because CNN says you need to care. This is 100% a distraction from the impending crash and burn of the Mueller investigation. They are getting very desperate though. That migrant caravan thing fell off short of their expectations and you can feel it. They have to constantly shill the "women and children" angle in their articles in order to get people to care about your government enforcing the border using non lethal tear gas.

Remember Jow Forums : the harder someone baits, the more desperate they are for attention.

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>arab lapdog to the libs gets blasted
>libs pissed their lapdog got blasted
>he's a le journalist cuz he got paid by wapo for a couple weeks
i care why?

Dumb nigger.

Give support to Saudi Arabia. But not to Israel. 99% of journalists are servile goyim. Fuck Israel you Jewish shill. You're people will hang

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Because orange man bad.
Literally any excuse the left can use to make him look bad is being exploited to its fullest.

what kind of mental gymnastics do maga retards have to go through to unironically shill for jihadi islamists just because their based goy emperor is sucking their assess?


We got infected by Jow ForumsThe_Donald kikes.

Yeah, but what else can Trump do? What could any U.S. president do in that situation? Our dollar is tied to oil production over there. So you want Trump to destroy our economy and throw the entire nation into chaos, thus killing thousands, just for one dumbass sand nigger who got tricked into going to the Middle East because they said he needed papers to get married? Heh, my state will let you marry a toaster if you wish.

It’s really easy to defend. Turkey is an untrustworthy source that has its own reasons to shit on SA.

SA has been scummy for years. Why does everyone care all of a sudden?

The CIA has suddenly become interested in sharing intel on SA publicly. Why?

Was Kashogi was an intelligence asset, using his cover to gain information to blackmail the royal family of SA?

Why would i give a shit about some hajj?

Although personally i work in oil & gas, destabilization in Saudi would be amazing for us, but not for the nation.

>Was Kashogi was an intelligence asset, using his cover to gain information to blackmail the royal family of SA?
He wanted to divide Syria and make the conflict much worse, so we are better off without him, but I still disapprove of his murder.

>Turkish muslim brotherhood spy gets killed
Democrats want justice. Wonder why?

They control oil so it helps the economy and I don't have to interact with them so why should I care what backward goat fuckers do in their own country? Turning their shithole into a sheet of nuclear glass wouldn't be very hard either so I doubt they'll ever grow into an actual threat.

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you do realize saudis are financing both mass immigration and radicalization of muslim immigrants in the west?
they're literally spending almost all of their oil wealth to build mosques, pay wahabi imams and spread islam through europe

>SA has been scummy for years. Why does everyone care all of a sudden?
This is the primary thing to take away from this.

>>Turkish muslim brotherhood spy gets killed
Pretty much, but he was on American TV, was a resident and even went to school here, so I'd prefer a trial first.

spot on analysis user.

So some vicious sand niggers murder another vicious sand nigger. Why is that some kind of big deal? Obama actually ordered the killing of US citizens by drone and you choose to bitch out about this trivial shit?

Nobody cares that this journalist WILLINGLY went to the 3rd world and got killed. There's zero proof their government was involved, so asking our people to rail against their government is beyond conventional retardation, it's blatant warmongering.

>Protip: We side with Russia too over Ukraine because they WILLINGLY broke a treaty.
Poke the bear, get the claws.

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Mohammed bin Salman must die

khashoggi was a mossad faggot just like op






You're not the only one with that sentiment. When a world leader tells you that they are "worried about you" it's a veiled threat. I'd say that they prince has a "nasty accident" in a few years because he was so sloppy and almost got the whole lot caught.

Israel = Saudi Arabia


Why are the Jews so afraid of MBS?

"You never listen to me." I'm pretty sure that those are the last words of an assassin to prey in many a movie.

He was in the Saudi embassy of Turkey

>There's zero proof their government was involved,
Government officials literally admitted to killing him in the embassy

>so asking our people to rail against their government is beyond conventional retardation, it's blatant warmongering.
Asking people to be outraged on social media is warmongering? KSA has done a billion other worse things though, this is gaining traction because the media wants it too

>back to schedule
the us is gone, the next best swamp has taken office

Are you implying the United States is not a global supporter of terrorism?

>camel jockeys kill other camel jockey

Why should I give a fuck?

You do realize that you want Trump to crash the dollar, which will then crush your economy too, along with everyone else's, right?

So what you're saying here is that the hostility between israel and palestine is completely manufactured by the west in order to influence global geopolitics and foreign military aid... Could they be playing 4D chess?

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>literally admitted

Who gives a fuck about dead sandniggers? Fuck off

>Some sand nigger intelligentsia gets what's coming
>So we should ruin our very profitable relationship with the Saudis
And then you'd turn around and blame Trump for the increase in gas prices. You really are a brainlet aren't you?

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It's probably vegans, they really feel empathetic toward animals.

Based and redpilled leaf

What do you call the Saudis killing one Turkish spy?

A good start

>a deep state asset posing as a journalist is brutally murdered by his fellow deep state people that decided to chop him into pieces while he was alive in the hopes of undermining the Crown Prince and Trump with fake accusations
play glow in the dark games, win glow in the dark prizes.

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This, also:

It was revenge for Syria, and a lot of other things. And there was nothing that we could do about it. Assad was a made man and Khashoggi wasn't. And we had to sit still and take it. It was among the Arabs. It was real sand nigger shit. They even chopped him up alive and then poured acid onto the remains and flushed them down the embassy toilets so his mother couldn't give him an open coffin at the funeral.

Even if that whole journalist thing didn't happen, Americans are supporting a state that funds terrorists all around the world and that funds almost all mosques that are being built in Europe.

>Masons are supporting a state that funds terrorists all around the world and that funds almost all mosques that are being built in Europe.

It's almost as if America wasn't founded by real Christians.

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Innocent people are murdered every day. You only think this particular murder is more important because a talking head told you to think that.

you should drop your arms deal so they can buy russian arms instead

Well in this situation there are two scenarios. Either the CIA is telling the truth, meaning the media lied... or CIA is lying about not having a report which means exactly what about us? How can you get the idea of full support for alphabets out of this? Embarrassing.

Trump fanboys will defend anything. They're no different than the niggers who worshiped Obama or the braindead leftists who voted for Hillary.
Political parties are a scourge.

It has less to do with Trump and moar to do with the fact that we know the CIA lies daily and controls too much for their own good, nevermind ours.

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Kashoggi was no innocent soul.

>Muh CIA
I hope that's code for Israel or the Jews. Otherwise you just sound like a retarded tier of Alex Jones.

Alex is a Jew too.

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>Why is that some kind of big deal?

because stupid fat white goyim like pompeo and trump are on their hands and knees for a country of inbred sand niggers.

a muslim kills a muslim in a muslim embassy within a muslim country. this is bad why?

the fact they seem to care so much about this one guy means there's far more to the story than they let on

>Khashoggi not even an American
>constantly wrote shit about Saudi royalty
>expects US laws to apply to sand nig sensibilities
Why the fuck are you even concerned about this?

The real question is why the media suddenly cares that the Saudis murder people. Is it just ORANGE MAN BAD, or is there another reason?

No one gives a shit about Kashoggi, stop pretending to be outraged over it.

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It's depressing that they don't have the guts to explicitly say "dude realpolitik lmao" and resort instead to pathetic excuse-making.

Trump openly said he values selling them weapons and having lower oil prices over getting hysterical about this latest bout of media outrage.

That and it was one of their own and the act itself was pretty audacious.

You jews and lefties wanted to bomb Syria. DOnt give us some bullshit that you're anti war.

You jews and lefties wanted to bomb Syria. DOnt give us some bullshit that you're anti war.

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The more you keep saying this, the more this will keep poisoning Trumps dumbfuck Neo Con circlejerks plan. If they didn’t, the Senate wouldn’t pass resolution to end support for Yemen

Don't trust sand niggers, but I like them more than kikes.

>implying the senate is going to anything more than its usual bickering and jawboning
Peace between the Saudis and Houthis is more likely to happen before anything tangible comes from the senate. Congress is weak and needs a buff in the next patch.

Pompeo went full retard and pissed even the establishment shits with his meeting because he’s a fat fuck obsessed with Iranian war. If Trump had a brain he’d actually get Saudis to change their shit instead of being a cuck and pretending this will go away.

Not war, they're advocating to let the people of Iran choose their own leader, basically grassroots regime change. Same shit is happening in France and a bunch of other places.