France burning photo collection?

Some cool sniper shots?
Photos exploding with aesthetic?
Burning news colorized?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Attached: police-car-fire-electrical-explosion-footage-038923695_prevstill.jpg (1920x1080, 256K)

These pictures will be in history books 100 years from now showing the breakdown of public order in Western Europe.

Attached: paris protests.jpg (760x507, 86K)

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A broken sculpture of Marianne, symbol of the French Repupblic.

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Attached: FRANCE.jpg (1096x616, 120K)

Whats the story behind all of the brittany flags?

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It's like New Year's Eve.

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I assumed it was just being used as an anti-government symbol. Going to have to wait for a French person to show up.

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things are bad there. They're blocking petrol depots so much that they have started gas restrictions


Attached: 757748-paris-reuters-1.jpg (1280x720, 44K)

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The French really know how to riot if nothing else.

Attached: france2.jpg (750x375, 43K)

>government increases taxes further

>Unleashes the riot police gang on protesters

Stupid goyim cough up

>antifa is not a terrorist organization
The French brought this upon themselves.

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The Left was a mistake.

It saddens me how those shitters will never get caught to answer for what they did to Paris.

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this was actually a super high qualty thread. great pics user.

Burning the US embassy, I see...

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Polish #fakenews reporting in.

Horses are the best!

Oh shit burgers on suicide watch!

This is a war crime against the American people. F-22s inbound in 30 minutes.

Agreed! We should have more of them in the Police forces.

In France, they don't tolerate burgers.


Well...fuck...I must admit that they're powerful...

this is an act of war, expect a response in 3-5 business days

Fucking hate what is happening in Paris but god damn if these pictures aren't aesthetically pleasing to me.
Good thread op.

Attached: paris-protests-unf-1201.jpg (1600x1064, 125K)

This is now horses in your Police thread.
Post Police horses from your country!

Attached: k7wybynxcpq5uziqnwqr28neo8q4jb5r.jpg (740x416, 105K)

London riot police in Paris sent by London Muslim mayor!

Attached: London Riot Police in France..png (1280x960, 1.86M)

Can someone edit that as the riders in lotr ?

aesthetic as fuck thread.
Get /comfy/ lads, the revolution is coming

rare fire pepe

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Hopefully secessionists

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kek, he seems to be very happy

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French riot police are probably just as bad as bong police but they have slightly better gear

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Lmao it actually is

Oh shit, how she lose her eye?

Got some big intel that everyone here better spread ASAP.

British special forces are involved with the protests/riots.

How well does anyone know the history of Britain vs France?. Who do you think helped sabotage the French to help the Germans in WW2?.

It's no coincidence that the riots/protests are spreading to all enemies and allies of the UK recently.

The UK might be burning, but they are trying to bring down everyone both friend and foe with them.

...such beauty

American Police lol don't make me laugh. American Police are the biggest pussies around, they never saw real riot in life, when French police has to deal with civil war in Prais every weekend.

Between the shitskins and general riots how the fuck does anyone visit paris anymore?

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They said the same thing in the US as well.
Already trying to spin it.

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bump, love the photos

oof, powerful

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The Four Horsemen have arrived.

LoL I didn't know that things are that bad. Is france becoming Syria or something?

this one is better

>want more and more Socialism
>riot when taxes are imposed to pay for it.
Are the French fully retarded or what?

The UK literally gave sten guns French resistance fighters, you ignoramus.

Bretons are based.

Yeah they totally give this feeling...

What's the point in throwing fireworks at police?

Frenchfags love to riot and destroy property. Just like niggers

We're still making distinctions at this point?

Reminder that mcdonald is cultural hegemony and we should get rid of it worldwide, along with BBC porn.
Gj on the frogs

Fuck the state, man, but also give me free shit.

She still has 1 and already surrenders?

doesn't this happen every time the price of baguettes increases?

They're bipolar. Tho understandably. They're fed with propaganda 24/7, everything revolves about fake problems of supposed minorities and people being mean, while problems of normal people pile up and nobody gives a shit. Don't make white bois angry. Lefties and those encouraging them should remember that.

You falseflag person, know that we have goods reasons to be in the street,and know that they're some false yellow jacket like the one who broke into l'arc de triomphe !


They are rioting because the taxes were imposed on the working class and not on the wealthy elites and corporate overlords because (((Macron))) is a neo-liberal stooge

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What's the point in dumping shit in front of government buildings?

mcdonalds will be back, unlike low gas prices lel

No sympathy for the French. When you allow niggers into your white country, shit happens.

Burn the coal, pay the toll

Ha! The tractor? Agricultural people are treated likes shit by macron and "retour de flammes" ?

>b...but would someone think of muh based police !!!!
Fuck off faggot French people are anti-authoritarian, it is in their blood. They are no boot-lickers. In a way I even respect niggers more than bootlicking sheep, at least niggers won't accept government bullshit and oppression from the militarised police, putting them in jail for smoking a blunt.

Arent you faggots voted for Hollande then for Macron and expected things to be better?

Allow...allow..., that's easy to many of us did really go to the urn? Not zo many if youre sincere!

Pic related, the dawn of the French republic was literally a nation wide riot against the elites

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