Can you be pro eugenics and an aspie

Can you be pro eugenics and an aspie

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frankly i am jealous of these retards and i think this is wrong. they always seem jolly and appreciative, and aren't really that much of a societal burden. they can even do menial jobs and they don't do much violent crime or anything. i think it's only ok to abort very specifc types of people

>They're aren't that much of a societal burden
Your mom lied.
Downies destroy families and are a perpetual burden on the caretakers

right i said burden on society, not their direct caretakers
leave it to a beaner to not understand this key distinction

You should.
Living a life on the spectrum is the best way to understand why we shouldn't exist.

the spic is right though

tards offer nothing of value to society

neither do spics and coons. in fact, they are a net drain and there are a whole lot more of them. a retard here and there is fine. it makes you grateful for what you have, and they can also teach you how to be appreciative and happy for the small things.
a retard has never lowered my property value

>they don't do much violent crime or anything.
I can tell with utmost honesty that we are more violent than niggers. An autistic meltdown in an adult is the most destructive, blindingly enraged bloodlust you will ever see. There is a reason it has such a strong correletion with mass shooters and spree killers.

Bro I hope you never have to take care of a downie, ever. Stay gullible.

What affects families affects their society, leave it to a common core victim to defend his fellow downies and fail miserably at it