Why aren't you embracing the future of food consumption?
Why aren't you embracing the future of food consumption?
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Doesn't that stuff give you explosive flatulence?
Swaloma > Onions
>low glycemic index
Meaning piss-poor energy.
Better to use Ensure Plus + whole milk.
Literally comatose patient food.
Well when you think about it liberals don't have brain activity.
I tried rhe meme, with coffiest. It's been 2 years since my attempted faggotry, I still suffer sideeffects. If I drink a drop of coffee, I can now smell it in my piss. Also my asshole itches any time I drink caffine, pure hell.
People who drink these can’t even open them.
Reminder to get your onions bottle opener with it too
What insults me the most is the meme flavour names. I could get behind the idea of a universal food, but why market it at literal basedboys?
How does that company stay n business when everyone is anti onions?
Weston Price, read it.
Eat paleo, chew stuff, rince and repeat. It's very important to chew hard food for proper skull development, remember this when you'll have kids.
God, it’s hard to believe people like this actually exist
i do my own diy onionss
I'm a breatharian. Every morning I meditate facing the rising sun and I get all the energy I need. I haven't eaten in 6 months.
I have. I eat Mealsquares. Made from oats mostly. 0% estrogen bean.
Because that shit is expensive considering you'd need to drink like 7 of them a day to avoid being an emaciated twink.
Wow... so this is how you destroy a man.
is that like what naughty prisoners get in the shu?
Vice made a video about the guy behind this.
He was making them in a filthy warehouse and mice were running around.
How much does it cost in canada?
Your manhood.
One made-beaver pelt will get you three crates at your local HBC factory.
Because it's fucking gross, and it doesn't have enough protein in it.
when are they gonna release green
It tastes like jizz
One possibility of him even trying onions was to have more time to speedrun by eating during the long grindy runs.
Because I own a grill & a rifle.
Some versions. Later versions lead to BO.
Onions is still better than McDonalds or most of the standard American diet.
I don't need tits
Nasty dude
Not availble in Canada due to blacklisting by the kosher cartel, funnily enough.
Stop stealing oxygen from black people you nazi!
Imagine having that bad of grip strength. I could rip and twist the top of that bottle off and there are adult men who need a tool. Wow.
That stuff is made from people.
Those fucking tits...
Because man was always meant to be in tune with nature, eating fruits and veggies with the occasional consumption of meat, not this artificial attempt to make men weak and susceptible to invasion
They'll force it into our kids one way or another.
Cause I still can chew and swallow my own food like a normal human being, thus I do not need zoy in my life.
Now try ingesting only that for a year see if you can still do it.
Fucking hell, how many did you drink?
Knowing what I do now about s*y I wouldn't even try one of those things.
>future of food consumption
With electrolytes?
Some of the finest tits I've ever seen on an Asian.
Based and EEpilled
Onions is a decent idea (low effort, impossible to fuck up nutrition produced at relatively low cost) executed terribly (produced TOO low cost, terrible actual nutritional profile, will fuck up your digestive system if you eat nothing else for a while)
I'm honestly not opposed to standardized "astronaut food" but this is a terrible approach to it all
When that movie came out I didn't like it. I thought it was stupid.
How wrong I was.
I wonder how many idiots there are who replaced all their food with this liquid nonsense(because you are not supposed to substitute all your food with it)
Remember to keep an eye on what they're giving your kids at school. Homeschool if you can.
No one should eat onions as a regular part of their diet.
Sure. You were young and bluepilled, as we all.
Only the poorest of the poor eat school-provided meals.
No way I could man. I powerlift, do yoga and need red meat. I'd lose my fucking mind. Just yesterday I ate two steaks. But Saturday I train like a maniac.
this was a dude before starting three s o y l e n t s every day, 6 months later, this