Are you still "pro-choice"?

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less niglets the better

what race is it?


>how to prepare the perfect baby stew

checked, if its niggers let them have the choice otherwise i am pro life.

Im all for abortion. Im also for a comprehensive public record for all baby killing witches out there. Would be tons of lulz, wish we could meme it in reality.

>thanks for not aborting me, mom!

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>implying giving birth doesn't look bloody and gross
Pro-Lifers who post gore to get people to convert are no different to vegans posting abattoir gore videos.


Yes. The type of people who get abortions are the type of people I don't want reproducing. However, I do think it should be punishable by nothing less than death.

The Demiurge is real

Lets be real here. Abortion is all about removing consequences for slut behavior.

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The opposite of Life is Death. "Pro-Choice" really means Pro-Death.

I am pro-dead nigger, yes.

>literally wanting to end voluntary nigger genocide

I was until I saw that picture.

Pro death of non whites, yes indeed.

Pro Life should just be called Pro Birth. Because as we all know, you people don't give a shit about the turd after it is actually born.

Yep. That looks delicious, BTW.

I'm pro choice but the difficult part for me is about state autonomy. Like many things I really dont think it should be a federal decision

Okay, this is epic

How so?


only if they're beaners or black

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im not pro choice, im pro eugenics :)

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Don’t be a faggot. Abortion is an occasional necessary evil.

I agree, we must help people to understand that.

Daily reminder that pro lifers are the enemy

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Yes. When morons and deviants choose to limit their population and keep their defects out of the gene pool, who am I to complain?

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would you still be pro-life if they only aborted black babies?

Thank you for that image, next gotta do estimated democrat votes, welfare costs, rapes, murders etc had they been alive to really rub it into the Christcucks faces

I dont think so, theres alot of ways for a human to grow and learn.
Some successful people came from the "street".
We cant just stop their life before it began.

less humans the better

only brainwashed liberal nazis think killing babies is a good idea.

You are sick

is that alex jones eating an aborted fetus?

These are fake. The white abortion count is incredibly high, particularly in the Northeast.

those two kids will be aborted in school anyway.

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From what I heard, tons of whites does abortion, thats why the "color people" reproduce faster, they dont have the money to make an abortion, so your fake pic is just made to delude us.

Think of little baby Tyrone who will grow up on white funded welfare, vote against your constitutional rights & kill people! Think of him! THINK OF THE NIGGLETS!

I don't approve of drug addicts having children. We should offer them $50 for sterilization and I bet they'd take it.

Lolberals killing liberal babies IS a good idea.
Think of all the aggravation and stress all the other kids won't have to suffer when they don't have to go to school with some peanut-allergic faggot raised by a single mom.

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yeah, but those are white americans... in other words, mutts.

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I'm anti choice meaning I believe in compulsory abortions for nonwhites and retarded whites

>Le people who grew up shooting become school shooters instead of spergy incels with recessed chins and hapas mad at the world meme.

Well meme'd my memeflagging friend.

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That looks like a late term fetus you faggot which is already illegal to get an abortion after 3 months

Who judges? whos the defects?

Usually the people with money (whites) make abortions.

niggers dont have money, thats why their numbers are growing.

its okay for every girl to be pro choice, except for any girl i impregnate!


Only if youll show your flag

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Yes because I don't care about the emotional propaganda that is showing pictures of aborted fetuses.

i meant they would be shot by the shooter.

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Politics isn't genetic

he has a point

It's not "emotional propaganda"--in many cases that's how it looks. Remember when Planned Parenthood was caught dead to rights selling human body parts?


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Yessssss --- let's ban abortion so T'aQisha and Rosa Maria can shit out 7 mudlets apiece so I can pay for their food, shelter, education, and, in 20 years, the prison guards salary.

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>14 heart breaking pictures of cells that look like a human but don't have a brain or a heartbeat that will make you go "fuck abortion and shit"

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You have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than dying in a school shooting.

>that's how it looks
>selling human body parts

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and that's the winning argument man. I don't like abortion, but looking at this...

that could be you, your mother, your best friend.
you must understand that.
are you ready to die?


That's a solid yes from me, nigger

Never liked that messed up place anyway.

>bro x COULD have been possible so change your beliefs

Still? I would PAY abortions for everyone who wants it if I had the money.

Im whiter than you, brah.

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Anyone choosing to abort a child HAS NO BUSINESS being a parent, and such psychotic and dysgenic behavior is genetically passed on through generations.

Take your flimsy moralfaggot altruism and shove it up your self-righteous ass.

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Thats why you dont have it :)
God is the mastermind.

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even better, the reused school shooting range meme, that memeflag really fits you

When did this place become so infested with Christcucks? Fuck off already, you faggots.

unironically this.
i say we mandate abortions/sterilize anyone on welfare
this planet is crowded as fuck as it is

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Fuck no.

As if this is the primary reason for abortion. No one would care if abortion was limited to rape, severe disability/defect, danger to mother, etc., but you faggots want to kill perfectly healthy babies.

implying it might not be the next einstein

There's not one 4channer on Jow Forums who's pro-choice.
Literally only Redditorcucks and soiiboiis.
>muh niggers
No need for abortion if you can just freely shoot niggers post natally.

That doesn't matter. What does matter is not having a bunch of people with children who they can't provide for. That, and do you think the type of people who would have sex and abortions again and again would be good parents? Nope.

Also, I'm for abortion when it comes to eugenics. Not racial eugenics, but for extreme physical and mental genetic disorders.

Whats wrong with Christians? do you have real arguments? or your IQ level can only provide meaningless insults?

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Fucking gross. Thread hidden.

When are you Christfags going to learn that these tactics don't work? Show pictures of happy, blue-eyed babies and their MILF mamas and quit being obnoxious edgelords. You just come off as some weird ghoul with this shit.

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Can't do that though. Thanks cops and gub!
Next best things we have are gang warfare and abortions.

Guess God agrees with me then but would rather have it be tax-funded instead. :^)

>muh memeflag
what exactly does a fucking flag reveal?

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It's soft eugenics desu

>What does matter is not having a bunch of people with children who they can't provide for

Those kids can still be successful you know?


>Fucking gross. Thread hidden.

Yet you came here to reply

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> please stop showing me reality I prefer to think about sunshine and lollipops

You should try reddit, there are a lot of people just like you there!

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appeal to emotion
>i don't know if God exists
>there are many answers
>therefore i know God is not likely, or does not exist

>i don't know if abortion is immoral
>there are many answers
>therefore it is the woman's right to abort

The second one is especially stupid and accurate. Do you see a pattern? Atheists who aggressively lack belief need to be purged first and foremost. People who keep their stupidity to themselves and vegans are fine. Then and only then these problems will solve themselves.

Faggots who think their fairy tales should dictate all of society's laws should be executed in the streets. They are never content to keep their religion to themselves, and constantly push it on everyone else.

They're much less likely to though.

I donate a significant amount of money every month to low income area abortion clinics.

He might punish your country for killing babies.

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Just think of all the star athletes who are being aborted needlessly year after year. For every Treyvon out in the world there's a baby Barry Sanders being aborted right this very minute.

Meaningless insults it seems.