Daily reminder homosexuals are superior

Daily reminder homosexuals are superior

>don't have to deal with retarded thots
>relationships so close they could only be brought on by brotherhood
>statistically higher IQs than straights (cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-biosocial-science/article/intelligence-and-homosexuality/E07585DD50D9924C677EFC7B6060AB0A)
>The Roman Empire, the greatest civilization of all time, was run by and filled with open homosexuals
But homos are just a bunch of degenerates who fuck all day!!
>Actually user, that was mostly the faggot AIDS ridden boomers, modern young zoomer gays prefer monogamy (thecouplesstudy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/CHOICES-Younger-Gay-Men-final-160812.pdf)

Why haven't you taken the gay pill yet Jow Forums?

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Quality traps are very rare

>tfw no cute trap bf
why live

homosexuality is a mental illness. if 100% of population was gay, we'd be extinct

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>modern young zoomer gays prefer monogamy
lol faggot please

Why were the Romans and Japanese so gay?

what if I told you it's evolutionary advantageous to have a certain percent of the male population not going after women, freeing up the mating pool

cool evidence bro