SPAIN: After 40 years of leftist government Andalucia turns right

Today the elections in Andalucia, south of Spain region and most populous, have ended with a win of the right after 40 years of leftists governments. The biggest winner have been VOX an alternative right party that will be the key for the new government. The huge increase of this right wing party marks the arrival of a right wing populist party like the new wave of right wing parties all over Europe in a country that lacked one so far. That this have happened in a strong leftist region it's the more noteworthy. If this great result for a new party have happened in a region 40 years under socialism, What kind of support could it have in more right leaning regions?

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So when is the day of the rope?


The left is enraged DEMANDING the right to stop THE EXTREME RIGHT and instead support the same socialist party that have governed for 40 years.


The left have gone mad with hate

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I hear that if I visit Spain I get patted down by North and Sub Saharan Africans at the airport? Is that true, desu? How is the fatherland right now?

t. American of Spanish descent

This is not France or England, we are 20 years or so behind in "progress". This have protected us a bit.

Gracias a Dios. Un dia yo voy a la nacion de mis ancestros, una personas que hablan el linguaje mas hermoso en el mundo.

God bless.

Things are starting to look hopeful here.

This is epic lmfao. After the results I was banned from Menéame because of this comment.

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fuck off with your sex tourism

It's just the truth. They are in deep negation.

The communists are calling Vox literal francoist, fascist EXTREME RIGHT.

Wish we had a right wing party

Post the results, faggot.
I want the %s

I didn't knew if you were interested.

There you go calzone.

Red: Socialists
Blue: Cuckservatives
Orange: Globalist center
Purple: Crypto communists

Blue+Orange+Green: Right wing win

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these are impressive
I mean, the polls said they could barely get to 5%

With a media blackout and no resources in a socialist region. This looks good lads.

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Probably never.

Many of those so called right wing parties or far right parties or altright are still big government, big taxes, socialized everything, no guns and no freespeech. The only difference is that they are slightly stronger on immigration.

bretty gud spaniards

gracias amigo.
I hope you can get rid of Sanchez before Spain get infested like Italy is. Today victory is a good start.

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We are waiting for the accusations of russian interference ;)

>before Spain get infested like Italy is
lmfao that happened a long time ago. If you think Italy is bad, Spain is like five times that.

Not true, you're not banned...

Don't be silly.

Yes I am, they gave me a "strike", which is effectively a ban. I cannot post or vote.

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Maybe yo shouldn't have called them subhuman, kek.

Isn't Salvini taking care of it?

Great, now you can take back all those shitskin races you and Portugal made back in the 1600s and we won't have to turn you into bull testicle paste

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It's true though, lmfao

Nah, you can keep them.


>t. Tyrone Rodríguez


spain had an election

wtf why has there been no Jow Forums coverage

it was just a regional election ?


ok cool. for a second I was like wtf why has nobody been talking about this but it makes sense since regionals are smaller

Salvini stopped the flood and made legal to kill home invaders, but he still working on how to get rid of the ones we already have here.

Based, keep going bros

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>mfw #elenão fiasco has reached spain

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It will be alright. If your government don't fuck up the economy it will be reelected continuously, meaning that new immigrants will be afraid to set a foot there.

We have been able to strongly reduce the number of africans coming to our ports by closing it.
We have also just passed a law that makes it harder to get asylum (and citizenship) and that facilitates the process of expulsion. But it will take a while. It's only been 6 months.

A regional election in the most leftist and populous area in Spain, that drags down the rest of the country with their corruption and constantly asks for gibs

A good analogy would be Republicans winning California

What a fucking amazing slogan. This is more based than MAGA.


well done

>mfw we are propping up right-wing governments across the world
feels excellent

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DOn't fuck up the economy. The rest will come. Italy will remain Italian.

I hope that after all the countries in Europe vote in right wing governments the new leaders will agree to not fight each other and just respect the will of there people(stop flooding in the shitskins).
And no more European countries will go to war with each other

Godspeed fren

>Un dia yo voy a la nacion de mis ancestros

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Pls come back and kill them


It's just regional. But the result is very Jow Forums related.

Are this VOX party something like Lega Nord? Or they are full Francoists or Falange?

Where can I see some salt in English please?

Maybe the english speaking press will cover this tomorrow. Expect dire warnings about the EXTREME RIGHT.

Spaniards are fed up, after ears of leftist lies, degeneracy and shame of being Spanish. You can feel it everywhere.

Behold the glorious uncucking of Spain.

Attached: VOX - A STORM IS COMING.webm (720x405, 452K)

only anti EU party wants a revival of the Spanish ruling class, who were incompetent thugs and thieves, as opposed to EU thieves and moneylender goblins.
Ah, well. I am so glad I came back only on vacation.
Enjoy the shitfest. Older Primo de Rivera got redpilled hard when he ruled.

They do agree with each other on a number of issues like immigration, euroscepticism
But Lega tends to be more regionalistic in the sense it doesn't support the centralization of power. In fact, there was conflict between Abascal (vox) and Salvini during the Catalonia incident

Fucking epic. Digits also.

Just curious, what's going on with the Catalonia situation? The news has been awfully quiet about it since the 12 seconds they were independent ended.

So, Salvini is in favour of the balkanization of Italy and the restoration of the Republic of Venice, the Kingdom of Two Sicilies and the Papal States?

Catalans are the biggest cunts

send them all back to Africa.


Lega was originally in favor of the separation of Northern Italy (Padania) from the rest of the country.
Salvini changed that and turned it into a national party. They support a degree of autonomy for the regions but not separation from Italy anymore.

Maybe you've seen some of the light chimpouts by politicians but nothing real ever happened. Fairly quiet up here, aside from the ocasional protest.

Finally, Spain is waking up.

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So, I will not be seen a Papal Armed Forces in my lifetime?

Yes but is a game changer

Legit looks like he is about to pull out a sword and fight the highlander

>vox making a score
Happy hanouka, kikes.

This is glorious, the most lefty region of Spain, ruled by socialism for 40 fucking years... Just imagine the right wing regions, or even the country elections...

There is hope for us after all

Green Vox

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hhahhaha no

Trips of true, our future president!!

Praise kek!!

Based Spain

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Question from someone who knows very little about Brazilian politics, why are leftists so butthurt about this guy? My prof who teaches a class at my university brought some “social activist” in from Brazil to talk about Bolsonaro and she says the same shit Democrats say about Trump. What’s the truth about him?

Has the losing side blamed Russia yet?


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EU election will be on May 23

What the position of VOX regarding EU?

Is the Vox party in favour of the abolishment of democracy and the reestablishment of the Fueros?

>VOX regarding EU
EU is ok and is for ethnic Europeans

As a bean, this makes me so happy. The motherland is waking up!


Lefties will be lefties. They have a superiority complex and want everyone to follow their madness.

The ones that don't give a fuck about their ideas AND also say it publicly turn them feral.

This is a universal truth, perfectly valid for any country.

everything right of the far left is considered far right

>t. American of Spanish descent
>i.e. a larping Mexican

I never thought you had it in you Spain, well done.

Hopefully my greatest ally, Portugal follows suit to and the Iberian peninsula can be united in hating leftiest - Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar.

>from 0.4% to 11% in 3 years
now thats alot of growth

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Wasn't Andalucia supposed to be independent by now? What effect do the election results have on the independence efforts?

Kek, that's Catalonia kraut.

PSOE will just get the government again, with C and Podemos, screencap this

The right is infected by old Francoists.VOX, however, has them as useful idiots and the higher echelons have the ideology of Primo de Rivera, which is flawed but many see as the only escape. Could be a total disaster or a lucky turn of events, but stagnation is death.

For an example, see this fella

This clear example of humanoid cattle right there seems to forget Franco today would be a corporatefag EU shill disguised as a right wing nationalist. The elites, including the Spanish elites, still around, mind the surnames you find, throw crumbs of bread for the poor to fight for while they play the big game.

Catalonia is the seccesionist lot and from what I understand it is godless commie land that wants tourists to leave but wants more refugees.


That's La Secta pipedream.

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>EU is ok
well, you can't have everything, at least is for ethnic Europeans

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