African population boom

Seriously speaking, how do we fix this?

According a gallup survey, over 1/3 of africans want to leave the continent, Europe and the US being the preferred destinations.
If EU borders stay as weak as they are, africans will mass migrate to our countries like never before. The refugee crisis back in 2015 would be child's play

I've seen many here talking about eliminating foreign aid, but is this ever going to happen?

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Europe belongs to the superior BLACK MAN.
It's over

just stop paying your taxes and all the niggers die


We go back 30 years and pass laws making it illegal to send food aid to Africa.

France Is On Fire

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KILL AS MANY NIGGERS AS YOU WANT luxury tours to Africa

that's cool
i don't think anything will happen, though

Only Bill Gates can save us from the coming orc horde. You better start helping him or face annihilation.

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we are fucked unless civil war

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the west should only give money for africans when if get sterilized as a prerequisite

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This is the real issue that will undermine Europe. Their population growth has exploded and is unsustainable.
For instance, in Niger, the average woman is now having 7.1 kids. The median age on the continent is 18.5
In 2000, there were 'only' 800 million Africans. Today there are already 1.2 billion. They've added 400 million in less than 20 years.

Needs a plague. War won't do it, will only add greater numbers to Europe. Just have to hope a new virulent strain of an infectious disease takes off.

this is correct, but while the 1st world keeps giving them money, nothing is going to change
And I don't see the west stopping with the foreign aid anytime soon

Yep. We've created this problem through charity. And do gooders with no sense of history are making it worse.
But it has to come to a head, their must be a point soon enough when that population collapses on itself.

May the white man perish

The west created the problem of a billion africans by feeding them all. it will need to feed them forever and spend trillions to "develop" them but its really hopeless. global stagnation and decline will be the norm until a global race war happens.

but seriously, africans will die of a disease or mass famine

Nigeria alone will have more people than all of Europe. And they'll be coming for those sweet European gimmies..

>how fix?

cut off aid and strengthen borders is the only way, but I don't see that happening without a major world crisis. even then I'm sure the jews and their cohorts would still try to get their pets into every first world country because
>much plight of the africans is so much worse than yours white man

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It is very simple. An increase in healthcare. Everywhere where an increase in healthcare has happened the amount of babies being born goes towards 2.3 per family. Look up Hans Rostling

Strap yourself in for the ride. I predict an interesting time in the next 10-20 years when all this comes to a head.

man, I hope you're right. I hope the silent majority fights for themselves when the time comes and doesn't roll over out of fear.

France is giving me some hope though.

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ask them to leave really nicely

What's been happening in Paris this week makes me wonder if things are about to kick off. This protest has a different feel about it, as though normal people are waking up. Maybe we won't have to wait 20 years? Maybe shits gonna blow up before Christmas?