I got fired from my job last week and haven't bothered with unemployment or job applications. I have rent to pay and I'm doing jack shit. I feel like a huge loser. Nothing motivates me anymore. I have no skills, no money. My family is dead and I have nobody to turn to. What do I do?
I got fired from my job last week and haven't bothered with unemployment or job applications...
Whatever you want. Welcome to true freedom.
This would be true if I didn't fall for the rent meme. Now I'm going to have debt. I have some savings I never invested in, so there's that.
>the rent meme.
Caffeine pills and then adderall.
just gonna be real with you here. if you have no one to turn to to help you out, then you're facing either to push past your demotivation. or be kicked out of your house and start facing homelessness.
Take advantage of this.
"To grow old is to change, to change is to be new, to be new is to be young again."
-John Deutschendorf
>have some savings I never invested in
That means you have no savings, dumbass. You have to put money in there.
Don't give up brother. You're not a loser, everybody has tough times.
Jusy stay hydrated, and get yourself a new job.
Yes! As another user has stated...now, you truly are free! Your new life starts now OP, make it count.
The freedom is nice, I'll admit.
I haven't looked for a job since I got comfy in mine 10 years ago (32 now.) What sites do people use these days?
>My family is dead
Entire family? All siblings, cousins, daughters of grandma's young brother?
file unemployment or some job applications
you literally answered your own question lazy asshole
>muh no money but enough disposable income to see infinity war
I watched a camrip.
Yes. Cancer, diabetes, car accidents, etc.
Yeah, just dont forget to think forward and never look back.
you have one chance to do something worthwhile with your life, like assassination
Go on the road and beg for money. You have no family, you have nothing to lose. Might as well just go out and do what you want.
Think of it that way: at least you don't live in Brazil. Around here, being in your situation puts one dangerously close to death.
"and if you fuck it all up, become an alcoholic, drive your Porsche into a tree to end it, if that fails, illegally fly your plane into the ocean"
Move to mexico, I heard it's really nice there
Did you get a severance?
My nigga
Kill drug-dealing niggers and take their stuff. Sell the drugs cheap to their competition and store the cash somewhere safe.
If you do this a few times and manage to survive, you'll probably be well off. Use the money to start up your own business or some shit.
Step 1. File for unemployment
Step 2. Apply for jobs
Step 3. Obtain a job, you just need one, just one.
indeed is a good start
This OP
Kill some criminal scum
Become the serial killer killer you were meant to be.
go on a road trip
Go buy a gun, live in the woods for a few weeks and learn to shoot properly...
>make a statement
This is how people become homeless essentially. Nobody actively chooses it but that's how it goes
Your wife and children died?
You could always set your self up for adoption or get a sugar daddy
>I haven't looked for a job since I got comfy in mine 10 years ago (32 now.) What sites do people use these days?
I bet you were one of those people in 'Trad' threads who act like getting a job just involves giving a firm handshake because you got your's ten years ago. Can't wait for you to get BTFO in this shitty market
Craigshit and temp services, if you want a job bad enough you'll get one in a week or less.
retard whitey
He needs a good killer name though. Something like "Minority Retort" or "Eraser of Spades". If he was Australian I'd go for "Dindu Dundee" or something.
You have the rare opportunity to walk away from everything you have dealt with so far, however you also have the opportunity to build yourself back up to something greater. Either choice has it's benefits and drawbacks so decide which you want and follow through.
Life isn't a Hollyjew movie bud. 32 with no skills, savings, property and connections is a bad place to be. I guess OP can still make it if he doesn't get sick
Fill out those unemployment forms dipshit. You paid into the fund so time to get it back. I milked unemployment for about six months once. I can almost guess why they fired you.
The rent meme is thus, rather than buying a property and having a mortgage, gaining something for your hard earned paper money you are giving it to some greedy jew/boomer for his mortgage and pissing it away.
What'd you do for work OP?