How do you deal with being incel...

How do you deal with being incel? I was incel for almost a year after my ex-gf broke up with me and not once did I ever get the urge to attack anyone because of it.

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wow that pic
2nd and 3rd girl are literally describing their choice to isolate themselves, do they not know what the "in" part stands for?

It must be incredibly tough being a fifty year old incel like the woman in this article, these kids going around killing people really don't know the half of it.

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You had a gf. Incels are virgins. Theyve literally never had a gf and are too afraid of being turned down to try. Its a difficult situation because they are socially awkward people who deserve a girl whos just as socially awekward but theylll never make it happen because their so awkward.

You can only blame yourself if youre an incels. Incels who blame women/chad are among the most worthless human beings on the planet. Children who refuse to grow up and take responsibility for their amazing male vessel that doesnt bleed from its genitals.

No excuses.

An entire August spent without the company of your loving partner, who here could ever imagine such loneliness.

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if you dont fuck a hooker you aren't contributing to society by redistribution of money and sexual calming procedures

Incel is bullshit.. if you can't fuck on your own terms, jerk off and enjoy the fat wallet!

A middle aged widowed woman is actually a great example of an incel

Women are worth basically zero in that condition

You think being incel for a while is bad? Try doing that while trying to raise your child.

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Imagine you'd never had girlfriend, you'd been trying for ten years, and on top of that you're a spazzed up autist.

> dozens of trucks of peace
>its not the muslims
> 1 incel of peace in a truck of peace
>its the white male incels

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I just want to exist goddammit! Why must roasties bother me even when I fuck off!?

Who isn't letting you exist? This thread is about encouraging people during the times in which they are incel.

Whether you've been incel for a week, a month or even a year: we're here to try and help you feel better.

As laughable as "male incel" is, "female incel" is just non-existent.

>white guy

>I haven't had sex in about 5 years
Fuck this cunt.

i'm not incel but i can see how retarded this comparison is. these women are talking about voluntary celibacy.

I'm not incel, it's self-caused celibacy. It's not women's fault that I can't really connect with them beyond chatting about hobbie and initiating anything physical doesn't feel natural somehow.

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incels are perma virigins that never had sex to begin with


i think the implication of murderous incels is that theyre virginal too

this is mostly down to the death of tradition and the rise of nihilistic individualism. it blows my mind (but doesnt surprise me) that society at large refuses to see things this way, and instead condemns these people as "not fitting into the glorious future we all live in".

lol why are females so dumb? Do they even know what an incel is? If you had a girlfriend you were never incel from begin with.

Also, ALL woman who are are at least 3/10 or higher cannot be incels because there is an endless supply of retards who would plow them.

>'incel' = made up by a woman

the forced incel meme is simply a contradiction in terms. youre delusional m8

>white male
Does that really qualify as white now?

These women seem like the 18yo guys at hikikomori boards saying they are so lonely because a 1 week break from gf ;__;;

The pic shows how woman cant even comprehend what an incel is.

not really

>women are unintelligent
Wow, I'm so surprised.

>I bought this kitten

incel rhymes with incest

"incel", another meaningless word made up by kikes and libtards to discredit bachelors

How do you take revenge on a 9/10 girl who rejected your advances?
In 5 years she will be with a rich businessman and if I say something to her she will make her man beat me to pulp.
Is there any other way??

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>normies don't bother to spend 23 seconds looking something up--on the phone that is constantly in their hand--before vomiting their opinion about it all over social media and irl
are you surprised?

Women are truly retarded.

>I can ask a man for sex an he will agree 95% of the times
>an when I didn't have a bf I wasn't miserable at all

Geez, you don't say?


>I was incel for almost a year after my ex-gf broke up with me and not once did I ever get the urge to attack anyone because of it.

It's normal. There is some muslim --not many-- who can resist the urge to kill for their death cult known as Islam. Of course there are some outliers who don't commit hideous acts against society.


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>((Eugene Gu))

And same goes for men. I see ugly skinny dudes with gfs all the time. Its all about your mindset.

lol faggot. I get the urge to attack people all the time and I'm not even an incel.

Why are you trying to woo women who are clearly out of your league in the first place?

Are you drunk, m8?

>I was incel for almost a year
nigger please leave
longest record dude said he was without sex was 28 years, and median is probably around 10-14
your year of no sex is irrelevant

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nothing wrong with that mate
if 2/10 women can go for 9/10 dudes, it should and must work both ways

Had an incel explain to me yesterday how they don't go to prostitutes because having sex with a prostitute is not "good enough". I can see why theres no sympathy for incels from either side of the political party.

Maybe there's more to a relationship than just sex? Something that a prostitute can't provide?

Yeah, not really

But she read philosophy bro she has to be smart


fucked few hookers in my time and I concur
sex without romance is just advanced masturbation

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>because there is an endless supply of retards who would plow them.

Well, there is an endless supply of landwhales who are not rabid feminists who would gladly hook up with a rich hollywood dude like Elliot Rodger. Many (not all) "incels" are idiots who think they deserve Taylor Swift or whoever when they simply don't admit that they are not that desirable themselves.

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then they should rename themselves "involuntarily without relationship", not incel. Celibacy implies a lack of sex, not a lack of relationship. You can be celibate within a relationship.

>not being able to talk to others for months is the same as "lul I'm so randum, look at all my great hobbies xD"
Women were a mistake.

are you?

>"I was trying to create a movement that helped the queer people she'd met find happiness".

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Doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

why would somebody want to pay to fuck some std riddled whore

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And you assume they are always also partners? Many woman have orbiter losers around them, but they would never consider a partnership or have sex with them.

Even an ugly woman would not settle for guys without car or work and at least a little income, thats if the woman isnt completely disfigured.

This is probably a "manlytears invented foreveralone" situation in that she was the first person to put a face to it and say she invented it, while everyone else before that was just saying it anonymously.

Except if you listen to all these incel faggots, you'll notice that all they go on and on about is "no sex", not "no relationship". They only pull that card when you suggest any of the million possibilities to get an easy fuck.

"How do you deal with being an incel"..?

Mercifully, I'm not one. But I'd have thought vigorous masturbation would help.

But would be less confusing. Because the word incel implies you're desperate for sex. You can solve that situation by just buying hookers. If you refuse, you're not really an incel, you're a volcel. Only way the government should help incels out is to decriminalize prostitute and buying sex so they won't at least get in legal trouble when seeking for a way to vent off steam that is built up on them. Right now they have to do it illegally, very low chance to get caught but still.

Kek, the problem is that Elliot was arguaby a full 6/10 himself, reaching a full 8/10 with money. The idea that he had to settle with a landwhale proves the german user right, doesn't it?

How do you know you won't be one in the future?

Fair enough, but complaining when they reject you is silly.

I don't think they realise that being an incel is basically being entirely fucked socially to the point where you can barely speak to people let alone go out and travel.

If they are above 2/10 they will get a decent looking guy. Even the fat ones.

But if you talk about pic related, yeah, they wont get anyone as well as their male counterpart wont get anyone.

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>full 6/10 himself, reaching a full 8/10 with money.

He was a manlet, which pretty much starts you off at 7 max.

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'Sorting yourself out' is a female narrative? Since when? Hardly any women do this shit after a relationship.
Feminists are insufferable.

What they are describing is literally a Female /SIG/ or MGTOW

They are just doing a "Hurr durr now YOU'RE the terrorists" shit.

they still haven't found their 10/10 prince charming billionaire, so they are involuntarily celibate
the 48 guys they are dating/fucking on the side don't mean anything, they are just relieving some stress you misogynist piece of shit

kill youself you pathetic leftwing falseflagging moron. sage

>a woman made up a term, therefore it's real
>forced involuntary X is a contradiction in terms
Go to bed, Abdul.

They didn't name themselves.

It really depends on age.

If only Elliot had lived through his 30s he would have been buried with pussy because he was rich. Anyway, yeah, he still didn't deserve a landwhale

Have you seen the videos he recorder? He was a massive sperg and I imagine many women were genuinely creeped out, if not full on afraid of him. And rightly so it turns out.

Honestly Elliot Rodger wasn't even that bad looking AND he was rich
He was just a giant fucking sperg

So much fucking this

This is accurate. I am an unremarkable manlet dude with average body fat and a goofy face, and I still manage to land pussy that Im not ashamed to bring in public.

>aim for the ones with low self esteem
>fuck them like a goddamned animal

...they fall in love every time

The community was coined "incel" by the incels themselves. If all they wanted was relationship and love, then they fucked up from the start because the term describes them wanting sex. Its like if a group of fertilizer companies would form a community and name it "Bullshitters."

I’m a manlet (by Dutch standards) and it has never been a problem. Women don’t necessaires want men to be tall, just taller than them.

>If only Elliot had lived through his 30s he would have been buried with pussy because he was rich.

Did you read his manifesto? He's a good writer and was honest except for the insane parts where he thought he was god's gift to women. He admitted that he simply could not talk to a woman. No woman ever turned him down (unlike all the articles claiming that's what pissed him off) because he never ever asked a single girl to do anything.

Here's a childhood friend of his. He fucking failed because he was a failure mentally and physically.

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Incels always self-identify as such, so yes, they did and do.

this, a few are even so audacious they wait for a 11/10.
And even on this fictional 11/10 guy they would cheat.

These people completely forget that it's the feeling of being rejected from something great that apparently everyone is doing and being laughed at and ridiculed for it that causes the immense butthurt that eventually turns into anger.

>Women don’t necessaires want men to be tall, just taller than them.

Lots of women are cool like that, lots are not. I'm 5' 7" but I am cute enough so that women actually proposition me, but lots of women see me as a child even if I'm older than they are. Life is not fair; you and I can handle that. Elliot could not.

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No, I didn't see this stuff. Well, this lowers his score, I guess.

>I have spent the months where I chose not to jump on every dick in reach as an involuntary celibate doing yoga
Females are so fucking stupid, jesus christ

Some of you guys are alright.

Kill your parents and yourself falseflaggeing leftist bastard anyone still stupid enough to help spread this attack point needs to suizide for the benefit of the rest of the non retard world. sage

Niggers self identify as niggers.

It is extremely obvious when a new propaganda trope is initiated, as "incel" is... who initiates them? Do those continually flooding discourse with artificial and obvious tropes have no ability to grasp how obvious their activity is, and how clearly this obviousness betrays the otherwise prevalent illusion that "the alt right" even exists, let alone functions as some scary movement?

Do those producing the huge volumes is propaganda have zero sense of proportion? Or what? What's the matter propagandists? Serious question.

I see it the most on facebook. Alot of average women are looking for genuine lovers, after they've had multiple failed relationships. Like mentions, go for the ones with low self esteem and a history of being lonely and failed relationships.

>onely hearts, loveshy, late bloomer, nonblooming, perpetually single. Then it came to me; involuntary celibate.

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>No, I didn't see this stuff.

He'd go park on the coast to watch the sunset, and obsess for 20 minutes about the fact that there was a couple there. It's really sad how lonely he was, but there was no helping him due to his wrecked personality. Some of his relatives said he was weird his whole life.

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why do women wait for men to identify a type of suffering some of them experience and then claim to have been experiencing it for themselves? they truly will do anything for attention

Women cannot be incels.

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For a woman to be autistic and/or shy and introvert on an level that is social not toleratable isnt a problem. For a man its a death sentence.

You have the determination a man should have, faggot.

>Women cannot be incels.

Or if they are it's mind-boggling. Tina Fey claims that, and this is an actual quote, in high school she "couldn't give it away".

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>my ex-gf
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