Jow Forums BTFO by literal ham beast

Jow Forums BTFO by literal ham beast

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we're going to start culling the population, faggots...

why can't whores pay for their own birth control again?

This whale should abort herself by swimming in Japanese waters.

Women want zero responsibility for their actions. Plain and simple. Abandon this gay thread.

If they actually cared about womens health. They wouldn't hold funding for cancer screenings and other helpful shit for woman hostage for abortion funding.

Why do roasties love killing their children?

lol nigger you must be new Jow Forums is for abortion.
The more niggers get killed before birth the more niglets die the better.

Where the fuck you think you are?

>they would spend their money on
>free birth control
>free contraception
>spend money on
>spend money

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Birth Control is free, and Condoms are free too.

What the fuck is she on about.

>sex education
Penis in or around vagina can cause pregnancy, even if you use a condom or birth control. You can get diseases from unprotected sex. Don't want a baby or the clap? Then don't have sex. What more needs to be said?

>Anti choice people are not trying to stop abortion
Pro lifers know abortion can't be stopped, just like killing born human beings can't be stopped. They believe one of the roles of government is to keep human beings from harming killing innocent human beings, even unborn ones.

>All criminalizing abortion will do is keep people trapped in poverty for generations
Even if there was a correlation between increase access to abortion and poverty rates (I don't think this is the case), killing unborn human is a barbaric solution to poverty.

>Comprehensive sex education, free birth control, free contraception.
It's almost never specified what exactly "comprehensive sex education" entails. There's no such thing as "free" birth control/contraception. Also, Birth control and contraception are already affordable. Also, there's no solid evidence those things lower the abortion rates. Also, if abortion isn't wrong, why does it matter how many there are?

I'm not for making abortion illegal at all, but abortion should be literally the last resort. There are so many methods of birth control that can prevent pregnancy before it can ever happen.

Women need to admit this and take responsibility for themselves. If you don't want a kid, you better be trying everything to not have a kid when you fuck.

She's right. I want to be richer and more successful than you.

honestly i like it when women die trying to kill their child
i just like it when women suffer actually

I am all for free sterilization of non-white races. I would gladly send my tax money for that.

How about better sex education? Clearly people have no idea how babies are made.

They never heard of condoms?

Better sex education might do just that. Pay-up now.

the world would be full of niggers without abortion, its cuckservatives who want this not pol

>I am all for free sterilization of non-white races

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But…that's the opposite of what Jow Forums wants. Jow Forums wants free, taxpayer-funded, on-demand abortion for all Women of Color and economically disadvantaged people regardless of citizenship or color. It's only the decent white women who should be having babies.

This is why you get an IUD if you're a chick in a stable relationship and don't want kids.

>meme flag

disregarded opinion


Lol. The point isn’t to actually get better sex education. That’s what fags said they wanted in the 80’s. Now we have it. Guess fags use protection and don’t spread aids now, right? Oops. You ask for better education at the same time that you ask people to pay for your fuck up because that’s how you get people to pay for your fuck up. Simple.

goddamn son you are genuinely retarded

> mfw all these child-murdering whores are going to burn in the darkest pits of Hell

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You also get to press your 31 genders and pro-gay agenda in the schools.

What drugs are you on, we want shitskins and hambeasts to abort.

And fuck up everyone’s drinking water, thanks Stacy

and IUD is not a pill... and copper doesn't fuck up the water.

>labeling others anti-choice
okay ms. pro-death

It's not about knowing the mechanics it's about normalizing deviancy.

>Anti-gun people are not trying to stop gun violence. They are trying to legislate who can and cannot have abortions. Because liberal politicians - their wives mistresses and daughters are always going to be able to get a gun somewhere.

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Paying for your own goddamn contraceptives is oppressive, don't you know.

If these whores don't want to be poor single mothers, there's an easy solution: CLOSE YOUR FUCKING LEGS UNTIL MARRIAGE. Problem solved.

>trappedin poverty for generations

Women will just have to stop opening their legs so easily like the whores they are today, and go back to TRADITIONAL VALUES.


Or just have self control? Nah that's crazy

I don't terribly care about abortion unless it's for white babies. There is a high demand for white babies for adoption.

Please do not pollute our seas with human waste. Thank you.