UK Research Lab - Political History

In this thread we should delve into the political history of the U.K. and the operations it did in WW1 & WW2.

Please post only politically/historically relevant content.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The French Resistance: Free France During World War II

>These British secret agents came to France to commit acts of sabotage, find information on the enemy, and contact other potential resistance fighters


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hid in trenches and/or charged into direct gunfire
got their shit pushed in, "won" the war by association, and then voluntarily gave up its colonies

The labor party, democratic party, and communist party of the big three all follow the same ideas.

Stop posting your bizarre conspiracy theories.

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What about their secret communications between the US and Churchill?

And how they propped up the Nazis?
And how the created their Israeli vassal state?

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We setup operation anthropoid.

seems to me OP is trying to get Jow Forums to do his homework
but if it's a good thread fuck it

Stop kvetching about it you eternal anglo.
I didn't know that Political History is now apparently a code name for (((conspiracies))).
Do try not to glow so much Mr. Polonium.

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desu many threads are shit here and I'm actively doing research right now and wanted to research it with frens to help with make mental connections.

And all the U.K. posters really don't like this for some reason

the whole of the second ww was a pscyhop to get rid of a huge proportion of the population, It was ultimately designed to pit nation against nation and was used as population control, the overarching principle was to consolidate power and do it all over again ,as is now happening.
Note that no jews were used in our armys as they never fight,we do the fighting and the dying, they take over

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Israel was just a honeypot set up by the U.K. Global Gov

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we invented everything, only to have the thieving gypsy yankees steal it all

Not helpful

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So explain who the globalist are?


>[Globalist Roles]
Globalists/Globalist Groups don't all do the same things in the Globalist Community. Which is why its important to Identify & Categorize the Roles they do so you can map out the Globalist Community.

Here are some of the main Roles:

1) [Finance/Economics]

2) [Business/Industry]

3) [War/Destabilization/Security]

4) [Media/Entertainment]

5) [Medical/Science/Technology]

Beyond the "mainstream names"(Rockefeller,Rothschild,Soros) there are Individuals & Groups that specialize in Roles. While others do multiple different Roles at the same time & some fill Roles in Globalist Structures.

>[Globalist Structures]
To understand the Globalist Community/Power Structures better, it's important to figure out & understand the organizational Structures they use so you can identify which Group is using/doing what & why.

The organizational Structures of Globalist groups tend to usually/commonly fall into these category's:

1) [Business/Corporate]

2) [Military]

3) [Cult/Religious]

4) [Secret Society]

5) [Traditional/Cultural]

Variants(such as Regional) & Mixes of these organizational Structures exist. Compartmentalization of various degrees is also present in & around these Structures.

>[Globalist Endgames]
This is the Globalist Endgame plan:

1) [Destruction of Family, Race, Sex, Sanity, Culture/History, Reproduction,etc]

(This is already pro-actively being done by various methods & groups to dehumanize Humanity by making it a bunch of drones that have, create & are Nothing.)

2) [Ending of Religion & Physical Currency]

(All Religions are ended inorder to establish/create a World Religion of Technology to push & pave the way for Trans-humanism. Physical Currency's are phased out in favor of Digital Currency to make it so Humanity can never "hold" its value/worth.)

3) [Trans-Humanism]

(Merging of Man & Machine is very important to the Globalist Endgame plans.Trans-humanism(AI/Robots/Cyborgs/Artificial Wombs/Bio-Mechanical) allows Globalists to live on, create Army's & control the direction/fate of Humanity. HR Giger was killed due to what he showed.)

4) [Global Government & Elimination of Humanity]

(Global Government is established & the planet is divided into "zones" that Globalists control(Agenda 21 & 24 are part of this). Humanity's numbers(this also includes Non-vital/important Globalists & Globalist personnel) are then reduced from few to 0 due to Bioweapons & Robots/AI/Cyborgs/Bio-Mechanical.)

5) ["Battle/War of the Gods"]

(Globalists engage in massive conflict/battle with Army's & Weapons to see who deserves to "ascend". After the "deserving ones" are figured out and get to the Crafts/Ships, the Earth is then purged of any & all remaining life that the conflict/battle didn't wipe out.)

6) ["Ascension to the Stars"]

(Surviving Globalists use special Craft/Ships to leave the Earth and go into Space, some of the Crafts/Ships have Seed & Genetic Vaults)

>[Globalist Regions]
This is going to go over all Regions the globalists operate in and/or originate from(depending on the group).

1) North America (US/Can/Mex have relations, however US is the Primary & Can is connected to the European ones & Mexico the South American ones)

2) Europe(UK/Mainland Europe/Russia have relations, however Mainland Europe is the Primary that has battled for control of Europe with the UK(which is a secondary Primary) over the years. Russia tends to either be working with Mainland Europe or doing its own thing.(This naturally as varied over the years with the WW's,Conflicts, etc))

Turkey is between Europe & the Middle East, which makes it a powerful location.

3) Middle East(SA/Israel/Misc Arabic have relations. SA & Israel are Primary's that tend to fight over regional influence/direction. Misc Arabic consists of all other Muslim Countries in the Middle East for a wide variety of things & with many different connections)

4) Africa (North Africa/South Africa/Misc Africa have relations. North Africa(From Morocco to Libya/Egypt) would be considered the Primary due to the connections to Europe & Middle East. South Africa is the second Primary. Misc Africa has been cutting resource deals for years to all Regions, and just recently some big ones for Asia/China.)

5) Asia (China/SK/Japan/Misc Asian have relations. China is the Primary, SK & Japan have connections to the North America ones & the Misc Asian have connections to SK/Japan & China)

India is also a place that is rising in power & will soon be battling with China in relation to Regional influence. Australia(which is connected to the UK) also factors into Asia.

6) South America (Brazil/Panama/Misc South have relations. Brazil is the Primary, Panama(due to the Canal) is a second Primary. Misc South exists, but is in a total mess)

>[Globalist Symbols]
For many different reasons Globalists and other groups use Symbols/Symbolism. The purpose & interpretation of them can vary, so can what is used for/as the Symbols.

Here are some of the reasons why they use/do it:

1) [Communication]

(To the group itself, other groups & the portions of the public that are Aware/"in the know". This is also used in MSM/Media/Entertainment/Pop Culture & even in some Events)

2) [Territory]

(Current or former groups marking where they are/were and/or where they operate(d) out of.)

3) [Subliminal Messaging/Mind Control]

(Used as Psy-Op's against other groups, Indoctrination/Control of its Members & Brainwashing/Control of the Public)

4) ["Magic"]

(It's existed for a long before "Meme Magic" was figured out. The "Illuminati Card Game" is a example of this)

>[Globalist Unions] for the world
This is talking about all "Unions" that exist or are planned for the Global Chessboard.(Not what will create some of them, that is for a different thread):

1) [NAU(North American Union)]

(North America)

2) [SAU(South American Union)]

(South America)

3) [MEU(Middle East Union)]

(Middle East)

4) EU(European Union)]

(Europe & eventually Western Russia(since it would be split in half,with the other part going to the ASU))

5) [ASU(Asian Union)]

(Asia including Australia/New Zealand. Eastern Russia(since it would be split in half, with the other part going to the EU) would be part of it))

6) [AFU(African Union)]


7) [AU(American Union)]

(North & South America)

8) [EAAU(Euro-Afri-Asia Union)]

(Europe,African & Asia)

9) [GU(Global Union)]

(Every single Continent. Total World Government)

That's kind of what I was talking about, not sure if this
Helps to explain what I was saying/asking.

>[Domino Destabilization]
Domino Destabilization is a Regional Destabilization tactic where multiple country's are destabilized to cause/create large movements of people & reshape the Regions. Cities in country's are also used like charges in controlled demolitions to bring down Country's.

Some examples of Domino Destabilization are:

1) [Middle East destabilization to flood Europe.]

["Arab Spring"-> Egypt -> Libya/North Africa -> Syria -> Turkey]

Europe(primarily Western Europe) is being pincered. African Migrants from the Sea(From Libya/North Africa) & Islamic "Refugees" from the Land(From Syria/Middle East/Turkey).

In true "Order from/by Chaos" fashion, this was done to create enough of a Crisis that the EU could justify making, using & deploying the EU Army(To stop country's from leaving/resisting the EU & to make the EU last longer).

2) [South America destabilization to flood North America.]

Just like what is/was going on in the Middle East, a very similar operation is going on in South America to create a Crisis equal if not bigger then what Europe is experiencing.

Mexico would turn into a "Syria", US would implode & Canada would fall.

The "Order from/by Chaos" out of this, is the formation of the NAU(North American Union) & SAU(South American Union).


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No discussions?

yes it makes sense, but i think its only since moa that china has come under full control, i know about trudeau and his familys involvement in setting up in Asia (singapore) and all that was done there via the East India Company

>pic related

search the history of the male in that grave marker and you ll find it,

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were doing a parallel thing , have to ask what next

Thanks user!

I know CIA was involved in putting Mao in power and propping him up (and currently works with China/NoKo today.

I'll look into that grave user thanks!

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They are related to Brritish nobility and ultlimate;y to saxo coburg and th bohemian illuminati ,Germa, masons funded and propogandized the French revolution (they already had control of London at this point)

read this book from 1798

unforetunately the word conspiracy hs been made byword for lunacy ,but read this

typing in the dark,sorry

The CIA were also the ones who helped to communize China in the first place. It was during the McArthur hearings if I recall correctly.

user have to go sleep,find you later post the last card on a new thread ill find you soon

The secret communications are always ignored on Jow Forums. I've brought it up time and again, but there are a lot of burgers determined to pin all of it on the bong.

resd library of political secrets 4 chinese communism and chinese jews, free pdf online

Aslo corroborated in a banned book called 200 years together ,also free online, solzentsin

Okay I will.
G'night user.

Thanks I'll add this to my library.
And yes the word has been subverted.

This, communism is just a meme system of control. The fact that communists don't understand this boggle the mind.

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read general Pattons diarys

talk to you later, goodnight

I'll look this up as well.
I know that name.

Good point that would be interesting to read, he got offed for a reason.

Yeah I've noticed others not bring up much history on this Jow Forums. Many people here refuse to assert the reality that in WW2 Germany was anti-communism not anti-Jew. But the U.K. gov and others subverted history and turned it onto "oy vey annudah shoah" and use the Jew as a hammer & honeypot trap to beat people into submission

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The UK and Polish IC also had some interesting connections in WWII. Polish IC was partly responsible for pushing the Holocaust meme.

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gdnight guys

Posting these memes of the Jewish Conspiracy.
It makes a lot of sense but it disarms them of using the Jews as a shield/weapon against people.
It also takes the Jews off of a pedestal too.

Checked, Interesting to know.
It's amazing how the censorship is used against people when the holocaust is brought up.
Because the Nazis didn't murder off 6 million Jews (experiments were done, but this isn't any different than any other government even today right now!).

Hitler got framed.
What is interesting is how much the SS worked with the Muslims and the Muslim Brotherhood.

And then the scientists transferring to the U.S. there really was a big number done on our history. It's hard to even talk to other anons about it because they get Jew tunnel vision and ignore everything else that happened.

Night user

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I was posting these earlier and it popped up that I was rangebanned 3 times.

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>80-100 nukes
Fucking kek
More like 2K plus

Also archived version

Interesting and reading now.
It would be nice to map out the money from Rothschild financing that Israeli setup and the anglos that helped build it to see who engineered the honeypot (and look at the connections between polish IC)


Did you find actual evidence that people in the protests are British special forces? That would help.

This legitimately makes no sense.


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its an image with no source. The connections made are very loose and often illogical.

In what way did the brits help the germans against the french? and why would they do this?

What evidence do you have that brit sf are stirring up riots in other countries?

France being conquered by Germany weakened them greatly after the war. Not hard to figure out. British globalists also financed Hitler.

You seem unnerved.
Don't you know everything on the internet is true Nigel?

He doesn't want actual sources or explanations he's just here to distract and throw doubt kek.

Might as well use the chance to educate other people.

Very true, Good point.
It probably turns some people away if I reply to trolls with more trolls too; especially if they don't perceive the other poster as a troll.

source needed.

Source needed.

This is q-tier boomer posting

I do want actual sources and I am not here to slide. I see a bunch of images with unsourced speculation and want to want to know where this comes from.

Sorry Reddit I didn't know you just believed everything without checking it yourself.
I guess I should start including Wikipedia citations for you

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France went along with British interests pre war, why would it let it be destroyed when Germany was a bigger threat? and you didn't answer how they did this.

Some 'reserch lab' if you do not actually post any reaserch. You are trying to argue a case so provide your evidence.

Is your idea of a troll someone who doesn't instantly share your world view?

UK IC sabotaged France. Britain had people financing both sides, it's a common globalist tactic. The UK knew they could destroy both France and Germany during the war. Think of it more like the UK didn't want France ever becoming a problem for them in the future, even if they weren't necessarily a problem for them at the time. They did the same thing with the Middle East by establishing Israel there.

Macron is also supported by UK interests btw.

I am not sure what the relevance of the Libiya article is. I am laready very aware of the UK's competance at SF/int stuff.

Macron may be supported by interests in the UK but he himself has been one of the biggest blocks in the brexit negotiations. He is also an ex banker and many of the banks in the city are not actually british. Could this not be more of a case of bankers helping bankers without regard for the national element?

That article was to show you how UK special forces could be infiltrating/behind the protests happening in France and in other countries in Europe.

Remember exactly whom it is that Macron was connected to. It was the Rothschilds, and they are heavily connected to the UK. Macron was put in to eventually fall. He was always meant to fail.

He was backed and supported by Soros & Rothschild.
What is taking place right now looks to be a Yellow (colour) Revolution.

Why would it use SF to do that? there would be far cheaper and more efficent ways of acheiving the same thing.

A first world western society is a much different sort of place for a bunch of Geordies and Jocks to infiltrate without being seen as foreign.

Also could does not mean that they have. Is there any evidence to suggest that this has actually happened?

Are you not aware of how often IC's and Special Forces have infiltrated protest movements? It's an established IC tactic that's kept under wraps. You could simply look it up and you'll find articles on it. It's not particularly clandestine information.

You have to understand that powerful people will hide information so that it can never be "officially" proven. That's how people with power operate. You have to question authority if you're going to peel away the curtain of lies before you.


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You're treading a dark path here, old chum.
I strongly advise you to cease this line of investigation before you stumble upon something that you oughtn't to.

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Why is there a chain on that Unicorn?

Better yet why is the chain's collar a crown?

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Dear Mr. U.nited K.aliphate.
These claims were memed by me but didn't originate from me. Take it up with the original source.

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The United States is the world’s foremost anti white power. For it is the American system (in arming and abetting jihadists to destabilize regimes it seeks to control) that has made Islam such a world threat, and it is the American system (in the blight of its leveling commercialism and the poisonous vapors of its human rights ideology) that poses the greatest, most profound threat to European existence.
America has always had an ambivalent relationship to Europe — being both an offshoot of European Christian civilization and a Puritan (in effect, Bolshevik) opponent of it. Since the end of the last world war — when it formally threw off the Christian moral foundations of the last thousand years of European civilization by morally sanctioning ‘the destruction of residential areas and the mass killing of civilians as a routine method of warfare’ — a new countercivilization, an empire of liberty and chaos, has come to rule the world (even if during the 45 years of the Cold War the U.S. encouraged the illusion that it was a bastion of Western values and Christianity).
Not just the devastated Germans and Italians, but all postwar Europeans were subsequently integrated into the predatory empire of this counter-civilization — and subjected to its transvaluation of values (consumerism, permissiveness, abortion, the elimination of sex differences, the death of God, the end of art, anti-racism, and the ‘newspeak’ whose inversions hold that ‘war is peace’, ‘dictatorship is democracy’, ‘ignorance is culture’, etc.). European elites have since become not just a comprador bourgeoisie, but home-grown exemplars of the moral and cultural void (the Thanatos principle) animating the American system. It is, arguably, this system and its poisons that have made Europeans indifferent to their survival as a people and accounts for the increasing dysfunctionality of their established institutions.

No one is more self hating then sweden

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>No one is more self hating then sweden

Just look at the state of your universities before commenting shit about european countries. Your anti-british triade makes no sense. Most of europe's anti white problem is thanks to your country and France.

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Is everything a hammer to you Sven?

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OP is balming Britain for what america has done to the world

These are wrong and fucking retarded.


Many of these things were done by Britain though

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These interpretations are hilarious. where are you getting these?

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