If you were to be reborn, what race/sex combination would you rather be reborn as?

If you were to be reborn, what race/sex combination would you rather be reborn as?

If it's a white male, that proves that white men are the most privileged group on Earth.

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Is the US media is blacking out all news of civil unrest in the EU to stop Americans from joining?

Chinese girl

No race has privilege and the fact you think that is actually Infact racist

i dont need to be a white man i mean look at me im a goblino le 56% and im totally "white. but i would love to be a nordic white blue eyed man though because like all my fellow Americans i am clearly inferior.

pic related

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looks like a boxer who has lived one a hell of career.

What are you exactly user?

>not wanting to be born genetically inferior
>feel bad about it

If its not your current race you should kys you race cuck

White male. Not because I think they're privileged but because they are objectively superior. History can back me up on that claim

bulb head master race pls

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i would want to be a Japanese punk from the 90s

That's not how it works

>>Sees flag
You can dream bud



A white woman. Literally THE MOST privileged demographic in the history of humanity.

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What would you do with that power?

Have legitimate white babies and raise them to live redpilled, practical lives.

hail hortler

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No, it proves what race is superior

What would you choose

Would it prove they are the most privileged or the most superior?

Good looking white woman, because it would be nice to go through life without working and having everything handed to me.

Why the fuck would I want to be reborn on this shit planet?
Put me in some anime world where shitskins don't exist and I have a loving, caring, loyal big tiddy anime gf and I'll be happy.

Pol poisons AI before the mythical regime. A territory situates AI. Pol attacks AI with a cobbler. AI hesitates around the shut gender. The crack syndicates the recovered pedestrian.

Why cant I want to be a white make because I prefer being able to trust my own judgement?

White woman. People vote with their feet, and right now the ratio of MTF and FTM sexual reassignment is skewed heavily towards male-to-female. Despite all the propaganda being circulated regarding male privilege and the glass ceiling, deep in our bones we can feel that women have it better than men. This will continue to be true until FTM sexual reassignment becomes more prevalent than MTF.

Also, I would specifically choose to be a white woman because niggers and spics fucking disgust me.

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god i wish i was a latino femboy

What if I said white female

White Female get anything I want handed to me with parents who are most likely rich boomers and guys who are thirsty throwing money at me and never have to work a day in my life and be able to cum multiple times

i took birth as a white because whites are so primitive that they need someone who looks like them to be able to follow them. probably why you got duped by jews and were their merc army for 1400+years.

if i didn't have to save you morons, i'd pick the race that gave me the best life and best chance to teach my knowledge, and that sure as shit isn't white.

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I guess I would stay a male, since I don't know what it's like to be a woman, but I think I would prefer to be Asian this time around. All of these white thots and soibois make me sick.

I'd be a west coast big dick pavement ape, having a lill dick sucks yo

It's pretty great, desu. I would rather be white though.

half Japanese, half Caucasian girl


Would not want to be reborn in this satanic dimension.

>sick of "söybois"
>wants to be asian
Made me donthe big thunk

A Jewish woman, unironically.

a mutt


I would rather be beta in a 'I love my my waifu' way than 'I am sorry for my white privilege' way.

Well I know that from the flag but exactly what kind?

I would become a little girl and then be as cute as possible.

A Latina woman. Big booty and boons and will attract all the white men. My womb would carry many white babies

>If you were to be reborn
My biggest nightmare, right there. Once is plenty for me here.

I don't even care about myself, could be a bit taller I guess. But I'd rather my brothers ruturn.

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