>output is growing so fast that drillers are trying to give it away for free.
>When they can’t, they just burn it off into the atmosphere.

>n some instances, producers have actually sold some gas at negative prices. That means that a company is paying someone else to take the gas off of their hands. On Tuesday, the lowest price recorded was -25 cents/MMBtu (to be clear, that is negative 25 cents), according to Natural Gas Intelligence (NGI). It was the second consecutive day that prices were in negative territory.

>Surging U.S. oil production in the Permian basin has helped crash oil prices.
>But the Permian is also home to skyrocketing natural gas production, and output is growing so fast that drillers are trying to give it away for free.
>When they can’t, they just burn it off into the atmosphere.

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off kike


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I actually work in Midland and Odessa, TX for the Permian Basin region.

Natural Gas has been at super low levels now for well over a decade. Literally a non story. This is just bullshit propaganda because the kikes dont like seeing working class Cinservative whites making six figure incomes for their hard work.

Yes price of oil is lower than it was in the early 2010's but technology has also way advanced itself so it is cheaper to extract from the ground, so its a win win for everybody really. Were also exporters of oil now. Only losers here are Saudi sandniggers.

They've been burning that gas since 2012. Natgas prices have been below the floor since the shale boom started, and will continue to be low for the foreseeable future. Fantastic for US industry.

Attached: 3.4-Petroleum-Inputs-Updated.jpg (1155x1800, 316K)

What do you do?

It's a massive waste, sadly

Uh, no. Not really.

Are we really putting out that much more oil now?

You have no idea

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Two years ago

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What would SA look like if they didnt manually hold back their production?

Attached: 2.1-Average-Well-Production-in-US-Shale-Plays-1024x585.jpg (1024x585, 80K)

Wireline perforations.

Not as much as us. Not by a long shot.

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2011 tech

Good for you. Tried to get a corporate job in o&g, but no dice so far. Figured since I paid for a college degree I might as well use it.

Attached: 2.3-Advanced-Horizontal-Drilling-2011-Updated.jpg (1535x1800, 166K)

And 5 years later

Attached: 2.5-Multilateral-Drilling-Mid-2016-Updated.jpg (1535x1800, 166K)


If it was a bubble it would have popped when the price collapsed.

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the oil kikes need to keep production up to get their end of year bonuses

Go to bed grandpa, your understanding of oil markets is about a decade out of date. Supermajors don't play in the shale fields.


Rational system.

Pick one and only one.

Oh look a faggot.

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That's pretty much an everyday occurrence there.

What, hi user, based odessian here.

here be a fag of great proportion.

just ignore him, the adults are talking

fuck yes, this is pure fucking doom.

my man how the FUCK do i get back in the business? got laid off this time last year and have been working semiconductors ever since. i got a BSEE and experience in project engineering amd i just cant get those suckers to bite

>if it was a bubble if would have followed the market and not behaved like a bubble
0.5 gallons were added to your shale account

why save it?

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I don't think you know what a bubble is friend

So build a system that produces value out of nat gas or reduces operating costs.

It's not valuable enough to ship.

It's like saying that discarding all the dirt and rock you drill through to get to gold is a problem.

Just because other countries have to make geopolitical decisions over a resource we burn away doesn't mean anything.

It isn't valuable enough to collect and ship, so whats the alternative?

Burn it to make electricity?

That's because natural gas is a byproduct of drilling for oil. And the US continues to increase oil production. Great news for us as it keeps our heating bill down during the winter. Also a good reason to invest in a natural gas powered generator.

I was thinking of getting an LNG truck. There are only a few stations that sell it locally and the range is poor.

It would look like an overthrown monarchy and probably an isis stronghold. They tried to flood the market in 2014 to put some heat on the US producers and make some go belly up. All that really happened was the US producers cut some fat out of there operation and were stronger in the end. The sand niggers operated at a net loss for their oil and gas operations and then multiplied the loss with subsidies to its citizens so they dont cause problems. A US operator only has to break even to survive technically. Saudi Arabia BTFO

We already do that. A lot. Problem is we make more of it than we can use for electricity.

>meanwhile european civilization degenerates in fuel wars between the elite order and the dumb niggers who gave them authority

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and i thought canadas gas was expensive. jesus fucking christ

Jow Forums is literally retarded

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That requires a hefty upfront investment into onsite power generation which will likely never break even(also this is already done, and more nat gas than the power demand of any given rig is produced.). You'd need to dump it back into the grid to actually make it valuable, which means you need the equipment to do that, as well as storage, personnel to manage it, etc etc.

Seems like a great idea until you factor the massive expenses associated.

The funniest part is natgas burns an assload cleaner than coal, and our natgas buildout has us at a 50 year low for carbon emissions, while germany/the EU continues using coal to meet their energy needs and is nowhere near their paris accord targets

forgot my image

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My man drop some contact. Want to export bit need a contact. U need a paid gig senpai?

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why aren't we piping all the extra gas down to Mexico?
we could make money as well as get them dependent on our gas, like Russia does to Europe

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We are. Mexico doesn't have rolling blackouts anymore thanks to us.

I live near one of these places and when they burn its loud and you can feel it like a low frequency rumble

nice sounds pretty hellish

Power plants, my nibba.

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They’ve been doing this with oil for years. At one point the producers were literally paying people to take it.





you wanna build another one? go ahead

Turbine Mechanic....
Basically a retard that understand the metric system but user is right. Wages have gotten higher and so has working hours. We are making A LOT of money now. Also to be added, major players like Japan and Germany took a huge slice from Sandnigger. At least in the processing part.

Why don't they just stop drilling it if it's not selling?

It's a by product. It's like the dirt you get when you dig for gold.

fuck nigga just replaced my hot water tank and bought an electric one.

Based US

>You'd need to dump it back into the grid to actually make it valuable

Never dump dirty energy back in the grid. That's why Wind and most alternative energy is a meme. But most of the issue is infrastrucure not the plant capabilities. US grid system is 100% dog shit. Our plants are extremely up to date and efficent.

Siemens, GE and Mitsubishi are releasing new turbine every year. And Every year during outages we have to make modification or build a new turbine from the ground up. For example this plant in Flordia. We were told it would cost them 90 million dollar to stay shut down and pay us for 45 days. Now what they make in return during peak season, talking about billions and billions. They get tax incentives for these outages.

Why dont they give us gas for free for a few months instead of burning it off like the jewish faggots they are.

pipelines aren't big enough to transport/store it

>lowest price recorded was -25

And people say free enegery isn't a thing.

Because people don't understand the process its called flaring. It's to burn off dirty energy and help maintain pressure throughout the facilities. Its a safety mechanism.

Natural gas with a blue flame. The burn-off flare at a refinery is orange-yellow because it's full of sulfur compounds that are waste products. It's not worth recovering and cheaper to just burn them off and pay the carbon tax.


You think gas, nuclear, and coal plants run themselves?

Wind and solar farm are perputal?

Hydro self managing?

Fucking idiot

>get paid 25 meme dollarydoos to take 150,000 BTU
>not free energy.


Natural gas is actually going up in price due to cold winter + low storage levels. They are burning it off LOCALLY because in that locality they are desperate to produce the oil from the wells, which they can't do without producing the gas as well. Only, there isn't near enough pipeline capacity to take the gas so they would have to pay money to get companies to take it.

Building pipelines at the moment to do just that.

It was a yolk.

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>Expect people operate and maintain municipals for a "thank you"

>tfw you're the guy who works on flare meters

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Aren't those targets set for 2030?

Current targets are for 2020. They're supposed to get stricter each time they reach a target year, but that's not going to happen.

Attached: Paris_agreement_emission_reduction_targets.png (600x500, 21K)

>charge for "processing and delivery"
get the product for free, get paid to resell

it's so easy i might start doing it

Huh, seems like we're kind of screwed if the recent IPCC report is to believed and we have 12 years to make massive changes.

methane is the wave of the future. we've got so much methane it's ridiculous. hell, i've got a stockpile in my room right now.

Natural gas is a byproduct of refining oil. If they can't sell it, they have to burn it off.

Here niggers:

1. Don't listen to reports from international bodies, every. They're all nonsense.
2. We're not screwed. Yeah, it might get a little hotter and yeah the ocean might rise a bit. So what? The dutch carved a nation our of the ocean a thousand years ago with rocks and mud. We have steel, cement, and Caterpillars. It's infinitely more economical to just resand some beaches or build a storm wall around manhattan than to put a total halt to pretty much all industrial activity. Even if we did, the Chinese and the Indians sure as hell wouldn't.

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pls sell gas

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>Don't listen to reports from international bodies, every. They're all nonsense.
I'm not disputing that they often are nonsense, but how are we to know what the reality is when it comes to this topic?

We aren't, and it doesn't really matter either way.

How does it not matter? It's not like the effects are uniform if the reports are accurate.

I work in Coal and believe it or not we are still booming. We were almost Dead because of King Niggers “Clean Power Plan”. They were laying people off like crazy. As soon as Trump won we started booming and haven’t start. We build coal mining machines and no one would invest in coal because of the Clean Power Plan. Leftist hate coal because it’s mostly an entirely White Industry.

Because what the shit are you or anyone else going to do about it?

Carbon emissions are not a function of legislation, they're a function of necessity. Europe is going to burn as much coal as they need, and so are we. So is China, and so is India. It doesn't matter what politicians write on pieces of paper. There is no great brotherhood of nations, and cooperation between nation states is impossible. The best we can do is prepare our own countries for the effects. Because again, even if the US and Europe go back to pre-industrial civilization, China, India, and Africa are not going to follow.

Here's a chart of the trend in estimated impact of climate change in different official reports. It's not as bad as they say. And even if it was, it's politically impossible to fix, because fucking no one is going to vote to go back to candles and horse drawn carriages. So start building some god damned sea walls.

Attached: 14.1-Published-Measurements-Climate-Sensitivity-Updated-1024x1006.jpg (1024x1006, 108K)

Because Germany isn't going to reactivate its' nuclear plants and shut down its coal plants. And France is planning down its carbon free electrical generation for hydrocarbon generation. China and India don't care. Climate change is just a chip among many used for bargaining for political reasons.

Dude. Just apply to be an MWD on any rig. Find someone and give them your resume. Go work at McDonalds in Pecos for like a week and you will eventually have a job. They are looking for warm bodies. I got 3 offers from coworkers and I've only started for 6 months as a mudlogger. You just have to be a smart and organized person. 300-400 a day starting pay.

The gwahar basin is largest in the world. They are holding back. They can also produce cheaper in Saudi Arabia. It's the easiest to drill. That's good for them because they suck at fracking.

It blows my mind that we can put 4 miles of pipe down in an L shape. The pipe isn't even that straight. It's all corkscrewed in that general direction because it's essentially shoe string at that scale. So many subtle and ingenious pieces of technology implemented.

Yeah they can produce cheaper, but the last time they tried to flood the market the US just expanded production even further and brought break even prices down. They've got a lot. But they don't have the business environment we have. They can hold back all they want, it doesn't matter, because we beat them at their own game. They're not the big dog anymore, we are.

This. I have a loan to pay off, gold to buy, and need at least 10000 more rounds of ammunition.

This is the time to stock up for the next crash. Get out and make some money now. Because it might be rough in a few years. Oil companies are paying big. I just bought land, a truck, and RV with an entry level job out in West texas.

what job

Oil master here (with a degree from Zeihan's youtube channel): this is literally Saudi Arabia's fault for not increasing OPEC output to lower oil prices. Trump cannot be stopped!

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What do you do for a living? I swear it's the same person that posts these in every oil thread.

>Because what the shit are you or anyone else going to do about it?
Nothing. I'm talking about things like moving to a less effected area and securing my own food supply in the case that things get bad.
IF it's all true, nobody is going to do much of anything to stop it anyways.

You're right, but I was talking about it mattering on the individual level. If it's true and you live in an area that's going to suffer, you'd be wise to consider moving.