>tfw precalc is hard
fuck how am I supposed to remember everything for my final?
retard general
Tfw precalc is hard
What's there to remember?
what sort of normie thinks precalc is hard...
its all just triangles...
come back to /sci/ when you've finished at least calc
it's not about remembering
it's about understanding
no, it's about memorizing and plugging and chigging
What is a good text book for precalculus? I stopped doing math after high school almost a decade ago and want to pick it back up again.
even math majors at my university claim precalculus is bullshit because there's too much to memorize
I don't get it. How can white students comprise only 15.3 percent?
There´s your answer.
are you talking about the trig stuff?
I'm also interested in this. I'm a 30 year old brainlet who wants to pick up math again so I can improve my job situation but I could never get a good teacher or book to help build pre-calc basics in a followable way.
Remember fundamental concepts so that you can derive everything else without memorizing everything
Just complete khanacademy ,it will teach you from scratch
Guess who won't finish college
Pro tip, the fact that people choose a particular major, doesn't make them automatically less brainlets.
precalculus is probably the easiest math class any uni could offer
t. math major
I'm in a similar boat OP. Not sure how this relates to calculus at all in my case. Except it's piss easy for me
To be fair, college level pre calc is harder than college level Calc I.
Calc I you really just need to remember the chain rule, the product rule and 3-4 integration rules.
Pre-calc has much much more shit you need to learn
if you seriously believe this then there is absolutely no hope for you.
No. A good calc 1 course has the squeeze theorem, the intermediate value theorem, intro to numerical methods (Newton/Euler), the fundamental theorem of calculus, Riemann sums, induction, and a bunch of other shit that is harder than anything in pre-calc. The various differentiation and integration rules are the equivalent to various algebraic rules and functions that you encounter in pre-calc, but calc 1 is where actual understanding starts to happen (at least in a good calc 1 course).
>its all just triangles...
What kind of precalc have you taken? Precalc is a mishmash of all kinds of all kinds of random bullshit that they couldn't fit into Algebra 2. It's not just trigonometry.
Meant to quote
e^ln(x) = ln(e^x) = x
x^2 + p/2 * x + q = 0 -> x = -p ± √(p^2-q)
I remember when Math had numbers
>be me
>don't even learn maths past trig
>still make upper tier engineer money
Math is gay.