Also how did Kraut get onto IMDB?
Also how did Kraut get onto IMDB?
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The (((skeptic))) community has got to go. Theyve become a liability at this point.
tommy robinson, katie hopkins and paul joseph watson constantly make factually incorrect claims and it undoes all their work and discredits genuine considers. there's people being held to higher standard which can be unfair when only applied to one side but there's also a carelessness that brings on their own downfall.
Fuck off Kraut, you're not welcome here.
I thought this mongoloid shoad himself last year
Damn I was happy knowing this faglord 404'd himself off youtube
kraut hiding his german flag behind a meme flag. you should've just stayed off the internet when you rage quit the first time.
I hope a sand monkey rapes this faggot for doxxing braving ruin
I'm not Kraut, he doesn't know how to use Jow Forums.
I'm more interested on how he got credits up on IMDB
Fucking kraut